Part Nine: Animal Crossing

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If my characters were villagers in Animal Crossing: New Horizons—

- Probably a cranky villager
- Wears all black clothes & likes when she's gifted black or purple clothes
- Either a deer or a cat. Most likely a cat (because in DND she be angry like a cat)
- Actually really likes K.K. Metal (it's playing full time in her house)
- Her house is full of purple & black furniture
- Probably best friends with peppy villagers despite her being cranky

- Either snooty or smug. Most definitely snooty
- Wears black & red, and likes when given expensive things
- Probably a cat
- Her favorite song is K.K. Rock
- House looks like a Halloween store
- Don't put her on the same island as the others here. She will not get along with them

- Either normal or peppy. Most likely peppy
- Wears blue & pink clothes, and loves getting gifted anything pink
- Either a tiger or a deer
- Favorite song is Bubblegum K.K. or I Love You
- House is FULL of pink and blue furniture
- Goes absolutely bonkers whenever K.K. Slider comes to the island

- 100% a jock
- Wears purple clothes & loves getting sports related items
- Probably a rhino
- Favorite song (like Alycia) is K.K. Metal
- House looks really cozy & more like a rustic cabin
- Hopefully there's no lazy villagers on your island. She's gonna want to make them work out

- Probably a normal villager
- Wears gray & white and loves getting food
- Probably either a wolf or a squirrel
- Favorite song is Robot Synth
- House looks kind of like a combination between Skye's house & Shino's house
- For some reason, gets along very well with Alycia if they're on the same island

- Probably sisterly/big sister
- Wears green clothes & loves getting plants and food
- Probably either a mouse or a bunny
- Favorite song is Neopolitan
- House looks very earthy, plants everywhere of course
- Gets along well with Malachite & Kristan

- Either sisterly or a jock
- Wears all dark clothes with a touch of gray and white
- Probably a rhino
- Favorite song is KK Rock
- House is full of doctor's office stuff, with the inclusion of an exercise ball and a soccer ball
- Shockingly gets along with Alycia

- Definitely sisterly
- Wears black and purple clothes
- Either a cat or a squirrel
- Favorite song is KK Metal
- House is, shockingly, very fairy-core in appearance
- Gets along with everyone but Karen here

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