Then there was the attack on Paris Prime. One of the farthest worlds of the U.G.G, a large mining world that was discovered in between the borders of the U.G.G and the Bruticus Syndicate. It held minerals and ores used for an impressive amount of vehicles and ships. Tension grew as the U.G.G practically rushed in a colony ship to claim the planet. At first, when the order was given by the G.L of the time, Ben Geo. He had hoped to make it a smooth transition, have the colony ship place the U.G.G banner to claim the world before the Bruticus Syndicate would have any idea the planet even existed. Unfortunately, when reports came in that the Bruticus Syndicate already had a ship in descent when the colony ship jumped into the system. Ben gave the order to discreetly take the ship out. Hoping to make it seem like the ship was destroyed by an accident. Since no matter how advanced your ships were, the risks of space were always there. Though the operation was a success, the colony ships weapons were able to take down the Bruticus colony ship. It turned out one of the Hand's sons was part of the crew. He was enraged, followed many of the people in the Bruticus Syndicate. Saying both on the planet and in the media that the U.G.G were bloody murderers, who were willing to take down innocent and holy lives for their own greed. Although part of that was true, the U.G.G had done an excellent job hiding the truth of the event to not just it's people but their allies as well.

Within the span of a few days after the U.G.G officially claimed Paris Prime and began mining operations. Bruticus Syndicate ships had jumped into the system. A huge fleet, consisting of mainly Carriers was sent to destroy the very operations and make an example of the people working on them. At the time, all there was to defend the world was a handful of corvettes and destroyers alongside the union station. Though Admiral Janne fought to the best of her abilities, giving the warning to General Corgan and his troops for the incoming invasion. Her ships were only able to stop so many of the hundreds of dropships and Carriers flying towards the planet. Corgan's situation was just as poor as the admirals, if not worse. Under his command, he had a fair amount of infantry consisting of roughly two battalions to defend the colony and the main factory. Though, in terms of mechs and vehicles, it was next to nothing. There were a handful of Dune APC's which were armed with a few light machine guns and an anti-missile battery but wouldn't help much with an entire invasion force. Other than that he had the colonies automated turrets to assist with taking down incoming dropships. Before the union station was destroyed, Admiral Janne was able to send out an S.O.S to the U.G.G. Giving hope to the forces below as the battle soon got to the ground. General Corgan barely got an hour to assemble his troops before the ships were spotted! From there, a constant battle for the survival of the colony had begun...

The reports of the battle on the ground were quite vague. However, all that mattered was that General Corgan managed to keep the enemy at bay till U.G.G reinforcements came. Within a day or so, the battle was won. The Bruticus Syndicate had sustained heavy losses at the end. While Corgan on the other hand... had managed to hardly use anyone. In fact, the reports claimed that he kept his losses under forty percent!

Corgan soon answered the call after a few more minutes of waiting. The tall dark blue hellion stood at attention, nearly instantly saluting at the sight of Alan!

"Good evening sir! How may I assist you?" He asked with his deep and gruff voice. Alan sat back in his chair.

"At ease, general. I called to ask about the situation with Kane." Putting his arm down, the hellion cleared his throat.

"I assume you've seen the news, sir?" He questioned, managing to keep any hint of fear unnoticeable. Alan only stared before replying quickly,

"Indeed I have, It's not every day I hear a prisoner managed to cause so much damage...even with help." He said sternly, getting right to the point.

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