Part Six: Dragon Age

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If my characters were in the Dragon Age series—

- Probably a rogue who specializes in being a bard & uses dual blades.
- Knows Isabela very well (Rotgut would have most likely had dealings with Isabela)
- Loves hearing Varric's stories
- Understands Fenris (and tells off Anders every time they fight)
- By the time Inquisition rolls around, joins the Inquisition to help fight Corypheus
- Absolutely adores Dorian, Iron Bull, and Cole
- Very wary of Solas and Vivienne
- Absolutely hates going to the Winter Palace
- When Trespasser happens, and everyone finds out about Solas being the Dread Wolf, Alycia just says "I fuckin' KNEW IT!"
- Whether or not the Inquisition is disbanded, Alycia goes back to her old pirate crew

- 100% a mage who specializes in blood magic
- Was a member of the Kirkwall Circle before destroying her phylactery and escaping 
- Ended up joining Corypheus
- Definitely started dabbling in blood magic after she escaped the Circle
- Would look a desire demon in the eyes and ask to fuck them with no hesitation
- Probably best friends with Samson
- Secretly VERY much in love with Corypheus but doesn't show it
- Ends up being arrested by the Inquisition following his defeat
- Her punishment is never known. Is she made Tranquil? Is she executed? Is she imprisoned? No one knows...

- Definitely a mage, who specializes in frost elemental spells
- Was taken to the Circle in Orlais after her noble parents disowned her
- Worked under Vivienne; while she didn't get along with her, she thrived under her
- When Vivienne is recruited into the Inquisition, Malachite goes along with her
- If the Inquisitor is female, Malachite more than likely enters a relationship with her
- Ends up leaving Vivienne's care & starts learning under Solas & Dorian
- Might get Dorian to teach her about necromancy
- Loves Iron Bull & his Chargers (if the Inquisitor is male and kept the Chargers alive, she probably ends up with Dalish)
- Absolutely mesmerized by Cole
- Aside from Vivienne, the only person Malachite doesn't get along with us Sera
- 100% has played Wicked Grace with Varric & the others

- Most likely a warrior who's a former Templar & uses a two-handed weapon
- Was at the Ferelden Circle when Uldred did his evil blood mage thing
- Aside from Cullen, one of the very few Templars who survived
- Ended up going with Cullen to Kirkwall
- Didn't trust magic until she met Zanise at the Kirkwall Circle
- Anders & his underground mage group helped both of them escape the Gallows
- Probably flees back to Ferelden before the final battle between Hawke & Knight Commander Meredith
- Against Zanise's wishes, Kristan probably is recruited into the Inquisition by Cassandra & Cullen
- Gets along very well with Blackwall & Iron Bull
- Like Cullen, tries to get clean from the lyrium
- After Trespasser, Kristan retires and starts raising a bunch of cats with Zanise

- Definitely a warrior who's also a Templar and uses a weapon & shield
- Joined the Templars during Hawke's excursions in Kirkwall
- Didn't get to get her full knighthood because of the ordeal with Meredith & Orsino
- Ends up being recruited into the Inquisition
- Trusts mages more than the other Templars
- Probably enters a relationship with either Sera or Blackwall
- Extremely fascinated by Solas's magic
- Loves watching Cullen & Dorian play chess
- Goes shopping with Leliana & Josephine regularly
- After Trespasser, lives a quiet life with whoever she got into a relationship with

- Definitely a mage who specializes in nature magic & healing
- Somehow didn't end up in the Circle & spent most of her life as an apostate
- Lived in Ferelden during the Blight & lent her abilities to the Hero of Ferelden
- Ended up staying in Denerim during the time Hawke spent in Kirkwall
- Probably got recruited into the Inquisition by Leliana
- If Josephine isn't being romanced, probably enters a relationship with her
- Ends up becoming really good friends with Krem
- One of the more peaceful members of the Inquisition
- Helps Sera pull pranks & rearranges the library with Dorian
- After Trespasser, probably ends up living with Josephine if she's in a relationship with her. If not, ends up joining the Friends of Red Jenny with Sera

- Definitely a mage, who specializes in healing and necromancy.
- Probably a Qunari without horns (like Sten in Dragon Age: Origins)
- Left the Qun because of the discrimination she endured for being saarebas and ended up becoming Tal-Vashoth.
- Wound up finding Iron Bull & his Chargers, and ended up joining him. This led her to the Inquisition.
- Probably ends up becoming very good friends with Dorian and Solas.
- Depending on the Inquisitor's choices, she'll either leave or stay. If the Inquisitor goes the more evil route, she'll leave without hesitation.
- Thankfully doesn't die if the Chargers die, but she ends up leaving altogether if they do die.
- If the Inquisitor is male, doesn't romance Iron Bull, and romances Dorian, she probably ends up in a relationship with Bull. Otherwise, she'll end up with Krem.
- After Trespasser, she travels with Bull and the Chargers once more, only she ends up sharing tent space with Krem/Bull.

- Was a mage in Kirkwall's Circle at the time Hawke was in Kirkwall. (At the beginning she's a preteen and at the end she's her current age.)
- Became very gifted in healing magic.
- Ended up wanting to study dreams and the Fade.
- After the defeat of Knight Commander Meredith, she wound up going with Cullen to the Inquisition
- Became very good friends with Solas (he helped her study dreams and the Fade)
- Also really good friends with Varric, Sera, and Blackwall.
- If the Inquisitor isn't an elven female, she probably ends up in a relationship with Solas herself
- Solas still breaks up with her (like he does the Inquisitor)
- When Trespasser rolls around, she's one of the top healers in the Inquisition
- After Solas's identity is revealed, she decides to try and find him herself. If she romanced him, she'll be nice about it, but if the Inquisitor romanced him, she'll be looking for vengeance

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