Chapter Twenty Five

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It seemed that less than a quarter of the pirates that Kane started with survived. When the U.G.G forces started to fire upon their position, there had been less than fifty that managed to reach him in time. Kane could only hope that the others were forced to fight elsewhere. If not, he began to worry what their chances were about too look like. Even so, every single fighter he saw at the moment continued to fight. So he planned on doing the same. As bullets and lasers chewed through the tree he hid behind, Kane flipped his rifle over and held the trigger down as he fired blindly to his left. Firing in full-auto until the weapons needed to cool down, which didn't take long as he pulled the weapon back and pressed the button to start cooling the plasma rifle. Though he couldn't tell exactly how close the union marines were. He would assume they were only gaining ground at this point.

"Kane Lons!" A voice suddenly shouted. Kane looked around, desperately trying to find who was calling his name. Though all the pirates, including Dusk and Tarrus were occupied fighting the soldiers that surrounded their position. Then, looking to his right, a pirate was shot in the face. The gunshot was loud, and close. Looking around for the attacker, Kane held his plasma rifle closely. Then, with hardly a second to react, a mechanical fist came smashing through what was once his cover. Attached to said arm was the cyborg G.L, Alan Dokes! Kane's eyes widened at the sight of him!

"G-G.L? So it is true!" Kane shouted, aiming his rifle at Alan. He couldn't believe it! The head of the entire U.G.G came to a world like this to kill him personally, for a lie! However, before he could try anything his rifle was shot out of his hand from the cyborg's Hize!

"Yes." Alan said coldly. Ripping his arm out of the tree. Holstering the Hize, he finally faced the traitor.

"To think Admiral Scone thought so highly of you." He spat, walking closer as he scanned the other pirates. Who were all too busy with his troops to even notice.

"You were once one of the best pilots we had under our belt. Now you used this talent to help our enemies!" He shouted, slamming his mechanical fist down. Completely obliterating the rifle Kane used to block the attack. Knocking him flat on the ground at such a rapid pace it punched the air out of him. Now in a panic, Kane smashed his left leg into Alan's gut. Making the G.L groan as he took a step back. Trying to get back to his feet, Kane didn't have time to avoid the incoming punch from he G.L. Even with his organic fist, Kane felt a sharp pain throughout the whole left side of his face. Although, he had no time to fully notice the pain as he quickly dogged to the right. Barely missing that metal fist punching past him. With the few seconds he had, he pushed the G.L back. Making Alan nearly trip over a tree root. As Alan tried to regain balance, Kane attempted to go on the offensive and prepared a heavy swing to the left. Aiming for as much of the soft side of Alan's face as he could. After a loud crack. Coming from both Alan's cheek and Kane's fist, the G.L stepped back further. Slamming his back into the tree he nearly destroyed. While Kane took a few steps back himself, shaking his hand.

"Ah, damn." He hissed in pain. Having enough with this cargo pilot, the G.L quickly, but recklessly pulled up his Hize and fired. The large bullet flew right into Kane's right shoulder. Blowing off the entire arm. Kane screamed at the top of his lungs in agonizing pain. Dropping down as he quickly started to bleed. Once Alan was back on his feet, he didn't get the chance to fire again as a cybel came flying in and crashed into his face. Pushing him back into the tree. Helix had finally fully charged his weapons again and began to unleash his firepower. The G.L jumped to the left. Avoiding some of the hot plasma, though even on his feet and running to the side. A few shots smashed into him. Causing him to yell as he tried to fire back. Getting behind a large boulder as his shock troopers moved at full speed to assist once they heard he was in danger. Three popped out of the large rock and began to fire. Forcing Helix to move back. Kane layed on the ground, currently in Dusk's lap as the anvol used his hand to stop the bleeding. The human only whimpered as he looked up.

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