20.Production Construction team .

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    Shen Qingze didn't pay too much attention to the looks of the crowd, he ordered General Jin to take out the contract documents prepared in advance, and let him read it in public, the two brothers in the Jin family are naughty, and he, the boss, has gone to private school for several years and can also read .

    The contract is written in black and white, which clearly states the rights and obligations of the employer and the employee.

    All the means of production were provided by Shen Qingze personally, so this contract was also written in his own name, not the imperial edict of the City Lord's Mansion. In other words, Shen Qingze was solely responsible for the surplus or loss.

    If he succeeds, he can then order it as the officiant and promote it throughout the city, and the resistance from the nobles is naturally not worth mentioning.

    On the contrary, if his "pilot" failed this time, he would lose not only his little private money, but also the prestige he had built up so hard.

    "The right to use the land, agricultural tools, seeds, and cattle is leased. When harvesting, the conversion is included in the grain rent. The first year of grain rent is set at ten taxes and four..."

    Jin Da Nian was thinking, suddenly stunned He stopped, staring at the words ten taxes and four in dumbfounded, the hands holding the contract were trembling.

    "...The tax reduction for the second year is ten tax three?!" Jin Da's eyes widened, and he couldn't help but look up at Shen Qingze, wanting to confirm if he made a mistake.

    Shen Qingze just stood on the high steps with a calm expression, turning a blind eye to Jin Da's astonished gaze.

    The secretary Fan Mizhou simply walked behind Jin Da and took a look at the contract. He was even more surprised by the clear writing on it.

    Could it be that he was thinking wrong, is the master priest trying to gain fame, or his arithmetic is not very good, or...he is a saint?

    Fan Mizhou gently plucked the hair hanging from his ears, and looked at Shen Qingze with puzzlement and a bit of curiosity.

    As soon as Jin Da's words fell, there was an instant commotion from the crowd. The shock on their faces was no less than that of Jin Da. They even suspected that there was something wrong with their own ears, or that the other party had read wrongly.

    The commotion in the crowd gradually arose following Shen Qingze's acquiescence, and a farmer pretended to be brave enough to ask:

    "Master Officiant, do you really only charge 40% of the rent?"

    Although the contract stated that it was only 40% for the first year, it will be up to 40% in the future. Thirty percent, but this point is directly ignored by the poor who are accustomed to oppression. Even if it is the most beautiful dream, they have never heard that noble landlords only charge 30%.

    In their view, only 40% of the grain rent is charged, and they can wake up laughing from their dreams.

    The fact that the poor peasants don't care doesn't mean that Shen Qingze doesn't care. After all, this is a major event that directly affects the enthusiasm of the labor force.

    Shen Qingze's face was solemn, and he emphasized emphatically: "Only the first year is 40%. In the future, we will get through the current predicament of lack of clothing and food, and we will give you a further reduction." His explanation did not arouse much reaction
 , Everyone is still immersed in the joy of full package of farm tools and seeds and 40% rent. Even the most simple and innocent farmers do not believe in the reduction or exemption of this big pie.

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