Birthday Special: Amethyst

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I didn't forget this time!!! It's our lovely tiefling druid's birthday!!! Even if it's a bit late...

Amethyst: But I only just got here!

Alycia: Too bad, we're celebrating.

Amethyst: *looks at the others* Is she normally like this?

Kristan: She is the first one of us to be created, so what she says goes.

Karen: Hmmph. Age before beauty.

Malachite: Is that why you're so ugly?

Everyone but Karen: DAMN!

Karen: You're lucky you're an adult! Otherwise you'd be fueling my youthful appearance!

Maiza: Kristan, you mind?

Lunara: Oh here we go...

Kristan: One "put the dhampir on time out" coming right up! *picks up Karen and puts her on a high shelf*


Amethyst: *whistles*

Rose, the amethyst dragon wyrmling: *comes over and sits on top of Karen*

Karen: Why is a tiny dragon sitting on me?

Amethyst: So you shut up.

Nela: Wow! You've definitely earned your birthday present! *hands Amethyst a bag of weed*

Arielle: Um... why'd the halfling give her a bag of weed?

Kristan: Just... let her do her thing.

Lovella: If I wasn't a soldier...

Onyx: Well, I can tell you one thing. It's not a druid thing.

Amethyst: I ain't complaining. Rose and I nearly died during the thing we were in.

Alycia: I died due to someone taking over my otterfolk friend and he ended up killing me.

Onyx: My friend is on a rampage now that his animal companion is dead... Cupcake and I are gonna hightail it away from this fight.

Karen: I watched my close ally get killed by a dragon. That was... not fun.

Malachite: Wait... where's the new girl???

Minako: *jumps onto Amethyst's back* HERE COMES THE PARTY RIGHT HERE!!!

Amethyst: Who is this?

Minako: Oh, where are my manners? Minako Adaar, bard from the College of Glamour, it's a pleasure.

Alycia: Finally! Another bard! Even if she's a snake lady like Mobius...

Karen: I'm still not happy with your group for killing her...

Maiza: Didn't Mobius kidnap Alycia's mother and try to experiment on her?

Karen: ...

Lilith: She kinda has you there, Karen.

Azura: I think we broke the old lady. It's cute.

Can you guys stop breaking Karen? She's already dealing with not being beautiful due to her obsession with Carnate.

Karen: Hey!!!

Alycia: Auntie, face it. You ugly now.

Karen: When I get my hands on you...

Alycia: You'll what? Your strength is the same as mine!

Amethyst: Rose, be a dear and chase Karen out of here. She's annoying me.

Rose: *gets up and runs after Karen*

Karen: *running away screeching unholy things at Amethyst*

Well, this madness has to come to an end. Time to go back to your dimensions!

Everyone but Karen: Ughhh, fine...

Well that's it for now! Sorry I didn't get it out on time, I've been busy roleplaying and working. But I digress! There's more to come! So stay tuned!

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