Chapter 14

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"Here will do, this room looks like it hasn't been touched since my great great grandparents," You sat your stuff on the ground before sitting down yourself.

It's been 3 days since you left the city, and it turns out that the tunnels between cities were connected since there wasn't much distance between the two cities.

"I'm beat," Emma sighed as she laid on her back, giving zero fucks about whether the ground was clean or not.

"Aren't we all... Anyways, I'm really glad we have each other. If it was just me I wouldn't have even tried to begin with," Noah snorted as he laid down as well.

"Really? When I first met you, I thought you were the kind of person who wouldn't go down without a fight," Layla chuckled before she put her bag beneath her head and laid down on it.

"I am, but not for this one. I mean, think about it... I have nothing to fight for. Why would I make my death more painful?" he did have a point, but going down with a fight also felt like a painful death.

"Well, you have a reason now. So you better not chicken out as soon as shit hits the fan," Ross elbowed Noah before he grabbed one of the closets and pushed it against the door, completely sealing it.

"Safety purpose," he answered the question he was about to receive.

"You guys rest, I'll take the first watch," he offered, and the others quickly agreed. Too tired to argue.

You tried to sleep, but your mind was clouded. Every so often, you would raise your hand and look at it. Life felt... Unreal. It felt that at any given moment, your hand can become transparent, and you would disappear. Your heart felt really heavy, it was almost difficult to breathe. You told the others to leave the thinking for later, but you couldn't even follow your advice.

You turned your head to look at Ross who was staring off at the ceiling lost in thought, and you wondered if he regretted leaving. He never showed anything but determination. It was almost as if he was never scared.

"See something you like?" He suddenly looked at you, and you scoffed.

"Nah, I was just thinking," you waved your hand before looking up.


"Aren't you scared? I mean you know the most out of all of us. Where do you get that confidence from bruh? I'm almost jealous," you shook your head.

"Who says I'm not scared? Any sane person in our situation would feel scared. There's nothing wrong with that. But you know, someone has to be the pillar everybody else leans against, and I have always been that kind of person even before this whole ordeal happened," there it was, that glint of determination in his eyes. He was born a protector.

"Who were you protecting?" he looked surprised before he let out a little chuckle.

"If by protecting, you mean taking care of. I was taking care of my family. My father died a year ago, and I have been taking care of the house ever since then since my mother was sick," he had a distant look on his face as he spoke of his family.

"You should get some rest," his face went stoic as he stated, and you nodded your head without saying anything. There was nothing to say after all... They were probably dead.

You ended up falling asleep shortly after that and were woken up for the last shift before you continued to make your way to the next city.
"Layla, look carefully,"

"I know, God... Just wait for a little," she half whispered half yelled as she peeled through the manhole to make sure there was no one around.

"Okay, it's clear," she opened the manhole completely and stepped out. One by one you followed after her. It wasn't snowing in this area, but the air was extremely cold, and you put your arms around yourself in an attempt to warm yourself for a little.

"I'm g-going to try and call G-g-ghost. It's been a few days since my last call, s-so let's hope there was some progress on his side," you tried to speak clearly but you couldn't help it. Your lips were trembling and your teeth were clattering (?) against each other.

"O-okay," Emma sniffled as she stood close to Layla. They were trying to warm each other up by standing too close to each other. Their shoulders were touching.

Ross nodded his head at you, and you went to the closest street you saw. You stopped the first person that came across your way. It was a girl around your age, and she seemed to be in a daze.

"Hi, excuse me. Do you mind if I use your phone to make a call? I lost mine..." you tried to sound as polite as possible without trembling. The girl looked at you, still in a daze. Her eyes were glazed.

She didn't say anything as she pulled out her old school phone and handed it to you. You didn't say anything and took it gratefully. It was better than nothing after all.

You dialled your number and put the phone near your ear as you waited for the ringing voice to appear, and for Simon to pick up.

"The number you called, doesn't exist. Please make sure you dialled the right number..."

You felt your heart drop and your world stop as the automated response stopped. You tried again, praying that you got the wrong number by mistake. But it was the same response.

"... You aren't from this universe, are you?" you slowly turned to look at the girl as she asked. She had a creepy smile now as she awaited your answer.

"Are you okay? Do I look like an alien to you or something?" you scoffed, trying to manipulate her into thinking she was crazy. But she continued to smile creepily before you noticed the armed men coming from behind her.

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