Chapter 53

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  On the way Huo Cheng picked up Shopkeeper Feng and returned, the two had a detailed discussion. The land of Li Tongli's family was good, and Huo Cheng really wanted it, but it was absolutely impossible for the patriarchs to ask him to get twenty taels more. The Li family bullied people like this, it was obviously unwise to be tough, after all he would have to live in the Li family village in the future, and the village head was also the Li family, it really got out of hand and it was not good for anyone.

But it is okay to let them suffer a dark loss and fight among themselves.

Huo Cheng knew the situation of Li Tongli's family without inquiring. With the other party's arrogant and conceited temperament, he was not desperate, and he would never sell the land. He needs this amount of money, such a large amount, the clan will not give it out, if the other party sells it to other people, it will be fine, but now it is found on him, it can only explain one thing.

No one is buying his family's land at present, but Li Tongli needs the money so much that he will do this kind of forced buying and selling with the patriarchs.

Originally, Huo Cheng could do whatever he wanted here, but what Li Tongli and the others did was too disgusting, and Huo Cheng didn't want them to get what they wanted. Didn't they want him to take an extra twenty taels of silver, but Huo Cheng refused to take it.

So he had already made an appointment with Shopkeeper Feng, and Shopkeeper Feng came forward to buy the land, and then sold it to him at the original price. Even if the Li family knew about it later, they couldn't find anything wrong.

If the patriarch and the others can think about it, then that's all, but if they can't, this matter will be enough for these old men to worry about for a long time, but there is nowhere to vent it. But based on Huo Cheng's understanding of them, these clan elders don't have such a big heart.

When the two of them came out of the yamen again, the name on the land deed had changed to Huo Cheng. Shopkeeper Feng said with a smile while stroking his beard: "If this kind of thing happens again in the future, Brother Huo can come to me." It's so comfortable It's really wonderful to hate people.

Huo Cheng was a little speechless, it was annoying enough for such a thing to happen once, and he didn't want to do it a second time.

It was the first time Shopkeeper Feng saw him showing such emotions, he couldn't help laughing, and teased him for a while, seeing that it was getting late, he let him go back.

Huo Cheng has been out for most of the day. Aunt Huo has always ignored him for his age, but Wei Yun, as the person next to him, is the most sensitive to Huo Cheng's emotions.

Mingming was angry when he went out, but he was still a little happy when he came back, no matter how he looked at it, he felt that there was something wrong.

If it was in the past, Wei Yun might have been scruples and would not have asked, but maybe the two of them talked about it and the relationship became better, and Wei Yun's scruples had long been thrown away.

After finally waiting for everyone else to fall asleep and the two of them alone, he couldn't help asking: "What happened later?"

Huo Cheng smiled, and took out the title deed from his pocket and gave it to him: "I bought a few acres more Land, this is the land deed, you put it together with the others, so it's easy to find."

The family's money and land deeds are in Wei Yun's hands, and he didn't want to take them at first, for fear that he would lose them, but later Huo Cheng insisted , just accepted it.

Huo Cheng knew where the money was hidden, and Wei Yun didn't want to hide it from him. First, Huo Cheng wanted to run a business, and he always wanted money. Second, the two were husband and wife, so Wei Yun didn't want to turn himself into a kidnapper. Money counts on a man whose husband does not change his mind.

He felt that even if Huo Cheng changed his mind one day, he could support himself with his own hands. Besides, if he was worried every day that Huo Cheng would change his mind, he would be too pathetic.

The land deed in his hand still smelled of a faint smell of stinky ink, obviously it was just written not long ago, and the paper was brand new.

Wei Yun looked at it, and although he couldn't read all the words on it, he could get a general idea, so he naturally found the problem.

Wei Yun knew about the fact that the family asked their family to spend an extra twenty taels of land to buy land before, but later Huo Cheng disagreed, and their family bought the land from Heshu's family, so the matter was left alone, why? Now the location on the land deed happens to belong to Li Tongli's family?

Of course he didn't think that Huo Cheng took twenty taels more, because of this, he felt that there was a big problem, so he asked quickly.

A smile flashed across Huo Cheng's eyes, and he explained in detail what happened later today.

Wei Yun was both happy and worried, and raised his eyebrows and asked: "This paper can't hold fire, the Li family will know about this sooner or later, and I'm afraid it won't stop at that time. Besides, if you lie to them like this, I'm afraid you will have to give it to us in the future." Make him a stumbling block."

Huo Cheng smoothed his brows, kissed him on the lips, his expression was gentle: "Are you afraid?"

Wei Yun froze for a moment, then shook his head, "There is nothing to be afraid of. What secret, the village will know in the future, there are so many people with foreign surnames, they dare not do anything. Besides, the village chief..."

He suddenly realized, and looked at Huo Cheng with bright eyes: "Have you thought about it a long time ago?"

Huo Cheng Cheng laughed and said, "The Li family has done a lot of messes over the years, and there are quite a few people in the village who have opinions. It's okay now. Once they do too much and people with foreign surnames are twisted into a rope, they won't be able to bear it. .Those clan elders are old and mature, how can they not see this?"

This is a tacit consent.

As a foreign surname, Wei Yun couldn't agree more with Huo Cheng's words. The Li family has been a bit superior to others in the village these years, and everyone sees many things as they are large and powerful, and the original residents tolerate it a little bit, but they keep their opinions in their hearts.

Fortunately, their family is still reasonable, they are all trivial matters, and the village chief is a good person, so the big guy keeps silent. But if the Li family went too far one day, if they were encouraged a little, there would be no way to deal with it.

The truth has always been there, but it is not easy to think of it in such a short period of time.

