Chapter Twenty Six

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Kane woke up feeling light headed. Even with his head pounding he forced his sore eyes open. Helix beeped softly when he saw Kane. Typing,

"You're awake!"

Kane gave a tired chuckle as he looked at the hospital room he was laying in.

"Ah, you're awake." A doctor said, seeming a little cheerful. A male lykoi walked up to Kane, checking his vitals on several screens. "You seem to be recovering wonderfully. If all goes well you'll be out of here within a couple days." He said, soon going back to his data pad. "Oh, you have a couple people who'd like to see you." He added, opening the door with his free hand. Kale, Fesh, Ryko, Dusk and Tarrus walked in.

"Hey you're ok!" Kale shouted. Running over giving a soft and gentle hug. Which made Kane smile, after the day he had, the affection was more than needed. Fesh smiled, crossing her arms.

"Not bad, I was told you kicked some ass out there." She chuckled.

"That he did." Tarrus added, "After reviewing the footage from Helix, you handled yourself pretty well for being a cargo pilot." Ryko was silent, but he nodded with a serious smile on his face. Kane guessed everything he was gonna say was taken. Dusk brought his hand, showing that same digital smile on his face.

"I'd like to offer a high five for our fantastic job!" He said gleefully, well, as gleeful as a robot can get. Kane couldn't help but chuckle as he slapped his hand on Dusk's, receiving a surprisingly crisp high five.

"Thanks guys, I'm glad to see you all made it. Things got pretty intense back there." Before anyone could try to talk to their injured friend, a human walked in. Kane just barely noticed him. He looked like one of those servants for Draz.

"I'm sorry to interrupt everyone, but Draz has requested to meet with Mr. Lons as soon as possible." No one dared protest, for the obvious reason. So, saying their goodbyes, they left the room. When Kane sat up, he noticed the bandage covering the stump where his arm used to be.

Getting on his feet, he quickly placed the shoes that were given to him and followed the man to Draz. Helix was right beside Kane the entire time. Resting on his good shoulder as they moved within the city and the club. Then, once the massive doors opened, he saw her, Draz. Sitting in the same throne he saw her in before. When she spotted Kane walking in she placed the large data pad down and waved the servant to leave. After a bow, he did so immediately.

"Good to sssee you again Kane." She said with a smirk. "Ssorry about the arm. Those hand cannonsss pack quite a punch." Kane shrugged,

"It's alright." He said. The gwarian giantess only nodded. She then shifted her position as she leaned forward.

"Now, it'sss time to discussss a more permanent position for you." She started, beginning to think where to start before Kane began to talk,

"Well, I was thinking. Since you destroyed the man that forged the lie of me being a criminal and all. I was hoping to know what'll take to go ba-" Drazz interrupted him as she bellowed a deep chuckle.

"You really think the U.G.G will take you back? After all of thisss??" She asked, clearly showing sarcasm. Kane gulped, but tried to stand his ground.

"Yes...I mean-" Drazz was quick to get annoyed with him as she bluntly said,

"NO." Kane was taken back by how serious that sounded. He even found himself taking a few steps back as Draz stood up, her shadow looming over the little cargo pilot.

"After everything they lost today, you would be more than just some criminal Kane. You're a dead man. Heh, I mean, you helped kill the G.L!" She hissed. "Sssso, no, you won't be going back. Starting today, I own you Kane." She said, stepping closer. Kane gulped as the ground shook the step, the advisor prevented him from moving further back as Draz grinned.

"You made a wonderful day for me, in return I'll assign you with Nightwave. I expect great thingsss from you in the future." With that, the servants, alongside Helix, escorted Kane back to hospital, where he can think about everything during his adjustment.

Once the doors were closed and Draz was sure Kane was gone, she picked up her data pad again. A smirk came onto her face as she began to type a message:

To: Eng Wares

From: Draz

Subject: Kane Arrangement

Date: 09/06/2466

To put things shortly, Kane had successfully joined me. Finally. Your space credits will be sent within the hour.


P.S.- I'm sorry for your losses on Gwars, if your people ever need refuge they are more than welcome on Jev. 

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