Chapter 10

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"Hey, you okay?" Ross gave you a concerned look as he placed a hand on your shoulder. Giving it a gentle shake to get you out of your shock.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Sorry," you let out a shaky breath, and he pulled you up to your feet before dragging you away to safety.

"Don't be. Let's go," you looked at his back as he continued to move ahead at a quick pace. You didn't know why, but for a moment, just for a moment. You thought he was Simon when he shot that guy. You were missing him a lot already.

You shook your head, it wasn't the time to think about it. You were still in danger. Who knows how many more enemies are still lurking around? How did they even manage to find you to begin with?

"Where are we going? Is everyone else okay?" you asked as you picked up your pace, now walking beside Ross instead of trailing behind him.

"Yeah, they managed to escape thanks to you. I came to get you, cuz y'know. I don't leave my people behind. Especially not my friends," he gave a half smile before he stopped in front of a closed shop. He knocked three times with a unique knock, and Layla quickly opened the door from the inside and dragged you in. She held your shoulders as she looked over at you before hugging you, with Emma hugging the two of you at once, making it a small group hug.

"I'm so glad you're safe. We were really worried, but Ross didn't let us come along," she threw a glare at Ross who just scoffed at her.

"What were you going to do? Talk them out of shooting her?" he mocked.

"I would have offered you in exchange for her. Make you useful for once," you let out a little gasp, not expecting this come back from Layla at all. It seems like her kindness is off-limits for Ross. Ross seemed to enjoy bringing the side of her out, you would catch him laughing every now and then when she roasts him.

"Are you hurt? Want me to carry you? I can carry you on my back," Emma looked over you as she offered, and you giggled at her before pushing her away slightly.

"I'm fine, I wouldn't want to break your back," you patted her shoulder as you teased her.

"Listen, if it's you. I don't mind," She jokingly flirted. And you put your hands over your cheeks, fake being embarrassed.

"Why, you flatter me mi lady," she burst out into laughter as she remembered the old lady from before.

"You sure got the spirit for someone who almost died out there. I really think you should seek therapy after this is over," Noah sighed as he stood between you and Emma. A little bit annoyed. Was he jealous? You chuckled to yourself before you responded.

"Don't we all? I'm 100% sure we are going to be put in a psych ward if we go back to our universe and tell them we travelled to other universes," you shrugged before turning to Ross, who was looking out of the window. Watching out for any suspicious activities.

"So what now? What do we do and where do we go?" Noah questioned as he kneeled on the ground and sat down with his head hung low. You sat down next to him and leaned against the wall.

"We need to find a way to go back to our universe..." Ross started casually, and this caused Noah to snap

"And how the fuck are we supposed to do that? Look at us. We don't know how we got here to begin with. What makes you think we will magically find a way back?" his voice was gradually getting higher and higher the more he went on, and by the end of his speech he was stomping to Ross.

"I followed you here, because I believed in you. WE followed you here, thinking you had a plan. That you KNEW what to do. So go on Ross, enlighten us with your oh so great of a plan," he was angrily waving his hands now as he glared at Ross, who continued to look out of the window.

Ross turned to look at the team, with no emotions on his face whatsoever before he looked at Noah.

"I never told you to follow me. I never said I had a plan. All I said was that I was getting out of there and you decided to follow. So don't blame me for your own lack of brains. You never asked any questions, you just followed me." he hissed as he stood up.

"What the fuck did you just say?" Noah grabbed his collar before pulling him to his face. The two glaring at each other.

"Calm down you two, if we fight between each other. It's over," Layla said as she pulled them apart.

"It's already over. We are fucked. Look around you. We don't know where we are. We don't know where to go. We don't know shit. All we know is that we are wanted," he aggressively let go of Ross before sinking to the ground again. It's not like you could blame him... You were guilty of mindlessly following them as well. And now your situation couldn't be any worse.

"The only way we can go back is by finding a link to our universe... We need to find that," You finally spoke up, and Noah looked up to you.


"They got us here, didn't they? They must have a way to send us back too. Let's get them to catch one of us, and when it's safe. The rest of the team will jump on him and we can question him after," you suggested as all of them were looking at you now.

"Our phones were left in the games we were in though..." Emma mumbled.

"What if we find a way to contact it... Maybe if we call our number?" Layla snapped her fingers as she looked around wide-eyed.

"I think we will end up calling the owner of the number in this world..." Noah shut her idea down.

"It never hurts to try..." she shrugged

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