Chapter 44

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"I thought you were going to be on sedation for 3 days?" you said nervously as you took a few steps back once he started limping to where you were.

"Come here," he held out his arm, motioning for you to move toward him instead of away from him, but you held your ground, not moving.

"...No. I would rather keep my h-"


"I mean, why? I can hear you just fine from where I am, and you shouldn't be moving," you quickly corrected yourself, even when it was clear that he caught on to what you were going to say.

The cut on your cheek was burning for some reason, serving as a reminder of the bullet that barely missed your head. You tried not to feel hurt about it, but whoever can control how they feel in certain situations?

"Fine, don't move then," Simon gruffed, and you looked at the floor for a moment before you heard him pick up his pace and half dash to where you were. You stood there in fear as his huge figure towered over you in mere seconds, and he raised his arm.

You felt your breath hitch in your throat as you quickly ducked your head and closed your eyes, waiting for the probably very hard impact.

But it never came, and you felt his only arm wrap around your shoulder as he pulled you toward him in a hug. His face was buried in your hair as you just stared at his neck in shock.

He breathed in your scent before he mumbled against your hair.
"I am... I'm sorry," his arm tightened against your body, and you felt your eyes sting and your nose get stuffy.

"We went after you to get you back, and what did I do? I-" he stopped speaking for a moment, and you felt him take another shaky breath in.

"When you shot Soap. I didn't know what to do. I was outraged and I couldn't think of anything besides how you had just betrayed us. You who I chose to trust more than anyone else," his arm started to loosen up, and he took a step back. 

"I was wrong. I know you are scared of me. You have every right to be. And you have every right not to sign on that paper. If it makes you feel better that I lost the arm that I tried to hurt you with, then so be it. I will make do with one arm if it means that you will forgive me," did he really see you as someone who is this cruel? Shouldn't he be the one who is mad at you? Shouldn't you be the one asking for his forgiveness?

"W..." you tried to speak, but your voice cracked as you tried so hard not to burst into tears.

"What are you talking about? I forgive you? Shouldn't you be the one mad at me right now? I tried to... I don't even remember. Do you how horrible is that? I could have killed you and I wouldn't even remember that I did. I am the one who is sorry. I dragged you guys into my problems as if you don't have enough shit on your plate. And what did it all end up with? The solution was literally at the starting point, I was walking in circles. And you are the one who got out of it harmed, you are the one who lost something. Not me, you!" you said it all at once, dumping everything on him. Your voice was heavy with grief, and you couldn't stop your tears from falling.

"Don't act nice to me when I am the reason you lost your arm. I don't deserve it," you used your hand to wipe away the tears as you looked away, not wanting to make eye contact.

Simon didn't say anything for a while, he just stood there, and you didn't know what kind of face he had on because you refused to face him.

"I'll sign that paper, and then we part. I'm nothing but a death magnet, and you are the last person I want to die because of me," you turned to the door in an attempt to leave the room, but Simon held your arm tightly, and you looked at him, puzzled.

"You are a death magnet alright, but didn't you call me Grim Reaper before? If anything, you would know better than to think I would just let you walk out like that," he looked you straight in the eye, and you felt your heart melt a little.

"Damn, that was smooth," you thought to yourself as you looked back at him, now doubting your decision. A knock on the door startled you out of your thoughts, and you turned to see the doctor and Soap entering the room. You tried to pry Simon's hand off, but he only pulled you closer to him, so you just smiled nervously at them.

"Ah, you must be (Y/N). I'm Doctor Ryan, a surgeon specializing in artificial limbs. I believe you already know the situation, so here are the papers with the details of the surgery and everything. Sign here when you are done reading and give it to the receptionist once you are done," he gave you a slight smile before he looked at Simon.

"Mister Riley, I would appreciate it if you followed the rules and stopped getting out of your bed," he gave him a polite yet fake smile before he walked up to him and literally dragged him back to bed.

"You are still under drugs, it would be too dangerous to move around like that," he stated again before he excused himself and left the room.

"That was a sight to see," Soap snorted as Ghost glared daggers at him. You looked at the 6-page file and then at Simon.

"The decision is yours," 

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