It was all fun and games until the jealousy began to set in. When he'd see George with other people and feel a pang in his chest, and suddenly he wasn't able to sleep for several nights in a row until he had George back on vc, back where he knew where he had him. Back where he didn't have to worry about anyone else touching his George, or flirting with his George. It turned into this possessive need, to always have George near, to make sure no one else could have him.

Moving into the same house as him was definitely one of the best decisions he'd ever made, as it gave him the luxury of always knowing where George was at all times. It made him feel calm, giving him the best sleep he'd had in years.

But living with George also had it's downsides, as he'd find himself feeling more nervous around him than he'd ever felt before. Back when they had an entire ocean between them, flirting with George came easy to him. He could comfortably tell him how pretty and cute he was and bask in George's cute reactions without having to worry about George being able to see what he looked like in those moments. Nowadays, if he'd say something flirty to George he'd get met by those big doe eyes looking right at him, making him feel as if he could see into his very soul. It made him feel flustered, nervous. It made him feel seen. Exposed.

And it was clear to him that George enjoyed eye contact, as he'd often seek it out. He'd look up into his eyes and make Dream's heart absolutely melt. It made him feel powerless at times, unable to control his own reactions and speeding heart. It made him feel tongue tied, his mouth going dry at the mere sight of George.

All of it was a bit too overwhelming, making Dream take a step back from all of the forward flirting that used to come so easy to him. Suddenly he was left not knowing how to approach George, how to draw those reactions out of him without losing control of his own emotions.
And god, did he hate losing control.

But as Dream stepped into George's bedroom that evening, he found himself feeling a somewhat familiar feeling, something he hadn't been sure if he'd ever feel again. He'd look at George through his mask, study the flustered expression on his face, his cheeks going red as he'd bite back a smile. He was able to take in every little detail of his face without George being able to catch him. Meanwhile, George had no clue what expression Dream could be making behind the mask, he couldn't even tell for sure if he's looking at him or not.
Suddenly, Dream was back in control.

With the mask on, he could say whatever he wanted to George without having to worry about his own face giving him away, without having to think about anything but those pretty little reactions George would make.

Dream wet his lips as a smile began to bloom across his entire face, staring at George in silence without saying another word. He wasn't even gonna try to make conversation, he'd rather leave George feeling uncomfortable and flustered under his watchful, masked gaze.

"What do you want, Dream?"

George asked, looking over at him with those pretty doe eyes. Clearly trying to have a bit of an attitude with him, but it practically fell flat as he looked so pretty speaking those words.

Dream didn't answer his question. Instead, he simply watched him in silence, enjoying every second of it. Suddenly he felt like a viewer again, allowed to simply observe what was in front of him instead of having to engage. If he'd engage at all, it would be his choice to do so. He was in control now.

"Dream, say something."

George whined, one of his hands going up to place against his rosy, pink cheek as he placed his elbow on the bed as support.

Dream didn't do as he'd asked. Instead, he tipped his head slightly to the side as he kept his gaze on him. Loving the flustered expression on George's face as he clearly felt quite uncomfortable with the tension filled silence between them.

Dont read this, this is just for stories i want readOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz