Chapter 2

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Ordering his minions, the leader stood and left to find the slave trader to make a deal hoping to get a handsome prize.

Slaves: when one human being was owned by another. A slave was considered by law as property, or chattel, and was deprived of most of the rights ordinarily held by free persons.

Though banned by royalty after the last battle with the Kingdom of Elenoir in the paper, many practised such things and so the slave traders flourish.

They were backed by some noble house who indulge themselves in fine specimens of women to satisfy their vulgarities and kinks or sometimes free dogs who would do all the dirty jobs for them behind the scene like disposing of the enemies and infiltration. The best suitable person for this type of work is someone without identity or free will someone who they can be disposed of if they dare to bare their fangs on their master since replacements were not difficult.

These were few of the many advantages slaves had, interbreeding to produce better quality mages, practised by some high-ranking noble houses. And though slave traders were backed by nobles they wouldn't mind discarding if the situation so demands.

These things were not known to the public but were common knowledge among high-class nobles and the people of slums where the worst of the worst criminals gather.

And the young the slave the better, they can brainwash them to act to their will and by the time they will become adults, their sense of morality, and justice would be twisted to the point of no return.

They can also hire mercenaries for the odd jobs but their services cost quite a lot and there is always a problem with them prioritising their life against the mission since the jobs are always linked with dark secrets of noble there are hardly any who are willing to take on these types of mission.

If caught death would be the least of their worries.


Ignorant of these elaborated plans of selling him to slave traders the boy was marching towards the well to collect water for the night with a broken bucket in his hand.

When he noticed the four boys double his age and size were coming toward him.

His eyes twitched to get a better look at the facial feature of the boys, his head started hurting once again. His hands involuntarily grabbed his head in hopes of reducing the pain but it didn't subside instead numerous experiences flashed past his eyes.

In one of the memories, those boys were there snatching something from him. It was the incident that took place last night. When seeing that he was not giving up the necklace by normal means they started beating him until the necklace fell off his hand.

They took the necklace and left their expression showing they had no qualms in beating a harmless child to half death and snatching his belongings.

By the time he came back to his senses from the sudden outburst, something solid hit his back neck knocking him unconscious as he fell to the ground with his back towards the sky, the bucket left his hand and rolled to some distance.

"That was easier than expected," one of the boys who were part of the thug group said

"I expected him to put some more resistance like the last time" he further added feeling that all this was over rather quickly than expected.

"Well, the fast the better I don't want to deal with any unnecessary trouble" the now who said this time was the awaked mage other than the leader

In this world, some gifted individuals awaken, naturally at the age of 11 to 13. The statistics show roughly around 1 out of 100 can be awakened as a mage, so naturally, they experience more attention than the bunch who can't, and in the place, where the 'law of jungle' dictates they were regarded even higher.

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