•F O U R T Y - T W O•

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I stood outside the doors of the small Vegas chapel. Dani and Alexa had my arms linked through their own, waiting to walk me down the aisle and hand me off to my man. Jamie stood in as Trevor's best man, and Troy and Gibby were the flower boys and ring boys.

The music began and the doors swung open. I smiled, slowly walking down the aisle, seeing the boys standing at the altar, Troy and Gibby on one side, Trevor and Jamie on the other. And of course Mason was going to wed us.

I giggled, seeing Mason standing so seriously. On the other hand Trevor was smiling so widely at me, his cheeks threatening to rip open.

I smiled back, so happy to be actually marrying him. It doesn't feel real, but it is, I'm marrying Trevor Zegras.

I smiled as the girls handed me off. I took Trevors hands in mine, looking into his eyes.

Mason began his speech, welcoming our small group of guests so Trevor took the opportunity to whisper to me.

"I've been waiting all day to kiss you." He spoke, grinning like a kid on Christmas.

"Me too, even just to see you." I chuckled.

Trevor swayed on his feet as we both focused back on Mason. He spoke about how happy he was to be here with us, and be blessed to be marrying us or something.

"Now I understand you have written your own vows." Mason said, looking back and forth. Trevor and I nodded, both looking to Mason. "Trevor you may now read your vows."

"AJ, I'm so excited to be here today, holding your hands. If I'm being honest I though you were going to walk out on me when I brought up getting married in an argument, yet here we are. I wouldn't trade any moment we shared for anything. You can ask Jamie if this is true, but the first night we met I was convinced Jack had you on lockdown. Usually when it comes to Hughes I have no shot, but here you are, standing in front of me, the most beautiful woman inside and out. I love you until last call Adaley, and then some." He spoke, squeezing my hands gently. I smiled, tears pricking the corners of my eyes.

"Adie?" Mason spoke, turning to me.

"Hey Tizzy, I don't know what to say, but I can't put my love for you into words. I'm so excited to be marrying you, and in the words of our dear friend Cole Caufield, I liked it so I'm gonna put a ring on it. Ever since you walked into that bar I knew you had to be mine, not that you were going home with Mika, but you were only going home with me. We've already gone through so much together and you've proven to me that no matter what happens you will always be in my corner. I love you to the ends of the earth babe, I'm so excited for it to be official." I said, the tears so close to falling.

"Now, the ring is a symbol of marriage, an ever lasting bond that ties two people together. With these rings, you promise to love each other without fail. Could I please have Gibby bring up the rings." Mason spoke, taking his job so seriously. "Trevor with this ring do you promise to love Adie without fail?"

"I do." Trevor said, slipping the ring onto my right ring finger.

"Adie, with this ring do you promise to love Trevor without fail?" Mason asked me.

"I do." I answered, slipping the ring onto Trevors right ring finger.

"I now denounce you husband and wife." Mason spoke happily, proud of himself.

Before Trevor and I could even kiss we broke into laughter.

"It's pronounce." I laughed, nearly doubling over laughing so hard. Trevor was holding me up, laughing along.

"Oh shit." Mason chuckled. "Let's try again! I now pronounce you husband and wife! You may kiss the bride."

I smiled, leaning into Trevor, who happily accepted my lips in his. The kiss lasted for a few seconds. We pulled apart, smiling at each other, before Trevor pulled me back to him, spinning me then dipping me, pulling me into one more kiss. Our friends all erupted in cheers, clapping as Trevor took my hand and we walked together down the aisle.

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