Auction House

724 71 10


A slight mistake in prices the beast cores were 100 gold each and the sword was 80 gold. It makes sense to have a high cost for beast cores since generally only B ranks cores were high-ranking ones anyone can get; A rank core can possible contain beast will, so there is hardly anyone willing to sell and not gamble it to obtain a beast will.

Sword is only for augmenters but beast cores help both so common-sense dictates that the beast core would be a higher price than swords.

To this Alexander has 680 gold and 15 silver


A month passed without much hassle; in this month I bought a house; a simple two-story with a garden in front, in the shopping district.

And I should note that house prices here are something, even the simplest would cost 2 gold coins and I wasted 8 on them in this simple house.  Enough for a humble family to live by for five decades.

Well, as long as it serves its purpose it is good.

Today's the 10th anniversary of Helstea Auction House, which was the centre of attention for many nobles and adventurers alike.

Since many treasures would leave the vault which were kept for such occasions that nobles would covet for, I got the entry permit when I sold him the cores and sword.

I got ready and left the house to reach on time, the Auction would start at noon so I still had time.

The trip wasn't long, I should've arrived sooner but the crowd in front betrayed me. The Auction sure lived up to its name.

Many nobles along with their family arrived even before me, I wasn't fond of social gatherings but it was a sight to behold.

Different carriages arrived constantly, each more luxurious than the last. I thought of how much, such a carriage would cost. Even if I had funds, I would refrain from this kind of show at the moment there were many who are far superior to me in terms of strength and had a strong background. It's a world where strength dominates and if that's the case, I would be the one to dominate rather than be dominated.

But for that, I have to be strong enough to disregard any or all rules.

It's not the right time, for now, to live like a king.

Not long after I noticed a carriage from which Vincent and his family arrived along with one other family.

My memory was rather sharp, I recognised them as the ones whom I saw on my second day in the shopping district.

'So, they were his family'

I greeted him, "I'm thrilled to see what Mr Vincent has in store for us"

"Very well, I shall try to not disappoint you," he said with enthusiasm and passion.

"Here meet, my wife Tabitha, my daughter Lilia and he is family of my friend Reynolds, whom you met last month this is Alice his wife, his daughter Elle, and his son Arthur"

"Lily and Arthur are around your age" he added further

I greeted all of them while Reynolds left for his duty as the captain of Guards.

"Hello everyone, my name is Alexander I'm 8 years old" I introduced myself as everybody said, their hellos.

Vincent and his family were all normal non-mages. Alice, wife of Reynolds was a mage which was to be expected.

But what surprised me was that the boy, the one named Arthur was a mage too, and he was at light red Core.

Humans awaken their core in their early teen years, I was an exception because of the system but never did I expect to meet another kid my age who would be a mage.

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