• N I N E •

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I froze and looked up at Trevor when the door clicked shut.

"Well I guess they know were not 'just friends'" He smiled walking closer to me. I smiled in response from my seat on the bed. My eyes followed him as he came closer to me. "Now where were we?" He asked and crawled on top of me.

I giggled and placed my hands on his chest. He leaned down and captured my lips in his. I kissed him back then lightly pushed him off of me. He grabbed my hands and started kissing all over my face, down my neck and over my head. I laughed as his hair was tickling me.

Finally I took my hands and pushed against Trevor, "We should go." I giggled.

"But Adieeeee" He said drawing out the e in my name and pulling his body close to mine. He finally laid his whole body weight on me, resting his head on my chest.

"Come on Trev." I said grabbing his shoulders trying to push him up off of me.

"Adie nooo." He sighed wrapping his arms around me. "No no no no noooo."

I laughed and wrapped my arms around him. "Better?"

"Yes." He said relaxing more on top of me. "So much better."

Suddenly there was a knock at the door. "Put your clothes on I'm coming in!" Mason said from outside the door. I looked up and saw him walk in, followed by Troy and Dani.

"Don't get up were on our way out and we just wanted to say goodbye and thanks for the food." Troy said.

"Good because I'm not getting up." Trevor said, his head buried in my chest.

Dani laughed and Mason spoke up, "Well it was good to meet you Adie!" Mason smiled and walked over to give me a fist bump. I chuckled and returned the gesture. They let themselves out and I wrapped my arms around Trevor, holding him to me.

"Adie?" Trevor asked, his voice almost at a whisper.

"What's wrong Trev?" I asked, fear lacing my voice.

"I have to pee." He said groaning.

"Well what am I meant to do about that?" I asked laughing, his weight pushing the air out of my chest.

"But I don't wanna get up." Trevor said. "I'm just gonna pee right here."

"Well I'm not into golden showers so." I said, using the limited amount of air in my chest.

"Damn it." He said getting up. "Thats a deal breaker."

I laughed as he walked into the bathroom, then I laid back on the bed. I opened my phone and my breath was immediately caught in my throat. I saw a text from Russell.

Hey. I just wanted to apologize for the way I handled things. I wasn't thinking right and I acted like a jerk. I really want to talk and give us another try. I think we do have something special and I know you're the one for me. Please Ads give me a second chance.

I felt tears brimming in my eyes. What Russell has done to me broke me down and continues to kill me inside. I can't even think about giving him a second chance, but I have no idea what he'll do if I don't give him another chance.

I heard the bathroom door click and I threw my phone to my side, trying to ignore the constant thoughts running through my brain. I rolled to my side, hoping to hide the tears in my pillow.

Clearly it was unsuccessful because Trevor's brow was immediately laced with worry when he saw me. "What's wrong?" He asked, laying down and facing me.

I let out a long breath before speaking up. "Russell texted me." I said, keeping my tone flat, trying to keep my emotions inside.

"Are you serious?" He asked as anger fell into his voice.

"Yeah." I said. Silence overtook us and I could tell Trevor wanted me to continue but was too nervous to ask. "He told me he wants us to have a second chance."

"There's no way you're letting that happen right?" He said reaching out to me.

I broke down right in front of him, I couldn't hold it in any longer. I don't want to go back to Russell but Im not sure what he would do if I said no.

He pulled me into his chest in response. I rolled onto my stomach, burying my face in between his neck and chin. He slowly rubbed my back, trying to calm me down. I felt my throat closing up and my breath becoming short. I felt my body begin to shake.

"Adie its ok you don't have to talk about it." He said, running his hands over my back.

"I know its just... I don't know I'm scared." I said quietly.

"Come with me." He said, getting out of bed and pulling me with him. He led me into his bathroom and he began to run a hot bath. He sat me down on the countertop and ran over to his cabinet, then pulled out lavender epsom salt.

"I'm a sucker for lavender." He smiled, scooping some into the bath. A weak smile crept to my lips as he stirred the bath. "Alright thats all set I'll be in my room." He said, walking up to me and kissing me on my temple.

"Trev?" I asked in a weak voice.

"Yeah." He answered looking down at me.

"Could you stay?" I asked so quietly I could barely hear myself.

"Of course." He smiled wrapping his arms around me. I leaned into him, relaxing in his tight hold. "Why don't you go ahead and get in the bath." He suggested letting me go.

I nodded and began to undress, Trevor turned around, giving me privacy. I lowered myself into the bath and relaxed in the warm water. He turned back around and approached the side of the tub, taking a seat and reaching out to grab my hand. "Im always here for you."

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