Chapter 32(Passage)

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You decided to search for a way to get into the passage because even if there were traps, it was still safer than going out in the open when you didn't have much to protect yourself with.

You knocked on the metal walls, trying to find the one that leads to the passage. It took some time, but you finally found it behind the cleaning product's closet. It was at the very bottom as well, so you had to crouch to pass through.

You made sure to drag the closet back to its place, not wanting Ross or whoever put the two of you here to catch you again. The fire alarms were ringing through the building, but there was no smell of fire or any smoke, so it must have been a distraction... Maybe by Ghost... Or Soap.

You needed to find them before it was too late. You had to warn them about Emma, and the pinkish smoke and the drug they gave you.

Speaking of her, how did she get Ross drugged? Or was there someone else working with her as well? Noah? Layla? You didn't know for sure, but it couldn't have been Gaz. And where was he? Was he also drugged? What about the messages that he sent?

You could hear the brisk footsteps of the soldiers that were left behind as they were yelling at each other to find the intruders. You had to get out of here and find them, but with your brain still hazy, it was really hard to pinpoint where exactly you were in the building.

You passed many rooms and many corridors, but none of them looked like the ones you saw when you first came here with Noah and Emma. This passage passed by the survivors' rooms... You had a clear look inside their rooms, they were being watched.

These passages... Were they made for this purpose? But why didn't they stop Ross then? Why didn't Emma stop you before you even left? Or was this another test? To see if you are qualified for whatever they needed you for.

You took a turn to the left, and then another left with the passage getting smaller and smaller until you had to crawl through it. Remembering that the kitchen was to the far left of where the rooms were. It was the safest option.

Surely no one is hungry enough right now? Especially with a "fire" going on and some "armed" intruders running around freely. If the cook was there, which you doubted, you can just knock him out with a hit to the nape of his neck. You just needed to blind him for a couple of seconds, and that was pretty easy to do with the materials on hand.

As soon as you reached the vent, a couple of voices stopped you from prying it open.

"I heard that the two intruders are armed. Is that true?"

"They have guns, that's for sure. So stay alert while you look for them,"

"Just when things couldn't get any worse. Talk about timing."

"I can make it worse. Apparently, they are seasoned soldiers from wherever the hell they came from,"

"How did they get here though?"

"Beats me"

Their footsteps started to echo through the kitchen, and slowly but surely, they got further and further away. You waited until their footsteps were completely inaudible before prying the vent open and double-checking your surroundings just to be extra safe.

"Okay... The best and easiest way to find them is by checking the footage in the security room. It should be this way if I remember correctly," you crawled between the chairs and tables, not wanting to attract any kind of attention. It was a smooth trip to the security room after that, only 2 enemies appeared and they were in too much of a hurry to notice you.

The issue was with the security room itself. It was CROWDED. Even peeking through the passage didn't help because the peephole was covered by one of them leaning against said wall.

You could try making a small distraction down the corridor, but they would definitely see you through the cameras... Maybe use a smoke grenade? You could make one with the materials on hand... But it would still be risky if the cameras had a built-in thermal system.

"What other choice do I have?" you thought to yourself before heading to the end of the corridor through the passage. You made a smoke bomb before throwing it near the camera, completely blinding the enemy. You could hear the fuss already coming your way.

"Perfect. Now I just need to get to the security room before them."

But fate had another surprise in hand, as someone managed to land a hit on the back of your neck, knocking you out before you could even process what happened

Mission failed.

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