Xyrus City

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Rinia's power to see the future will not work on Alex he will be an anomaly not existing in the first place yet will change the world to his ideals.

Alex has no knowledge of the plot so he is just another character going through his life based on his own experience and goals.

That also means he will form his own opinion about the people he will meet.

I also tried different writing style, you guys can give your opinion should I stick with the old one or this seems better


Rinia Darcassan's POV

It's been 3 years since Virion took Arthur under his tutelage, that brat is special. Though people can't hide much from me, there were parts of his life I wasn't able to see his past to be precise.

And that mature look, and intellect like he has lived for decades. Sometimes I have doubts if the boy is really 8 years old.

He comes to my place once each month to see if his parents are doing OK, most of his remaining time is spent on training with Virion and a little left with precious Tessia. Virion should go easy on the kid, but it's best that his body can assimilate with the beast's will, so there is that.

Tessia, my precious little hunk of silver, has smiled more than he has ever in the past, I'm happy that she got to make a friend who doesn't have an ulterior motive like those noble brats who always wants to have favours from the royal family. 

But I feel sad that she had to part ways with Arthur for now, the portal to Xyrus which was supposed to be close for another two years is opening now that, all the races are trying to get in close relation with one another. It's a good thing though under normal circumstances she won't be able to meet Arthur after the boy leaves for the Human Kingdom.

"Open the door, You old witch!"

They must be here, I opened the door with a loud thud barely glancing at Virion, my eyes met Tessia.

I ignored the old geezer to hug the little princess, "You should visit more often, Grandma here becomes lonely"

"Will do Grandma Rinia," she said

I stood and turned to Arthur, "So, you want to see your parents again? You can meet them in a few weeks"

"Hehe!" He just giggled. I truly hope he won't lose his smile; I was about to guide them ins-

My body froze, fear built to the point I can feel it through my skin as physical palpable liquid, my body refused, my every command; thinking it would be death if I try to resist.

The air felt heavy, putting me under pressure; my body finally gave in to the pressure as I fell on my knee.

"Grandma!" Arthur and Tessia said

"Rinia Rinia!"

I could see Viron saying something but I wasn't able to make what they were saying, my mind was drifting in the endless sea of blackness, I couldn't tell right from left or top from bottom. I can't even feel my body;

Suddenly a stream of memories that were not mine and events that never happened before, a future that was different from the one I saw, and the person who was the cause of all these changes stood almighty above everyone else.

A silhouette, of a person to be precise; I was not able to make the details so I tried getting closer, but I was constrained, chained; I can't cross the gap that existed between this man and me. The sheer difference...

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