Finals(Lucas vs Alexander)

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It's a new day.

I sit in my reserved seat and sip my free coffee "Mmm."

I take mine with loads of milk and sugar, by the way. I wasn't huge on the reserved seating at first, but now that I've gotten used to it, it certainly has its perks. The friendly maids bring me pretty much anything I ask for free of charge, and it makes me feel kinda like a celebrity.

As I'm basking in the stadium's energy, Claire makes her appearance, "Good morning."


I can sense a dull mood in her voice, maybe it was because she lost the match yesterday and I went overboard due to the last minute distraction.

Once I find that bastard I will kill him for ruining my mood too. Well I'm sure if he wants a piece from me he will try me again so I will leave the future problems to the future me.

In an attempt to uplift the atmosphere, I offer Claire a steaming cup of coffee. "Oh! I appreciate the gesture, but..." she trails off, hesitant.

"Do you not fancy it?" I inquired, my curiosity piqued.

"It's not that, but the bitterness is a bit too much for me..."

Ah, she possesses a sweet tooth, I realize. "You could always just make it into coffee milk with lots of sugar."

"Coffee milk?" she muses, intrigued.

I called over one of the maids to order.

"Oh, this is nice..." Claire exclaims, her countenance brightening.

"Right? It's like a magic trick you can use to make every cup of coffee taste the same."

I didn't know something similar to my old world coffee is here in this world, even the name was the same.

Well now that it suits her taste maybe she has forgotten about her sour mood. "You have to win the finals too."


It came out of nowhere, maybe she hasn't forgotten her loss, if it weren't for her bad matchup against me she would have been in finals but the nobles wouldn't want to watch both finalists from the same family so...

'Ah, politics permeate every facet of existence, wherever one may tread.'

"Yes, I totally intend too"


Lucas vs Alexander 

— The tournament catered to the noble youths aged 15 and below, yet the finalists boasted a prowess far beyond at the half of the average age. Even with several families abstaining from participation, these two prodigies outshone their generational peers.

One might even call them prodigious marvels, bordering on the realm of myth and legend.
In the colosseum's VIP seating area, the King, the Queen, Director Godsky, and the heads of both families observed with rapt attention. Curious about their opinions, the King queried the distinguished assemblage "Who do you think the winner will be?"

"Without a doubt, Your Majesty, victory shall grace our family." Otis Vayhur Wykes, the head of Wykes family said in an arrogant tone disregarding the existence of the Bladeheart family head.

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