Chapter Nine

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 "I apologize to wake you sir, but you may want to see this."

The voice came from the ship's speakers from Captain Vail. Alan's eyes opened right after. Laying in his bunk, the bottom of the top was the first thing his eyes caught on. With a sigh, he sat up. Rubbing his organic eye before standing on the cool metal floor. Alan knew by the tone of the captain's voice, Alan wasn't going to be pleased when he got to the bridge. So, as he got changed into a fresh set of clothes he mentally braced himself for what he was gonna find out.

Stepping out of the bunks, Alan moved briskly towards the bridge. As he moved through the various halls of the Hollan, A U.G.G Y-Class Capital ship, Alan would nod and even salute back the many soldiers and workers onboard the enormous vessel. Alan understood he needed to respect the environment here, even if it's a ship. People sometimes treat ships like this their home, since they have the right to raise and be with their families on them. Most living quarters that house families are within the thickest areas of the ship. Alongside being the closest to the escape pods. This allowed morale for the many soldiers aboard to be increased dramatically, as they no longer needed to have a long-distance relationship with their loved ones for months or even years. An added bonus for the Union as the children will not only get their standardized education on the ships but will also have the opportunities once to train as crew or soldiers if they choose too. Having work upon their graduation.

There had been many arguments on the ethicality of having children on military ships, especially when sent to combat. Though to many members of the U.G.G, including Alan, this is seen as necessary as it would only show the future of the U.G.G the importance of the strong will, courage and sacrifice it takes to be a part of the U.G.G, regardless of your profession. It was harsh to a lot of citizens since the chance of any of these ships being destroyed in battle is a real possibility. Though Alan passed the law to be mandatory for naval personnel to have their families live within their vessel for a minimum of twenty years. When it's passed, whoever became the next elected G.L would not be able to immediately remove it. As time passed, Alan soon noticed stability on many of the core and colony worlds improved as the next generation was much more prepared with the new life on the Capital ships. Alongside the numbers of the U.G.G's fleets and armies rising.

The moment Alan stepped in the bridge, all of the crew stood in attention at the sight of him.

"G.L on deck!" The captain barked, his hand swiftly moving to form a salute. A human, Captain Vail had a long-form. Standing over Alan by a foot. His hand only inches away from his round spectacles as the salute stayed. Alan quickly replied,

"At ease everyone." Once the words came out of his mouth, everyone got back to work. Alan walked up to Vail, who held a grim expression on his face.

"Sir, Corgan had contacted the bridge while you were resting. Kane Lons had escaped Para V." He said with his hands behind his back. Vail watched as Alan walked past him to observe the planet before them. The first thing Alan spotted was the series of fires burning through one of the defence stations.

To think that rebel was such a deadly pilot.

He noted to not underestimate him. Looking around the rest of the defences, Alan spotted several destroyed fighters along with the damaged stations. Blown to either small debris or large chunks still in flames. Many good people died today, Alan soon realized. Letting out a breath of air. Unaware of his hands clenching on the railing in front of the window. His cybernetic hand started to crush the metal.

"Shall I get Corgan for you, sir?" Captain Vail asked, clearing his throat as some of the crew watched their G.L nervously. The captain stood his ground, prepared to give the order but Alan shook his head,

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