Part Twelve: The Walking Dead

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If my characters were in The Walking Dead universe—

(I've only seen up to midway through season 8 but I'm planning on watching the series again.)

Warning: some parts may be graphic.

Was in her teens when the world went to shit. So she was out of her birth parents' house when everything went to hell.
Got taken in by Rotgut & Traga after she took out a bunch of walkers that were cornering her.
The three of them made their way to Rick's group when they got to the prison.
Alycia probably befriended Daryl in a heartbeat.
She prefers using melee weapons because they're quieter than guns. Although she probably learned how to use a crossbow thanks to Daryl.
Definitely met Alexandria in Alexandria.
Isn't afraid of the walkers but doesn't want to be by herself in case she encounters them in large numbers.

Was still with her husband at the time the apocalypse started.
The two of them ended up joining the Governor's community.
It was at this time that Karen & her husband were having issues.
So, when they were on a supply run, Karen killed her husband by shooting him in the leg and running when the walkers came for him. Her last words to him were "this is why you don't cheat."
She ended up going on her own for a while, and she wound up joining Negan's group.
Probably wants to be one of Negan's wives, but she doesn't share well, so she kept her feelings hidden.
By the time the drama with Rick's group rolls around, she's low key simping for Negan but doesn't want to show it.
All in all, Karen just wants to be loved again in the apocalypse.

She was young when the apocalypse happened, around 12 or 13.
Her parents kept her hidden whenever they were going on supply runs, in case anything went wrong.
When she was 15, she met another girl from another group and began seeing her in secret. Her parents found out and immediately kicked her out.
Circumstance led Malachite to the Kingdom, and meeting Ezekiel. She was welcomed with open arms.
Her time with the Kingdom led her to meeting both Rick and his group, and Negan and the Saviors.
Shockingly, she's very close with Shiva, the tiger companion of Ezekiel.
Obviously she's very close with Ezekiel, and sees him as a father figure.
Ends up finally learning how to fight once she's with a legit group. Her weapon of choice ends up being a silencer pistol.

Was a soldier who tried to contain the walkers, and she ended up fleeing when everything went to shit.
She found herself going back to Zanise, and together the two fled and wound up finding more survivors (including the Dixon brothers, Dale, Andrea, Carol and her family, and others.)
When Rick arrived, Kristan was suspicious, but she ended up learning to trust him thanks to Zanise.
Ends up becoming one of the best in Rick's group when they all follow him.
Becomes really close with Carl and becomes like a second mother to him.
Is the one who tells Maggie to give Glenn a chance.
At the time Negan shows up, her and Zanise were probably in Alexandria when the group was taken hostage.
Kristan is confused as hell when Negan shows up but she swears to keep Zanise safe from him.
All in all, Kristan retains her soldier-like qualities throughout the show.

Was barely a teenager when the apocalypse hit.
She found herself trying to protect her younger sister whilst still taking out the undead.
Ultimately found Rick and his group and was taken in.
Grew very close with Maggie and Beth.
Her weapons of choice are a machete and a shotgun.
Is one of the best search and assist members of the group.
Still protecting her sister from the apocalypse of course.
By the time the arc with Negan happens, she's a full blown leader.
Swears to protect her sister from Negan at all costs.
Deeply saddened by Glenn and Abraham's deaths.
Secretly tries fucking shit up for Negan and the Saviors.
Overall, one of the few sane people of the apocalypse.

Was living in Alaska when the world went to shit.
She ended up traveling to the Southern US just to see what the hell was going on.
Ended up meeting Rick & his group.
Still a stoner in this universe. When she's not taking out walkers or going on supply runs, she's getting high.
Keeps begging Rick to take the survivors to a weed farm one of these days.
(Rick won't do it because of Carl and Judith)
Somehow finds her way to a weed farm that's not overrun by zombies.
Ends up being captured by Negan on this excursion.
Negan is... very taken by her. And he probably doesn't care that she's asexual, he's making her one of his wives.
(Karen is very jealous of Nela)
Somehow she escapes with Daryl (and she goes back to the weed farm to fill up her stash before going back to Rick)
Overall, she's very traumatized by being captured and forced into becoming a wife of Negan.

Her & her partners had just gotten their new home when the world went to shit.
Since they lived in Atlanta, they all had to fight to get out before they died.
They ended up with a group of survivors (which later wound up being the same one Rick would find.)
Maiza is one of the few women who knows how to fight, but she spends most of her time taking care of injuries.
Her and her partners end up sticking with the group through hell and back.
Once they get to Alexandria, Maiza helps with those who are injured or are sick.
When Negan shows up, she fights to keep him from finding her or her wife. Or both.
She ends up being the one who gets taken, and she's taken to Negan's group not to be his wife, but to be a nurse for his group.
Luckily, she's saved when Rick and the other groups wage war on Negan.
She's... very fascinated by the walkers. Just doesn't want to get too close to one.
Overall, she ends up studying the walkers so that everyone can get a better understanding on how they work.

Was almost a teen when everything went to shit.
Her parents had died, and she ended up being taken in by Daryl and Merle.
As a result, she grew very close with Daryl. Merle, not so much.
She ended up becoming good friends with Carl and Sophia.
As time went on, she became very good at taking care of injuries.
When she was a teen, she had a boyfriend who ended up getting eaten alive right in front of her.
Once she became an adult, she took things more seriously. Especially since Negan had his eye on her any time he did come to Alexandria.
Overall, she's not as good at taking care of injuries like Maiza is, but she's still a fighter in her own right.

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