Chapter 45

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"Sooo..." Soap tried to converse as he looked between the file and you.

"Bruh, what's up with y'all? Do you really think I'm that cruel?? I'm going to sign it. I just need to read everything first," you placed a finger on the line you reached and gave him a glare.

He rolled his eyes before he spoke up again.
"Who the hell even bothers with this shit. I bet you don't understand half of it, just sign it,"

"Believe it or not, I do actually understand it. I did well in school unlike some guy here. Weren't you only good as a goalkeeper in school?"  you shot back, and he looked at you wide-eyed and mouth agape.

"How do you know that...?" you blinked at him, confused. And then you remembered that it was in his bio in-game.

"Because I know you? I played as your character a lot before I ended up here y'know," you smiled knowingly at him, and he fidgeted uncomfortably.

"How much do you know??" he nervously laughed, and you snickered to yourself.

"I'll let you figure that out. Now let me finish this," you ignored him and went back to the file that seemed to be a lot longer than it actually is.

I'm short, it included the benefits (Getting a hand... Obviously), and the downsides of it. Like it being hard to clean or need a special tool to fix in case he managed to destroy it, and then it being connected to his neuro system so that he can move it the same way he moves his normal arm. And then the drugs he has to take post-surgery and their side effects.

Basically, the doctor had him off-duty for the next 5 months after he is dismissed from the hospital, and he was not allowed to use the artificial arm with rough activities in his time off.

At the end of the paper, there was a place where you had to put your full name, relationship, age, contact information and other information that was apparently crucial, and then there was a place where the doctor himself had to sign. You signed on the paper before you gave it to the receptionist.

"Did you mean what you said to him?" Soap suddenly asked as you sat down next to him after you handed the file. You looked at him for a moment, before you looked at the floor.

"Don't you think it's true too? I mean, I hurt you too," you quietly asked, and he sighed as he placed his feet on his knee and leaned back against the chair.

"I think we would be dead without you. You saved us plenty of times before you were taken. We are soldiers. Shit happens all the time on field, and it's not like you purposely tried to kill us. You weren't yourself, so it doesn't count," he said matter-of-factly.

"Says who?" you raised your eyebrow at him.

"Says me. Now stop being pathetic about it and just accept it happened and we forgave each other," he crooked his neck and looked at you from the side, smiling slightly.

"Wise Soap Words," you teased back, but his words did hit a nerve. The only thing was that you weren't really a soldier. You never signed up, and death isn't something you can just accept and move on.

"We all die in the end, don't fret over the silly details and do things in a way you won't regret in the future," he patted your back before he stood up.

"We better go see Ghost now before the surgery, and you better be honest with him and yourself Squirrel," he lectured before he started walking toward Simon's room, and you thought about his words as you followed after him.

"Congratulations! You are getting a new arm," Soap exclaimed as he entered the room with you after him.

"Nice," Simon said casually as he leaned his head back and closed his eyes.

"That's all you gotta say?" Simon opened one eye and glared at Soap without saying anything. The doctor entered the room a few seconds after and kicked both of you out, saying they had to prepare Simon for surgery.

The surgery took 6 hours that went agonizingly slow as you sat on a bench in front of his room, waiting for them to finish. Price and Gaz had come and left a couple of times during these 6 hours while Soap stayed with you... Because he fell asleep on the bench.

Once the surgery was over, you gutted Soap awake and rushed to the doctor, who looked satisfied with his work.

"He's doing very great, he will be discharged in 4 days to make sure he doesn't get any infections," He stated reassuringly before a nurse rushed him away.

"THANKS, DOC!" You yelled your thanks after him before a couple of nurses left the room as well, and walked up to you.

"Just like the doctor said, he's doing great and is resting now. I urge you to visit him tomorrow since he will be out of it for the rest of the day. He had a high tolerance for the sedation so we had to give him stronger doses," she explained, and you smiled politely and thanked her as well.

"Back to the dorm we go," you stretched your arms out as you looked at Soap, who was still drowsy.

"Good. I'm starving," he yawned as his stomach started growling, and you left the hospital after that.

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