
I feel a warm comforter around me next, no arms, no words, just a blanket. The soft sound of crickets fills my ears, as I adjust to the new surroundings. I sit up from what seems to be a bed and look around the room.

The window is ajar — hence the chirping of crickets — and the room seems familiar, although not at the same time. My clothes feel different, my bed feels different. I look down and feel the sheets. I don't own silk sheets?


This isn't my bed. I look at the walls and spot multiple plaques of YouTube channels that I don't own, and multiple records that I also don't own. The next thing I see that concludes my suspicions is an illuminated YouTube sign with the name 'Dream' emitting in bright white.

I sigh softly, and quite frankly blush at this. I giggle, and look away from the sign and down at my clothes. Still have the same short PJ shorts on, but my hoodie is gone somewhere else. The soft fabric of an oversized shirt warms my torso, and I look down at the logo. My heart skips a beat, as I recognize the shirt from the very same Snapchat photo Dream posted earlier today.

I can only imagine how big it would be on me. The sleeves go past my elbows, and I imagine if I stood up it would look like some sort of dress on me. I smile, and then another sound that I never knew was in my ears left. The soft sound of trickling water from behind the white door in the bedroom stops, and so does my heart.

Before I can scramble away and quite possibly fly back to London or hide in Sapnap's room, the door opens, and a gust of steam flows out of the room.

Beneath the steam, emits a freshly-showered Clay walking out, nothing but a towel around his waist. I choke, then proceed to cough hysterically, which definitely caught his attention.

"Hey, hey," He rushed over to me, pressing a soft hand on my wrist. "Are you okay?" He asked, waiting patiently for anything. I stop coughing, from the sudden shirtless sight of this man, and I can't help my trail my eyes down to his toned stomach as I look toward him.

I shook my head softly, eyes glassy and threatening to spill more tears than I have fingers. My eyes lock with his eyes again, and my lips form into a pout.

"Talk to me, George. Please, I just wanna know you're okay. C'mon, love," My heart skips at the name, and I gasp before I let out a soft cry.

"I just been so stressed," I breathe out gently, but shaking at the same time. He looks at me to carry on, edging for me to open up to him, and I could tell it was for good reason.

As he sits down on the soft, leather sofa bench at the end of the bed, he carefully holds me and pulls me onto his lap. I gasp at the contact, and then continue to focus on breathing before I continue.

My hands slowly trail to his shoulders, and they wrap around his neck. The oversized shirt consumes my small body, as I play with the loose strands of hair at the back of his neck.

"I-I don't know, there's been so much since moving and it's only been a month or two," I stutter my words, trying to make sense of my own words. All he does is hum and nod, acknowledging that he's listening.

"L-Like with editing, and recording, and then even more editing, even more recording, going out for events— It's just all too much," I finished, and raised my eyebrows in an upward position to display the amount of distress I was feeling recently. The look on Dream's face showcased guilt and empathy.

"I'm so sorry, Georgie. I had no idea. Please, tell me next time it gets to be too much. I wanna help you in any way I can," He pleads, and I smile softly before sucking up any stray tears that have recently fallen.

Dont read this, this is just for stories i want readKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat