Chapter 11

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"Okay, write down your numbers and one of us will go borrow a phone from anyone," Layla declared as she ripped the food paper bag and passed it around with a pen.

"Why don't we all go?" Noah asked as he started writing down his number.

"Because we might bring attention to ourselves if we move in a big group," she responded shortly, and Noah passed the paper to Ross, who smirked before looking at Layla.

"Tryna rizz me up? I would love to take you out if it wasn't for our situation," he winked at Layla, and she just stared back at him blankly.

"I would slap you, but that would be animal abuse," she responded before she snatched the paper from him and handed it to Emma. You put a hand over your mouth as you tried to muffle the laugh that was forcing its way out. Noah was standing in front of you, his shoulders were shaking as he tried so hard to keep his eyes on the ground.

The both of you ended up wheezing on the ground when you made eye contact and Ross scoffed before he looked at Layla again, his eyes softening as he watched her talk to Emma.

"So who's going? Definitely not Ross because he looks like a cellmate," Layla quickly crossed out Ross as she looked at the rest of you.

"I AM a cellmate. We just escaped prison... Kinda," She rolled her eyes at his statement.

"One of you ladies should go. If I go up to a lady and ask her for her phone she's gonna think I'm a creep and report me," Noah put his hands up in a surrendering manner as he breathed out.

"I'll go. But before that, where did you guys leave your phones before coming here? Like who's gonna answer when I call?" you stepped up and took the paper from Emma.

"I lived alone there, so no one I guess. Unless the landlord found it," Ross shrugged.

"Same. I was alone too," Noah said.

"Probably Kara. I was with her and Alice when I came here," Layla chimed as she looked at you.

"I'm not sure, I don't think anyone will pick up because they don't know how it works there," Emma scratched the back of her head as she spoke.

"Oooookay. What do I say IF Kara picks up?" you looked at Layla, who nervously laughed at you.

"Tell her you are my friend? And we are looking for a way back, so if she could figure it out from her side that'd be nice," you raised an eyebrow.

"Does she know about your situation?" she nodded her head.

"Okay then. Can I have some money? Just in case," you turned to Ross and held out your hand. He sighed before he grabbed some change from his pocket and handed it to you.

"I don't see why you might need it, but aite. Be careful cuz we are tight on budget here," he poked your forehead before he stepped back and looked out of the window again for any dangers.

"It's clear outside, but still. Wear your mask just in case okay? I will be hiding near you just in case as well so don't worry. You ain't alone," Ross declared as he stared back at you, nodding his head reassuringly.

"Alright, I'll be back," you breathed out before you opened the door and stepped out.

The abandoned store you were hiding in was in a kind of secluded area. You had to walk for a couple of minutes before reaching a main street. You stopped the first person you came across, it was a lady who seemed to be in her 40s or something.

"Hey, excuse me. Do you mind if I use your phone for a bit? I lose mine and I need to call my friend," you politely asked after stopping her. She looked you up and down before slowly handing you her phone.

"Alright, but make it quick," she started before looking around and grabbing your arm, pulling you to the side away from the middle of the street.

"Okay, thank you!" you gratefully took her phone with your two hands before quickly dialling your number first.

You felt your heart beating in your ear as the phone started to ring, and you let out a long breath as you waited for the other side to be picked up.

"...Hello? (Y/N)?" you heard Simon's familiar voice echo through the phone, and your eyes teared up.

"Simon...!" you put the phone away for a bit and took another breath as you wiped away your tears.

"Where are you??" he questioned aggressively.

"I- I don't know... I missed you," you confessed, noticing the lady giving you a side-eye.

"Please tell me you are safe. How can I come to you?? Where did you go?" you noticed his tone softening as he asked again.

"I'm not, Simon. I need your help, can you find a way from your side to come get me?? It's... It's not the right place here. Please," you tried to be as discreet as possible while also relaying the message to him, hoping he would understand.

"We are working on it... Just give me time. Is this your number?" you sniffled as you sighed out in relief.

"No, I will call you again later," you looked at the lady and nodded your head at her, and she nodded back respectfully.

"Okay, don't take too long to contact me again. I need to hear from you Squirrel... I missed you too," you felt the tiredness in his voice as he spoke before he hung up, and you wiped your tears away before deleting the phone log from the woman's voice and handing it back to her.

"Thank you so much," you thanked her as she took the phone from you. She looked at you with a raised eyebrow before she questioned.


"No, he's my lover. We are doing long-distance for now," you cleared your throat. It wasn't entirely false after all.

"Oh okay, I wish you the best. But anyways I gotta run, good luck!" she gave a slight smile before she continued to walk to wherever she was going.

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