"You are amazing!" Wei Yun exclaimed, looking at Huo Cheng with eyes full of admiration. If it was him, it might not be able to cover up the peace.

Huo Cheng's Adam's apple twitched, and he took a step back calmly. For the first time, he felt that the child came at a bad time.

This year's spring came very early. In March, seeing the weather getting warmer every day, everyone hurriedly seized the time to work on spring plowing.

At this moment, the wheat seedlings are in need of water and fertilization, and every household is busy topdressing fertilizer, watering, and weeding. The grass is the most lush at this moment, and it can grow taller in a few days. If you don't work hard, it will affect the harvest.

When the big guys were almost busy, Huo Cheng calculated the time and the blue bricks he ordered had almost arrived, and old Chen Tou also rushed over with his house-building team.

There are only three people under Mr. Chen's hands, just build the house and figure out how to build it. Although they are all proficient in this, there are only three people in the end, and the speed cannot be fast.

The big guys also tacitly agreed that they would look for them in the village again. They were all people who were used to the work, and with the old head Chen watching them, they couldn't make any mistakes.

Huo Cheng has been back for so many days, and the situation in the village is almost the same, but he found a dozen or so people who were determined and willing to work, and they almost started working.

He paid generously, 30 yuan a day, and even had a meal at noon, which was better than going to the city to do odd jobs. The ones he could find were all good-natured, and Huo Cheng paid him well, so they couldn't live up to their trust. They worked hard and meticulously, and within half a day, they dug out the foundation.

Huo Cheng paid high wages, and these people didn't expect much from the food. Nowadays, any company that hires a worker just needs to be satisfied, and the dishes are very casual. So at noon, when they smelled meat, the group thought they had smelled it wrong.

When the covered pot was lifted, the crowd was a little commotion, this, this is indeed the smell of meat, yes, some sharp-eyed people even saw a few slices of meat!

Seeing that the big guys were afraid to move, Huo Cheng hurriedly took a bowl and stuffed it into the hand of the youngest Hu Siqi: "Eat it!"

The brothers heard that his family was going to start a house, and the cakes were not for sale, and they were dumbfounded. just ran. Huo Cheng persuaded him a few times but did not drive him away, so he also went with him.

Hu Siqi was a little dazed, and asked cautiously: "Can I eat it?"

Huo Cheng rubbed his head, took another bowl and beat it while saying, "It's just for you to eat, what's wrong with it, what do you want?" If you don't eat, how can you work for me when you're hungry in the afternoon?"

The big guys just woke up like a dream, nodded one after another, happily scooped up the salty soup, and didn't forget to praise Huo Cheng.

The soup is served with thick noodle steamed buns. Although it is thick noodles, it is also mixed with a lot of fine grains, which is better than what many people eat at home.

The food is set by Wei Yun, and it takes time to cook other things, and he can't grasp his personal taste, so Wei Yun simply steams a few pots of steamed buns, stir-fries a large pot of vegetables and thickens them with water to make a thick salty soup, which is easy and delicious.

Among the people Huo Cheng was looking for was Lin Shuanzi who escaped a year ago. He fled from his parents all the way here, leaving him and two children in the whole family, and he picked up one of them on the road.

They came late, they didn't catch up with the crops, the food was limited, and they drank some porridge every day. Today's food is so good, he feels sorry for the children at home. After thinking for a long time, he still can't help talking to Huo Cheng Said: "Dacheng, me, can I go home to eat at noon?" As

soon as he opened his mouth, the surroundings suddenly became quieter. Everyone had this thought in their hearts, and subconsciously lowered their voices to listen to what Huo Cheng had to say.

Huo Cheng nodded indifferently, and said with a smile: "Okay, but if you don't have much interest in working in the afternoon, you won't have to use it tomorrow."

He knew in his heart that the big guys probably thought so in his heart, and he was willing to give them this convenience. But after all, he hired these people to work, and he couldn't just let them go, otherwise, if he didn't have enough to eat and delay the construction period, he would be taken too seriously.

Lin Shuanzi was excited, and the Beidi dialect he spoke suddenly became more difficult to understand: "Don't worry, I will be full, and I will definitely not be bored in the afternoon!" He just wanted the two children to taste meat, and he himself If you can't get enough to eat, you will never delay your work.

After finishing speaking, he carefully made a bowl, took three steamed buns and left.

Seeing that the amount he took was almost the amount for a strong laborer's lunch, Huo Cheng was very satisfied. It was enough for him to take care of the food for the workers, and the others didn't care.

With Lin Shuanzi as an example, the people behind were also very self-conscious. Each person took a bowl of soup and three steamed buns and went home with them.

It's not a big deal, but everyone is very grateful, and they work harder in the afternoon than in the morning. The Huo family is so reasonable, they can't just repay their kindness, can't they?

Huo Chengcheng had a lot of people looking for them, and none of them were cheating or cheating. He was willing to put in all his effort and was not afraid of trouble, so the house was built quickly and well, but within 20 days, the two big houses were built. It's almost there.

Fortunately, he used blue bricks, which saved the effort of breaking mud bricks and drying them in the shade.

Huo Cheng settled the money for these people, and the big guy thanked them with a smile and left. Only old Chen Tou and his subordinates were left in the new house to finish the work.

It's just that Huo Chengcheng made it very clear at the beginning that the house they live in is in the village, and they don't want something too fine and luxurious, as long as it is generous and practical.

Therefore, although there are few people and the house is big, after ten days, this magnificent house with walls was completely completed.


Good night everyone, thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution] :

Nuannuan, Chestnuts are dropped, pick them up quickly, 2223 10 bottles; Mushroom mushrooms, yun, watermelon are 1 bottle of melon skin; Thank you

very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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