Chapter 15

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"Don't even think about running," you felt a sudden grip on your arm before it was twisted behind you. Three men were standing behind you as the girl smirked before she pulled out a radio.

"We got one, the other four are still missing," you could hear someone say something back but you couldn't tell what exactly they were saying.

"Okay... Understood... We will be back," the girl put the radio back and looked at the guy standing behind you.

"Take her to base, we have a lot to talk about after all," she giggled as she said the last bit to you. You bit the inside of your cheek, they were definitely going to ask you about the others.

You looked around you, trying to find a way to escape, but it was useless. They were surrounding you, and all of them were armed. Worst case scenario, not only will you get shot, but you will probably harm those around you as well.

The man twisted your arm harshly before he dragged you toward the black van and threw you inside next to an already-seated guy. The man who was holding from behind got in next to you, so you were stuck between the two assholes.

"Let's be clear lass, you try anything funny and you won't live to see another day yeah?" the man next to you hissed, and you slowly nodded your head. It's not like there was a way out of this.

And no, you weren't giving up. This was all part of your oh-so-big of a plan. You would act like you gave up, and as soon as they lower their guards, you would strike... Or escape, since you can't really take on a whole ass base.

The base they spoke of was in the middle of the city, so it was easy to lose them in the crowds once you escape. The problem was with escaping.

Once the van was parked and turned off, you were dragged outside by the same asshole who dragged you in.

"Easy there, you tryna break my arm or something? For fuck's sake," you tried to pull a little, but he twisted your arm even tighter than before and you let out a yelp.

"Don't test my patience," he said as he pulled you inside the building.

"You don't have the patience to begin with, fuckface," you thought to yourself as you glared at the guy. You did your best to memorize the corridors and turns you took before he threw you inside a very small room and locked it from the outside.

It was empty, literally empty. There was no window, no bed, no toilet... No nothing, just iron walls. There wasn't even a peephole to the door. Your oh-so-great of a plan didn't look so great right now.

"Well, shit. Great job me! Yay!" you cussed to yourself as you leaned against the wall and slid down. Bringing your knees to your chest, you put your chin on top of them.

There was no way like before. There was no one like before. You shook your head as you tried to get rid of the negative thoughts.

So what if it wasn't like last time? You just had to be extra smart about this one and pray it works. And if it doesn't... At least you didn't die like a loser. Your thoughts were cut short when the clicking of the lock echoed in the room, and you quickly got on your feet. The girl from before and two of the armed men entered the room.

"I'm going to get straight to the point. Where are the other escapees?" she demanded, her tone was bitchy.

"Now suppose that I do know. Why on earth would I tell you? You are going to send me back either way. Give me a reason to cooperate and I will think about giving you an answer," you responded with the same bitchy tone, and this was enough to get on her nerves as her face went red with anger.

"You don't get to make your demands here bitch. You either cooperate or die," she hissed as she stomped toward you and grabbed the collar of your shirt. You snorted at her and held her arm before twisting it so she was facing the two armed men.

"Drop your weapons or she dies," you smirked as you put the gun you took from her to her head. The two men hesitated before they slowly put their guns on the ground and raised their hands up.

"Now tell me, why the fuck did the call not go through? And why did you bring us here? I'm more than open to play Russian roulette until one of you answers," you stated as you pushed the girl toward the two guys to give yourself an opportunity to push away their weapons. Your gun was still pointed at her head.

"Guess you don't care for her the-"

"W-WAIT I... I'LL TELL YOU JUST PLEASE DON'T KILL ME," she wailed as you stuffed the gun against her temple.

"NO... IF SHE DOESN'T KILL YOU, THEY WILL!" One of the guys pleaded her before he glared daggers at you.

"We won't tell you shit, do whatever you want," he spat, and you just smiled at him.

"Say no less!" you shot his leg as he screamed out in pain.

"You sure you still won't cooperate? I killed people before, I have no problem killing more," you shrugged as you kept a firm elbow lock on the girl while you shot the guy.

"She's batshit crazy. She would do it. Just give up Cole!" the girl cried as she shook her head in your hand, you tightened your grip around her throat, making her cough a little.

"You bet the fuck I would. You are messing with the wrong people,"

"I will tell you everything... I swear. Just please don't hurt him anymore," she begged, but you just looked at her coldly. Waiting for her answer.

"The call didn't go through because that phone was designed to track people who escaped... A lot of you escapees would call your phones first thing..." you felt a little relieved that it wasn't a permanent thing, but you didn't let it show. You still had to keep your guard up after all.

"And the second question. Why are we here? Why us?" you kept your gun pointed at the healthy guy as you questioned the girl. The guy you shot, Cole, was lying on the ground, passed out from blood loss.

"It's not just you... It's... They calculate when your universe is going to die, and before it does they bring you here. Because they need test subjects for drugs and weapons and whatnot. It's not just your universe... People from other universes suffered from the same fate... We are the same. I swear!" you smacked her head at the last bit.

"So you joined them to keep your life. Is it?" They quickly nodded their heads, and you let out a small sigh.

"That's all I know. I swear!" she was shaking now, and the guy was letting out silent tears as he cried, you almost felt bad for them.

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