Chapter 13

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"When are you planning to call him again?" Noah asked as he looked at you.

"I don't know. In two days? I'm worried that they can track us when we call so I would prefer we keep it to a minimum,"  you responded as you rubbed your temple.

You managed to make it back safely to the shop with Ross and explained what happened to the team. Thanks to the call, there was slight hope floating around in the room. They were less stiff now, but the same couldn't be said about you.

You couldn't stop thinking about what Ross had told you. You were trying to convince yourself so hard that you didn't care if it ended. That you already decided to stay with Simon and the rest of TF141. But the little memories would make their way to your head, and you couldn't help but feel sad. Objectively speaking, that means everyone you knew... Is dead. Your best friend, your online friends, your parents... Everyone you knew... Is gone.

You felt a twist in your heart, the grief finally settling in. You excused yourself to go to the bathroom, and once you were alone. You bawled your eyes out.

It really did feel like a dream.
Everything felt meaningless.
You felt empty.

Knock... Knock... Knock

"I hate to be this kind of person, but can you hurry up, please? I'm about to shit my pants," you heard the knocker say.

"I didn't need to know that Noah," you grimaced before you got up and washed your face, making sure you didn't look like you were crying before leaving the bathroom.

"Yeah, yeah. Sorry, gotta say some nasty shit to get you out," He quickly got in before you even completely left.

You sighed before heading back to where the rest of the team was sitting. They were conversing loudly, and it didn't seem to be good.

"...really? Are you sure about this?" you heard Emma ask.

"We don't have any other choice, do we? They know we are here," Layla replied.

"Okay, how?" Emma turned to look at Ross.

"We leave this city through the tunnels, and then go by foot to the next one," a collective groan echoed in the room, Noah included as he entered the room as soon as Ross explained his plan.

"How much money do we have? We are going to need food and stuff y'know. And how long is it going to take to make it to the next city?" Noah asked as he walked up to Ross, who pulled the envelope that had the money in it from his pocket.

"Uhh, like three thousand. Whatever the currency is. Let's hope it's worth something," he shook his head before giving the envelope to Noah.

"Why are you giving it to me?" Noah asked, confused.

"Because neither I nor (Y/N) can go. They already know our faces, so it's better that the three of you go instead. We will try to find a way to the tunnels underground in the meanwhile," he explained as he looked at the three of them, and then at you. Giving you a little nod.

"Alright then... Let's go," Noah said as he turned to look at Emma and Layla, they exchanged looks before following after Noah. 

"Be careful okay?" Ross placed a hand on Layla's shoulder as he warned. Concern was evident on his face. He really did care for them a lot.

Once they were out, Ross turned to you.
"Let's start looking then," he shook his shoulders as he stated.

"I have a question before that," Ross turned to look at you, one eyebrow raised as he waited for you to ask.

"If our universe is dead, where are we really going? What was the point of making me call Ghost? I mean I'm glad I did... But why?" you bit the inside of your cheek as you waited for him to answer.

"Well... I wanted to secure a plan B in case plan A didn't work. You see, we aren't the first ones to escape, there were others before us. I'm certain we will find them eventually," he pulled out a stack of letters he had hidden in his undershirt, and you looked at him weirdly.

"Don't give me that look. Anyways, I thought that if it didn't work, we needed another way to leave this place. Seeing that we couldn't return to our original universe, the best chance was to try and reach for people we met in games. And look, it worked!" He gave you a little smile before he started looking around for a manhole.

"Okay... Let's hope we find them then. I don't know how long will it take Ghost to find a way, or if there is even a way to begin with," Ross made his way to you and patted your back.

"Have some faith. We will make it. All of us," he gave you a little side hug before stepping back. You nodded your head and let out a quick breath before looking around for a manhole.

The faster you got out of here, the better.

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