Chapter 16

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AN: far from the story, does anyone play dmz :') I could really use some help with the damn missions.

"Do you want to live?" you stared coldly between the two friends.

"I- of course!" the girl cried while the guy just nodded his head quickly.

"How far are you willing to go? How many people before me have you sent to their doom because you wanted to live?" the guy looked while the girl started weeping.

"No one! You are the first... They never trusted us enough to do this kind of task," she said quickly when you started fiddling with your gun.

"This is such a pain in the ass..."

You ended up pushing the girl onto the guy, and he barely managed to catch her. You kept your gun aimed at the two of them as they cautiously raised their hands again.

"Here is what you will do. No questions asked. You," you looked at the girl. "Take all of his equipment off of him, and get this. If I see a ghost of a suspicious move, you are dead. Got it?" she quickly nodded her head before she started talking off her friend's gears and threw them at your feet, careful not to get too close to you or accidentally hit you by the items.

You kept your cold stare on the two, pretending to watch them while you were really just lost in thought.

"How can I go back to the universe of the game I was in? Surely there is a way no?" you raised an eyebrow as you waited for the guy to answer.

"The only way to go back is through the lab you escaped. The teleporting machine is there. And even then, there is a huge chance it won't work," he carefully worded his explanation, not wanting to get on your nerve anymore than needed.

"Why?" you furrowed your eyebrows as you glared at the guy, and he looked down quickly in a panic.

"W-well... The scientists or whatever you want to call them, they said something about having a double-sided connection. I didn't really understand, but from what we experienced, they probably meant that the other universe should have a connection to this one if you want to go back," you nodded your head as the girl threw the last bit of equipment under your feet.

You looked between the two, and then at their third friend who was still lying on the ground like a loser. You scoffed at him before letting out a sigh.

"Fucking hell..." you pointed the gun at the girl's head once more. Her eyes become the size of saucers as she stared in fear at the gun pointed at her.

"W-wha-" she stuttered.

"Get here," she quickly complied and walked slowly toward you, her hands still up in the air. You grabbed her hand and twisted it behind her back before grabbing one of the handcuffs on the floor and chaining her to the guy.

"W-what are you doing??? THEY WILL KILL US IF YOU LEAVE US HERE!" They both started thrashing around and crying, and you gave the two of them a pathetic look.

"You look really pathetic right now. Ain't no way I'm taking you with me after everything. I don't trust you for shit," you scrunched up your face before attempting to leave.

"WAIT! LISTEN! Please listen! You don't have to trust us now, b-but we can be really useful. You don't know much about this city, we have been here for a while. We can get you to safety," the guy said.

"Or you could backstab me. That sounds more realistic," you shrugged.

"... You can use the explosive necklaces on us until you trust us...?" the girl gave the guy a horrified look as he suggested.

"What's that?"

"Necklaces that can't be taken off unless the owner of the device decides so. If we try to take them off, they will detonate," he explained.
"This way..." Helen mumbled, her hands were still shaking and her necklace was glowing red, indicating that it was on. Lucas was carrying Cole on his back and quietly trudging behind Helen. They looked so dumb compared to when they caught you, and you cringed at yourself for letting your guard down around dumbasses like them.

Once you made it outside, you forced Helen to scan the area for any undercover enemies, threatening to blow her head up if she scams you. Once you were sure the area was clean of enemies, you walked up to a random stranger and asked for their phone to try and call Simon once again.

"Hello?" there was a little lag, and you could hear your own voice reply to you before an actual reply was audible.

"(Y/N)? That's you?" it was Soap who picked up.

"So- Johnny! How are you?? It's so good to hear your voice," you quickly stopped yourself from calling him Soap as the owner of the phone was looking at you weirdly.

"Ya missed me? I would be great if you didn't leave just like that," you could hear his pettiness through the phone, and you chuckled to yourself.

"Where is Simon?" you asked, and Soap let out a little gasp.

"I'm offended... You haven't talked to me in a while and the first thing you ask about is Simon. Tsk tsk tsk-" he was cut off by Simon snatching the phone from him

"Who are you talking to?" you heard him ask Soap, and you assumed he was looking at him instead of the screen.

"Talking to your babe," you heard Soap scoff, and you could literally see him roll his eyes.

"(Y/N)?? It's been a week since your last call. Why didn't you call sooner??" for some reason, it felt nice that he was angry at you for this.

"I had a situation. Can't say, but how're things on your side?" you tried to keep it to a minimum considering that the owner of the phone was still waiting for you to finish.

"We tried everything. The connection is there but we have no way to come to you unless you do something from your side. I'm betting you already know what." He explained, and you sealed your eyes shut before letting out a sigh.

"Yeah... I know. I'll figure it out somehow,"

"Good. Don't keep us waiting for long. Contact me as soon as you can," his voice was laced with worry as he started to lecture you.

"Gee, okay dad" you heard Soap wheeze in the background followed by a smack. And then it was silent.

"Say whatever you want. As long as you get it," his tone softened as he spoke.

"I understand. I'll talk to you later Simon, hopefully, I'll have some good news then," you gave the owner a little smile as Simon said his goodbye. You hung up and removed his number from the call log before thanking the owner and going back to where the three idiots were waiting for you.

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