Chapter 17

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"You said that the only way to go back is through the lab right? Where exactly is that machine and how can I prevent them from following me after I go back?" you questioned the pair once you were in an isolated area.

"I'm not sure where, since they never told or showed us. But one thing I'm sure about is that they can't get to you if there's no connection to that world," Helen stated as she sat next to Cole, who apparently woke up a little while after you left. He didn't look happy in the least.

"I can't believe you guys just let her do whatever. Fucking slut," he cursed under his breath and Helen quickly slapped his arm while staring at him wide-eyed and mouth agape.

"I would watch my fucking mouth if I was you. One more word and I'll blow your fucking head up bitch," you waved the detonator around in your hand as you looked at him coldly. His eyes went wide when he realized he had an explosive necklace on his neck.

"W-What the fuck?? When did you put that on me?" he brought a shaky hand to the necklace but was too scared to touch it. He ended up lowering his hands again while staring in horror at himself.

"When you were knocked out like the loser you are... Obviously." he glared at you, not saying anything. He knew you would do it.

You opened your mouth to speak, only to be cut off by Lucas who was sent flying to the wall next to Cole. Your head quickly darted back as you grabbed your gun and aimed at the attacker.

A furious Ross stood in front of you, breathing heavily as he glared daggers at the three behind you. Noah stood behind him, gun in hand, and aimed at Helen, who had her hands up in a surrendering manner. Emma and Layla were nowhere to be seen so you assumed they were hiding somewhere nearby.

Ross started to walk slowly toward the three idiots behind you, his eyes were glued to them.

"Woah woah there. Stop. What are you doing?" you stepped in front of him and put one hand in front of the three losers. Ross stopped and tilted his head and narrowed his eyes at you.

"Getting rid of the trash. What are YOU doing? Move," He spat before putting a hand on your shoulder and pushing you aside.

"That trash has some good information that we need. Getting rid of them will cause us more harm than good," you said as you stepped aside. You knew better than to pick a fight with an angry Ross.

He looked at you again, and then returned to the three idiots who were cowering in fear while hugging each other. He clicked his tongue before grabbing your arm and dragging you away.
"Keep your eyes on them. We will be right back," he bossed Noah, who nodded his head in response.

"What the hell? Why did you protect them?? They literally KIDNAPPED you. Are you dumb? How can you trust them?" he started shouting as soon as you were out of hearing range. He was enraged.

"I didn't protect them. You can do whatever you want to them later. I just need their knowledge for now. And no, I don't trust them, that's why they have explosive necklaces around their necks," he let out a really long sigh before he rubbed his temple.

"And what's that??" he crossed his arms while tapping one foot against the floor as he waited for your answer.

"How to go back. They know a way to go back to the game I was in before here. I called Ghost a few minutes ago, and he said there's no way from their side so..." you explained your reasoning as his facial expression relaxed a little.

"So... They will travel with us now?" he waved one hand as he questioned.

"No... We will part ways here,"

"What?" his tone became lower as he walked toward you until there was no distance between the two of you, and you had to tilt your head to look up at him.

"Didn't you say you were receiving letters from another escapee here? The only way to go back is through the lab. It would be too da-" he quickly cut you off.

"Yeah. It is plan B for a reason you know. I won't let you go alone," he clenched his jaw as he spoke.

"???" you looked at him in confusion as he walked past you and back to the place you left Noah and the others. Deciding it would be useless to argue with him for now, you decide to go along with him at least until you are somewhere properly hidden.

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