Chapter 5

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"... I do. God damn. What now? You don't seriously think they aren't ready for this kind of situation? Also, where did you get the guns from anyways?" you breathed out as the three of you started making your way back.

"They think they are. Come on, I'll show you everything," Noah said as he took a turn to another passage.

This passage lead to a locked armory where the Crestfall forces kept their weapons, but it was almost empty. There was another muscular guy and a black girl inside the room, and they were wearing a similar outfit to your own.

You grabbed Emma's wrist, worried that they might be enemies, but Noah greeted them as friends before all of them looked at the two of you.

"Let me introduce you. This is Ross, he may look grumpy, but he's nice so don't take it against him," Noah pointed his thumb at Ross, who was glaring at your souls during the introduction. He gave you a firm nod and a very very small *nice to meet you*, you almost didn't hear him.

"And this is Layla. Kindest soul you will ever meet," Layla smiled at the compliment, her dimples showing. She looked between you and Emma, her brown eyes sparkling with excitement.

"It's so nice to meet you two," she chimed as she smiled at the two of you. Her happiness was contagious, so contagious you almost forgot the fact that the five of you were standing in the middle of an armory.

"Both of them are revolutionaries as well," Noah said to the two of you before he turned to Ross and Layla, introducing you and Emma the same way. After the quick exchange of pleasantries, the group went straight to the point.

"I'm gonna get straight to the point. I know the two of you are relatively new compared to the rest of us, but we can no longer delay," Ross said as he sat down on the bench.

"We have been working for months to get here... The big day is in 3 days. We are finally leaving this hellhole," he sighed as he leaned back. Despite it being kind of good news, he was obviously stressed.

"You scared?" you asked as you looked at the big guy. He opened one eye and looked over at you, silently judging you.

"What game were you sent to? You look like you have been through a similar hell to this one," he had his two eyes staring at you now as he leaned forward, hands intertwined between his knees as he waited for your answer.

"... I was playing COD when it happened, so... What about you though? You look like you know your shit too. I'm gonna bet you are either the leader or the sub-leader," you looked him up and down as you waited for his answer.

"I was playing The Evil Within," you gave him a horrified look as he rubbed his temple.

"Man, you gotta be one hell of a dude to survive THAT. What about you?" you turned to Layla, and she sheepishly scratched her head, smiling a little

"I was playing Detriot: Become Human," you nodded your head in response. It seems like the teleportation thing only works if you were playing a story mode.

"I see... Anyways, what about the big day? What are you planning to do?" you went back to the main topic.

"Sit the kitchen on fire. We will escape during the ruckus," you squinted your eyes at the response.

"That's all? You think a small kitchen fire is going to take all of their attention and open a way for a small army to escape?" Ross smirked as he shook his head.

"Whoever said it was small? You will see when it happens. But for now, let's talk about our escape plan yeah? You are lucky you know, we were looking for another 2 people to join our team. In 3 days, we will meet near the passage entrance. Noah, make sure they are well-armed by then," Ross looked at each and every single one of you. He kind of reminded you of Price for some reason.

"Alright," Noah said as he started to make his way back to his room, he stopped at the door and looked at you and Emma.

"Come on. Let's go," he smiled a little as he nodded his head to the side.

"Wait. Take this," Layla stopped you and Emma while holding something in her hand.

"What is it?" Emma asked as she held out her hand. Layla placed a small earpiece in each of your hands.

"We can communicate using it. But be careful, only use channel FM 99.2. They may have access to other channels but this one is safe," she explained, and you wanted to ask more questions, but there were noises coming from outside the armory, so you had to take your leave.

Emma was still hesitant about this whole thing, but she went along with it nonetheless. You took another gun and some equipment from Noah before heading to Emma's room, as you still didn't have a key to your own room.

"You seem to be stressed. Are you okay?" you asked her as you sat down in front of her.

"I'm scared, to be honest. I don't know what to expect. I'm not like you guys, I was teleported to Stray. A literal cat game," you smiled reassuringly at her as you placed a hand on her shoulder.

"I was scared too. The first time I had to hold a gun and shoot at somebody. I almost pissed my pants thinking I was dead for sure," you chuckled at the memory of the stupid parachute and the sniper that Simon killed in the end because you were too shit at aiming.

"Did you kill someone before?" she questioned, and the question felt weird. Because all that you did, in your mind they were just game characters. Not people.

"Would you consider them people?" you asked without looking at her.

"I... Don't know. Would you consider them real? The characters you were with I mean. They felt real to me, I got attached to some of the robots, and to the cat. I felt something toward them. Didn't you?" you felt your heart clench. You did.

"I did," you quietly admitted.

"So doesn't that make the characters you killed people as well?" you hesitantly nodded your head.

"I'm not blaming you. But... Our situation might be different. I'm not sure how to explain, but we have to pull the trigger this time to survive. There are no other chances if we die here," she grabbed the gun that Noah gave her and looked over it before looking at you.

"Can you teach me?"

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