Special: Pride Month 2023! 🏳️‍🌈

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It's a very special month! It is June, so that means it's LGBTQ+ Pride month! So, all of us will be celebrating.

Karen: Why am I part of this again?

Kristan: Because you're ace.

Karen: I'm not comfortable with coming out...

Lovella: That's fine, a lot of people are uncomfortable with coming out as anything.

Alycia: NOT ME!!!! *running through the area wearing lesbian flag colors*

Malachite: Alright, who got her drunk again?

Alycia: Nobody! I'm out and proud! This month is basically like my Christmas, but BETTER!

Nela: Hey Alycia, you want a drink and some weed? Yknow... to celebrate?

Lunara: No! I'm shutting this down now! No alcohol and weed for Alycia.

Alycia & Nela: Awwww...

Maiza: *grumbling wearing the bisexual flag colors*

Arielle: *equally as grumpy and wearing the lesbian flag colors*

Lilith: Why are you two so grumpy?

Onyx: Azura is making them wear those.

Krystina: Maiza's already talked about flailing Azura alive when they get back to their dimension.

Minako: And Arielle is thinking of feeding her to her girlfriend.

Amethyst: *walking around with Rose, wearing lesbian flag colors* I don't mind this. This is fine.

Namira: FUCK YEA ITS PRIDE MONTH!!!! *running around with Alycia wearing lesbian flag colors*


Namira & Alycia: *links arms and starts prancing all over the area, bothering Karen, and trying to get alcohol and weed from Nela*

I think we've had enough fun for this special. At least that the readers can see. So, we're going to keep celebrating, and hopefully Karen doesn't murder Alycia or Namira.

Everyone (but Karen): Bye everyone!!! Happy pride!

Karen: *muffled grumbling dhampir noises*

Happy Pride 2023!!! 🏳️‍🌈

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