Chapter 29

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"So this is the place. Let's split up, (Y/N), take overwatch with your friend. I'll go down there with Soap and clear the way," Simon's Ghost mode was turned on as he started to throw one order after another. Even though you literally just reached the area a few minutes ago.

"Your eyes will guide us, watch out for us, yeah?" Soap tapped your shoulder gently before hurrying after Ghost.

"Rog," you said to your radio before crouching into position, with Emma sitting next to you.

There weren't many guards around, as most of them were hurrying you off in cars toward the area of the portal.

"Ghost, Soap. Crouch behind the blue truck, five armed personnel are moving your way in a hurry. Let them pass," you watched as the two of them crouched behind the blue truck. More forces exited the facility in a hurry, all of them filing into cars and trucks and driving off.

"I don't think they will get that incident under control," Soap mumbled.

"Yeah. Well... That's not our problem, move up, the area looks empty... but stay alert,"

"Copy," they split up, each hiding behind a different object.

"2 soldiers are guarding the busted entrance. Wait until I give you the sign," you kept your eyes on the guards who were chatting with each other, but after a few minutes, it was clear that they weren't planning to move any time soon.

"Is there anything near you that you can use to distract the soldiers? I don't think they will be moving anytime soon..." Soap gave you a thumbs-up before throwing a rock at one of the trucks. The truck let out a loud beeping sound which alerted the two guards.

Once they started walking toward the truck, Soap and Ghost assassinated them from behind and took their weapons.

"Going in now. Hold your position until I give you the signal to follow," Ghost huffed as the two of them disappeared behind the busted entrance.

"Roger that," you let out a sigh as you slightly relaxed your stiffened muscles. But the relaxation didn't last long with a gun pointed at the back of your head.

"Objective secured. Man, I really didn't think you would fall for our trick considering what you went through. I expected better than this (Y/N). What a disappointment." The holder of the gun... And your supposed friend declared.

"I think you are old enough to understand that putting expectations on people only ever leads to disappointments. I still am curious about your goal here," you mocked as you slowly raised your hands.

"Take her. And make sure the two idiots who just entered get the wrong idea," she said to the very familiar *soldier* who just appeared out of nowhere.

"Ross??" but he didn't respond, his stoic face was void of any emotion as he roughly pushed you to the ground before injecting something in your neck. It felt as if the world was spinning before you passed out.

"Huff... W-what??? Why? Ugh!" Soap held his shoulder in pain as blood started coming from his wound. Your gun was pointed at him, smoke coming out from the muzzle as you stood there with no emotion on your face whatsoever.

"You missed," Emma's voice came through the radio as she watched the whole interaction unfold through the security cameras. Ghost had his gun pointed at you in return as he stood by Soap's side.

"What the fuck is going o-" You fired at Soap again before he finished his sentence, but he managed to grab him and pull him away before the bullet reached him.

"Ross hit her again. It seems like the drug hasn't taken full control yet" Ross appeared by your side once again with another shot in his hand. Your body refused to listen as you stood there without moving a muscle. He injected the same drug in the same spot once again.

You felt your eyes shake as your stomach started acting up. Your throat burned for a minute before all your stomach acid flew out of your mouth as you knelt on the ground holding your stomach in pain.

"That's what you get for not listening to me. Fail again and I won't be as kind," the radio was cut off as Ross just stood there unmoving. It was as if he was a robot, a lifeless machine. And you were about to become just like him. Is there no way out of this???

Once your stomach stopped hurting, all your senses stopped. You couldn't even form thoughts now, and all your limbs felt numb.

"Don't let them get out of here alive," Emma said, now appearing beside Ross.

"Yes ma'am," you both said in unison before going after Ghost and Soap.

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