•T H I R T Y - O N E•

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"Get wrecked!" I shouted, pointing at Trevor.

"Ad it's a game of luck." He answered, frowning after loosing fuck box.

"You still lost." I responded, shaking my head at him. "Which means you have to drink."

"Ok ok I'm going." He laughed, walking to the cooler.

"Lukey boy!" I heard Jack yell, catching my attention.

"Hey guys!" A tall boy with curly hair who looked like an exactly perfect combination of Jack and Quinn answered. Behind followed three guys about his size, and one significantly shorter. Two the boys who were about the same size as 'Lukey boy' seemed to be holding each other up.

"What's wrong with you two?" Johnny Beecher asked, pushing one of them in the shoulder. They went stumbling backwards, laughing.

"Mackie's family had a partayyyy!" One of them shouted, holding his hand in the air.

"You are Mackie idiot." The sober one said, smacking Mackie on the head.

"Oh right." He giggled, leaning on the other boy. While the boys were trying to figure out why Mackie was extremely drunk at 2 on a Tuesday I went over to Mika.

"Do you know these people?" I whispered in her ear while I sat down.

"No idea." She smiled back.

"Glad we're on the same page." I smiled, sitting back. The boys were all clamoring around, catching up and joking around. I watched as Trevor's eyes lit up, wrestling Luke around, he joked with his friends, suddenly becoming a child again. Thats one of the things I love about Trevor; he will always be a child at heart.

My eyes caught Trevors, and he started walking over to Mika and I, followed by Luke and his friends, Mackie still holding on to the other drunk boy, with Alex in tow.

"This is Adie." Trevor started gesturing to me. "And Mika."

"Holy shit. They are so hot!" The other drunk boy said, trying to be quiet and only speak to Mackie, but he failed; miserably.

"You better shut your trap Mark." Alex said, flicking him as he walked by. "She's engaged."

"Oh shit!" Mark smiled. "That guy is lu-cky."

"So Alex is lucky?" I asked him.

"No fuckin way." Mackie said, his jaw dropping.

"Ok you two are done." Luke said, pushing the two boys into chairs. "Stay."

"Yes master." Mackie laughed, referencing the fact that Luke had just told them to stay.

"Sorry about them." Luke said walking back to us.

"I'm Luke, this is Ethan and this is Dylan." He said gesturing to the other two boys. "And that is Mackie and Mark."

"Ignore them." Trevor said, sitting beside us.

I smiled then answered. "It's so nice to meet you. I'm Adie and this is Mika."

"Yeah I think we've met before." Luke answered, looking at Mika. "You came to visit Alex in Michigan right."

"Oh right!" Mika smiled. "Its been so long."

"Yeah! When I saw Alex's post I was like no shit he finally got the balls" Luke smiled, pushing Alex, who was blushing slightly.

I laughed in response, sipping the beer I held in my hand.

"Z!" Mackie yelled from his seat across the smoldering fire pit. Trevor nodded his head towards Mackie and Mark. "Your girl-"

"Choose your next words carefully." Trevor said, sounding like an angry dad.

"Your girlfriend is really pretty!" He slurred. I laughed, watching him and Mark push each other around and laugh.

"Thank you Mackie." I smiled, leaning into Trevor's side, letting him know it was alright, they're both drunk.

"You too need to drink some water." Luke said, grabbing the two boys and dragging them away inside.

Once they were gone Jack, Pat, Matt, Cole, Dom Fensore, Danny Weight, Spencer, and Cam filled their spots. We made some small talk until the topic of us being the only girls here for the week came up.

"One week with only one other girl." Alex said, mocking his fiancé.

"Its horrible!" She said, pushing him over.

"Why don't you guys just invite Nolee." Trevor spoke up, elbowing Jack.

"What dude?" Jack asked confused. "Who's Nolee?"

"No way he doesn't know." I said, looking between Jack and Trevor, then I turned to Mika, who also had a confused expression on her face.

"Wait you guys actually don't know? Like he doesn't even talk about it?" Trevor asked, looking around at the group of people.

"Who is he?" Cam asked.

"Quinn." I said. When my statement landed on deaf ears I spoke up again. "Quinn and Nolee follow each other, they like each others pictures and he's even commented on a few of them."

"Let me see this." Jack said, taking my phone.

"Yeah." Trevor commented as Jack and Cole were looking though the pictures.

"Weird." Jack said, passing my phone back.

"I know right." I said, turning to Mika.

"So I think we should just get her out here." Mika smiled, a smirk spreading across her face.

"I agree."

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