•T H I R T Y- S I X•

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"Trevor." I breathed out before he said anything, just needing to let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Are you ok?" He asked after a long pause. His voice broke then soft cries escaped his mouth.

He's crying. My heart rate picked up. He's probably so upset with me right now. My silence was enough answer for him.

"Adie where are you. Please." He begged from the other side of the phone. "I just want you to be safe."

I stayed silent, tears slowly rolling down my cheeks.

"But you're mad at me." I spoke softly.

"No Adie I'm not. I'm really not." He spoke slowly. "I'm mad at myself. I'm upset that I let my own anxieties get the best of me. I'm upset at the thought of you leaving. And I'm most upset that I'm trying to hold you back. I want you to succeed, I want to watch you succeed, no matter how that might happen. I love you so much Adie. I know I fucked up. And I know it's not good. I'll send you my address and you take as long as you need. The green key on my car keys is for the house, I'll sleep in the basement and you can sleep in my room, take as much time as you need."

I stayed silent wanting to believe his words, but I've heard this all before. But Trevor never hit me. I've gone through this before. But not with Trevor.

This is new. I remind myself. We need to at least try. Both of us. Just because we got into an argument doesn't mean I need to run away. Couples fight, it's normal, it's healthy, and Trevor hasn't hurt me.

"Please Adie. I'm so sorry. I would do anything." Trevor started, his voice breaking again. "Just please come back. I just want you to be safe. You can lock the door to my room. Just please. I'll buy you a plane ticket if-."

"I'm coming send me the address please." I said cutting him off.

"Ok." He said, not hanging up the phone. I took a few moments before hanging up the phone.

I sat in the parking lot talking myself into going back to his house for about 40 minutes.

I carefully opened the front door, revealing a quiet foyer. I walked inside, locking the door behind me. I quietly walked up the stairs, careful not to make a noise, and just like Trevor said he was no where to be seen.

I locked the door then threw on my sleeping shorts and Trevors t-shirt and climbed into bed.

I tossed and turned trying to fall asleep but failing miserably. All I could think of were Trevors words. Then let's get married.

Let's get married. We could be married. I'd wear a wedding ring. I could tell people about my husband. How I met my husband. How my husband wooed me. How my husband makes me laugh. How I love my husband.

How I love my husband. I love Trevor. I am in love with Trevor. I want him to be my husband.

What happened tonight was all mental. Sure we fought, argued, but he didn't even walk towards me. He raised his voice but he didn't yell and scream. He didn't blame me. He didn't tell me I'm wrong. He told me he wants what's best for me.

He told me he loves me. And I love him.

We're in love.

I caught myself smiling. He makes me so happy.

I threw the covers off of me and walked towards his door. I grabbed one of Trevors hoodies then threw the door open. I ran down the steps and began looking around for the basement stairs. I opened door after door until I finally found the right door. I quietly walked down the stairs, not wanting to wake him if he's asleep.

I looked around the unfinished basement, seeing a soft glow coming from around the corner. I walked that way, hearing the soft voices from the TV. I could hear Trevor before I could see him; he's crying. A lot. I paused taking a few deep breaths before walking forward.

Once I came around the corner I saw a figure slumped over on a tattered old couch, his hood covering his head. I watched as his shoulders shook with each sob. My heart sank. All because of an argument.

I approached him carefully then stood in front of him. I reached my hand out, gently pushing the hood off his head.

He paused, drawing in a breath.

"You don-." He said, but I cut him off.

"It's ok Trevor." I spoke quietly, pulling his head towards my stomach.

He drew his arms around my legs, pulling me into him. Then he broke down. I sighed, then leaned down to kiss the top of his head.

"Adie I'm just, words don't make up for that." He spoke quietly, pulling me closer.

"It's ok. You said you're sorry Trev." I answered pulling his head away from my stomach. "I love you so much. I never want to lose you."

I looked deep into his eyes, searching for something that might tell me otherwise, but all I could find was regret and sorrow.

"I love you too." He spoke tearfully.

I immediately pulled his lips to mine, kissing him with all the words we can not say.

He leaned back onto the couch pulling me with him. He hugged me close to his chest, holding me tightly. We were both quiet for a while, soaking up each other's presence.

"If I get the job we can get married." I spoke breaking the silence.

"Really?" He asked, seemly surprised.

"Yeah really." I chuckled, drawing patterns over his hoodie.

"And if you don't I promise I'll make a better proposal than during a stupid argument." He laughed, his chest vibrating under me.

"You do owe me that." I smiled.

"Maybe we could go to Vegas and get married, just us, and keep it a secret so that we can have a big fancy wedding in Europe and I can propose to you how you deserve." He sighed.

"That sounds perfect." I smiled.

"Good because you deserve everything I can offer to you. All my love. Everything. You are the best thing that's ever happened to me. I love you AJ." He spoke, brushing my hair.

"I love you more trev." I giggled.

"Impossible." He replied. I could hear the smile in his voice, making me smile. I'm going to marry this man.

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