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It did take a bit more time to convince the pair to allow me to leave, they were good people completely opposite from my assumption but never in years I would've guessed the former ruler of Elenoir who led elves in the previous war; a prominent figure of old days is the identity of the old man. I mean sure I thought him to be strong and famous but the former ruler was out of expectation.

I wasn't inclined to stay there longer since the competition is just at bay and there is also that thing I was chasing or rather he was chasing me. I will trouble myself with this matter after the competition, I must determine what manner of beast it was. In any circumstance, an unknown enemy is more dangerous than one who is well-known.

It might also be a brand-new species; this universe has too much to offer to exclude that possibility. It's feasible that a completely new species exists in the very depths of Beast Glades because everything I've ever read about in fiction—including humans, dwarfs, elves, and even magic—exists here.

-Three Days Later-

"I thought you weren't going to show up"

"Something came up and took more time than expected," after arriving in the Xyrus city, I immediately proceeded to the Adventurer's Guild to alert them about the new Flame Wolf variety before running directly to the competition ground, which was previously used for the three race competition held one and half year ago when I first arrived at city.

Kaspian did all the required arrangements to register me to the competition, it also required us to reveal our element if we are capable of it, augmenters have to pass a certain threshold before they can manifest their element opposite of conjurers as they can manifest them from the beginning.

But that wasn't a problem with me though, I told him to register me with the lightning element. It is by far the least used among all the skills and I want to test it with some capable mage if there are.

The competition was mainly hosted to boast of the strength and set the hierarchy among the noble families so it is mainly dominated by houses of Aurae, Flamesworth, Wykes.

The other families who participate here are just to witness the glory and might of these three houses.

The first phase is preliminary, in which top 16 candidates will pass and will be paired to fight to advance and with each round the number of participants will be halved. So to become the winner of this competition one has to win 4 times, 5 including the preliminary.

"Simple enough, who will be representing the Bladeheart beside me?" I asked Kaspian, each house has to nominate at least 2 candidates and at most 4 if they are confident in their skill but the risk in losing face is also proportional if none of them make it to the preliminary in the noble circle.

Kaspian pointed at a young girl standing in the centre of the arena with crimson red hair and a rapier on her waist and said, "She is my niece, Claire."

She was excited to see Kaspian when he summoned her out to meet him. "Uncle, are you here to see the competition?" she enquired, her eyes sparkling.

She must be excited to show her skills, it wouldn't have been long since she awaked; that must mean she is that much talented to be made representative of her family. Normally humans awaken around 10-11, so she must be at least three years older than me. I was a bit jealous of the family thing but now, it doesn't seem to bother me as much as it did in the past.

"Claire, meet Alexander. He will be representing Bladeheart along with you in the competition" Kaspian introduced me.

"Oh! nice to meet you Alexander, I'm Claire, Claire Bladeheart" she raised her right hand for a handshake. "I have dual attributes in fire and wind, and I'm an augmenter" she gave a full introduction of herself.

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