Character Inspiration

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Basically who or what is the inspiration behind these characters

Her attitude is almost like mine (I tend to be all bark and no bite) but other than that she just came from the floating mites of dust that are in my brain.

She is heavily inspired by two things. One, Winifred Sanderson and her sisters Mary and Sarah from Disney's Hocus Pocus & Hocus Pocus 2. Two, her attitude is very much like real life "Karens" you see in public at restaurants and retail shops.

Her name came from the fusion of Lapis and Jasper from Steven Universe. Other than that, she also came from my brain.

I was thinking of my older sister when I made this character. Nuff said.

I didn't think about it until the campaign started, but I based her serious nature off of Winter Schnee from RWBY. Like Winter, she's also very protective of her younger sister (who is named Lucy and is Lunara's Weiss.)

Nela's character came to me randomly when I decided to make her for my DM's Christmas one shot. Her personality (being a stoner) didn't come until I was trying to fall asleep one night and the idea simply fell into my head.

So, I'd originally intended for Maiza to be similar to her original Skyrim counterpart (who can be found in my big book of OCs related to my big multiverse I have yet to write an overarching story about.) Then, in Alycia's campaign, we met a grave cleric, and I decided to make myself a grave cleric as well. I couldn't decide on a race (my group was giving me a lot of suggestions) and then I remembered Maiza Wyrmheart in Skyrim. Thus, I created the new Maiza, a half orc cleric of the grave domain who's arguably less straight than the original I played as in Skyrim.

I'd been thinking about making a fairy character for a long time (I'm also thinking of making a monk or a fighter) and the idea for Lilith simply came to me as I was reading the different classes and races & their benefits. I went through many different name ideas before ultimately deciding on Lilith, and thus her fate as a cheerful yet tragic goth fairy cleric of the twilight domain was sealed.

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