In the end, Kira, was the one who was disqualified from Bluelock, he threw a whole ass hissy fit like a toddler and demanded that he should be allowed to stay whilst insulting two other boys and yourself before he was harshly told to leave.

The boy stormed out of the room in a fit of rage and Ego explained that you would be on a team with the rest of these boys and they were also your rivals and you would need to win your games in order to make it to the second selection.

Days went by and you did a lot of training, you mostly kept to yourself apart from speaking with only one boy, Chigiri Hyoma.

Even after your first match, which you unfortunately lost, you still stayed quiet and only spoke to Chigiri, you were pretty sure that none of the boys had actually heard you speak a single word yet.

Now, it was time for your second game, you wanted to win, no... You needed to win.

As you got onto the pitch, the opposing team stood opposite you, one boy in particular catching your eye, he had fluffy looking hair that completely covered his eyes.

"How can he see... anything?" You muttered to Chigiri and he only chuckled at you and shrugged his shoulders before the two of you wandered onto the pitch and took you places as defence like the others had placed you.

The game started and they managed to score, very easily and quickly, you were caught by surprise.

Everyone started getting pumped up and started going harder, you just stood back and waited for people to come your way but no one ever did as they always ran to Chigiris side which frustrated you since you didn't get to show off your talents.

At one point in the match, the other team had possession of the ball and your team was down bad, you looked over at Chigiri and he gave you a small nod.

That was all you needed before you sprinted down the pitch at the player that had the ball, he was standing with his legs wide open as he looked for someone to pass to.

You took the beautiful opportunity to slide right through his legs and nab the ball from him, making a beline for the goal, your team was screaming at you, all accept Chigiri as he knew your weapons and skills.

As you ran down the field at an amazing speed, you dribbled flawlessly past players.


Your teamates were screaming your name to stop and to pass the ball to one of them, saying you wouldn't be able to do anything on your own.


Your team screamed that you wouldn't make it and that you would lose possession of the ball.


Your teamates screamed more for you to pass but you knew they weren't open enough to pass to and they would just lose possession of the ball and maybe cost you the game.


Some of your team quietened down and watched you in shock and awe as you kept going.


Your teamates were screaming for you to just pass to one of them, specifically Raichi and Kunigami.

"And one..."

You looked at the goalkeeper with a shit eating, teriffying, almost maniacal smirk on your face as you lined up your shot, kicking the ball with a scarily harsh force as the ball flew into the net with incredible speed.

The goalkeeper couldn't even react in time as the ball was already in the net before he could even make a dive for the ball.

Everyone stood in shock as you panted heavily with a smirk on your face before you turned around and started walking back to your place on the field.

Only to be stopped by someone grabbing the back of your jersey and spinning you around, grabbing a fist full of your jersey.

"What the fuck was that?! Stick to your fucking position!" It was Raichi and he was scremaing in your face but you didn't let it faze you one bit.

"Hey, hey, hey! She scored a goal for us when we were in trouble. Let it be and calm down" You were thankfully saved by Kunigami who pulled you and Raichi apart.

You walked back to your place and let the rest of the game play out on its own, like your team had asked.

The game went on and it was currently a tie between the two teams, the boy with fluffy bangs, who's name you learned to be Niko, had the ball and at the last minute in the match, their whole team started sprinting for your goal.

At the last moment, Isagi managed to grab the ball and he belined it for their goal, managing to score a goal.

The winning shot.

Your whole team started celebrating, Isagi stood in front of Niko as he looked down at him, Niko looking up at him with teary eyes as his dream had just been crushed.

Your team left the field without you and you quietly walked over to the losing team.

"You guys did really well. It was a great match, you are all great players" You complimented them but they didn't seem to listen to you much as they were too busy being sorrowful.

You made your way over to Niko, crouching down in front of him and cupping his face in your hands, lifting his face to look at you so you could see his face.

"You are a great player with even better potential, Niko-san. I think you should switch up your play style though, score goals for yourself and move up. The player with the most goals from each eliminated team will move up. Score lots of goals and move up. Okay?" You spoke softly but also harshly, the boy stared into your E/C eyes as you spoke to him.

"Why are you being so nice to me?" He was shocked that you had suddenly approached him and him specifically just to speak to him and encourage him.

"Because, Niko, you are a good player and the way Isagi sort of... Y'know... Just stood in front of you was a little sad" You admitted to him, slightly wiping away his tears that slipped out of his eyes with your thumbs.

"But I feel different. I don't really like my team, I only speak with one of them. I want you to move up and I want to be on a team with you. I've read everyones profile and you are just different... You are interesting and I want to get to know you better, not to mention your cute and... I want to play with you, Niko" You told him, his eyes brightened up a little bit and you smiled softly at him, something you rarely did, Niko was the first person and maybe the only person at Bluelock who would see your genuine and only smile.

"T-Thank you..." He started off and waited for you to introduce yourself to him.

"F/N L/N. But you can call me N/N. We're the same age so you don't need to use formalities or anything like that" You caressed one of his cheeks with your thumb as you looked at him with adoration in your eyes.

"Okay, I'll score more goals and I will come get you" He looked a lot more enthusiastic and hyped up than before and you smiled widely at the slightly older boy.

"Good." You gave him a quick kiss on his cheek before standing up and leaving him behind as you ran off and went to the showers to get washed and ready for dinner.


I actually really like this! I didn't think I would like it this much but I dooooo! Let me know if you guys liked it or not and if you have any requests then feel free to comment them or DM me!

Remember to take of yourselves! Especially if your still in school! Make sure you get enough rest and eat, drink and sleep plenty but also remember to keep up with your work!

Thank you for reading!


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