• F O U R •

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We were about ten minutes into the fifteen minute walk back to my apartment. I was so scared that Trevor was going to hate me after I kissed him back at the bar. I honestly had no intention of that happening, but when my ex boyfriend, Russell, locked eyes with me and began to walk towards me I decided to just kiss Trevor. I knew it was a bad choice, but I never ever thought my bad choice would be so, right? Everything about kissing him was right. The way his hair felt, his hands on my waist, his soft lips and the way we just moved together. I honestly didn't think it would last that long, but I got lost in his lips, I was putty in his hands. I thought he would never want to talk to me again, but instead he kissed me again. Only once more, but it was still a second kiss coming from his end.

We walked together while I held onto his arm, keeping close to him to stay warm. "My building is right here."

We walked through the lobby and into the elevators together. I began to get nervous about telling Trevor what has been going on and why I kissed him. I so badly want to say I just kissed him because I wanted to but I don't know if I could. I don't want to lie, so I guess I have no other choice. And If I'm being honest with myself I'm drunk. There is no way around it.

We silently made our way down the hall to my apartment, side by side. Trevor was playing with my fingers as I fiddled with the door, trying to unlock it. This made me smile and feel more relaxed and comfortable.

"Are you hungry?" Trevor asked as we both took our shoes off behind the door.

"Oh uhm no I'm alright." I said, turning away, hoping he wont see the worried look on my face. "Ill make you something though."

"Oh no I can order." Trevor started.

"No no no. No protesting. I have plenty of food, so I will be making you something." I smiled, leading him into the kitchen.

"Ok then." Trevor chuckled following me. "Ill eat anything I'm not picky."

"Sounds good." I smiled pulling things out of the fridge to make a dinner. I started the grill on the stove to grill up some chicken. We were both silent because we both knew what we were meant to be talking about. "I'm sorry I just don't know how to start or where to begin."

"It's alright, just tell me anything you want me to know." Trevor said reaching out to grab my hand and arm. "Please just trust me."

"I do Trevor. I do." I started. "So I caught eyes with my ex at the bar and he started walking over to me and I panicked because I really didn't want to talk to him or anything so... I kissed you."

"And that's it?" Trevor asked, again playing with my fingers.

I sighed and started again. "I know it would've been simple for me to just tell him to go away but he broke up with me a week ago and since then he's told me that he still loves me and has feelings for me but he couldn't date me but he still wanted to be friends and it was all very confusing to me and he lives down the road so when I noticed he had left something that looked important so I went to drop it off and he just went off on me yelling about how I can't leave him alone and I just keep showing up and he never wants to see me again and I don't know its... just been super confusing and hard and I know he would've ended up yelling at me or using the fact that we talked against me in some way."

"Jesus Christ." Trevor started. "He just seems like a major dick."

"Well I don't know." I said turning around to grab some tongs.

"What's that?" Trevor asked pointing to the swollen scar on my neck.

"Oh uhm that's from a uh blood transfusing that I had a few days ago." I answered looking down.

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't know." Trevor said, his voice lowering.

"No its ok." I said.

"You can stop me if your not comfortable but why did you have a transfusion?" Trevor asked.

"Well some stuff happened and I ended up in the hospital and they were running tests and found that my iron levels are about a tenth of what they are supposed to be so they went ahead with the transfusion." I answered, gracefully dodging that bullet about why I was really in the hospital.

"Oh cool." Trevor said getting off the counter and following me to the table. "It's good your feeling better though."

"Yeah its honestly helped so much." I smiled, putting the chicken on a plate and pulling out a fork and knife. "Do you want anything else?"

"No no this looks so good!" Trevor said looking at the food excitedly.

"Good." I giggled as Trevor began to devour his food.

"What?" He asked, pausing for only a second to ask.

"Nothing!" I laughed. "It's just, your funny."

"I hope that's a good thing." Trevor chuckled, finishing the last of his food. I took his plate and giggled while I walked back into the kitchen. I started washing the dishes when Trevor walked up behind me.

"No let me wash them." He said, reaching around either side of me and taking the plate from me. I couldn't move either way as Trevor was standing behind me and his arms reached around either side of me. "See much better, you cooked so I clean."

"Yes I see." I grinned leaning back into Trevor. He wrapped his arms around me, his hands gripping my waist. I relaxed and closed my eyes then opened them, only to see Trevor looking down at me.

"Well you answered my most important question." Trevor said, his eyes focused on me.

"And what cou..." I started but got cut off by Trevors lips hitting mine. I smiled and closed my eyes, settling into the kiss.

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