Chapter 18

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Wei Yun knew that the Huo family was in a hurry to propose a marriage, but he was also in a hurry, so he took the size and stayed up for a day and two nights, and finally got the shoes out in a hurry.

Therefore, when the Huo family came to propose marriage, they were listless, and the dark circles under their eyes were heavy. The people watching the excitement looked at each other tacitly. The little brother of the Wei family really didn't want to marry, but who would let him meet an official match? How could she be willing to marry such a cruel cripple, what a fate!

Aunt Gu was taken aback by his appearance, and reproached her distressedly: "You child, why are you so careless about your body? Take a look at your face. The Huo family is here to hire you today. It's so ugly!".

He said so, and he knew in his heart that there was no way to do it. Fortunately, the child survived, otherwise the shoes for Huo's marriage proposal hadn't been made today, and he was afraid that he would be laughed out of his teeth.

Aunt Huo sent a letter to Wei's family early yesterday morning, asking to come to the house today.

She hurriedly looked for someone to calculate her horoscope yesterday. The fortune teller saw that she was anxious, and that the two people's horoscopes were indeed a match made in heaven, so she went along with the flow and said that this marriage is the only one in heaven and earth, and pointed out that it can't be done anymore. In recent days, he proposed marriage and gave Aunt Huo three points more than Aunt Huo Xi's salary, and everyone was happy.

It's a pity that as soon as I went back and heard the dowry that the youngest son was going to give to the Huo family, the old man's face was pulled: "This is too generous. I have given such a generous dowry before entering the door. You can get it after entering the door. This family I don't even have a place to speak!"

She originally thought about giving eight taels of silver, which was already very generous, but the youngest son actually wanted to give twenty taels! Twenty taels, the sum of her first two sons is not so much! There are also cloth, meat and all kinds of snacks. He is going to empty out the whole house! ! !

Huo Cheng knew his mother very well, so he had no choice but to coax him: "Isn't he going to bring him here when he gets married? Are you afraid that you won't be able to handle him? Now that we give so many dowry gifts, who in this village will take a look at you? Besides He is young, of course the family will depend on you in the future!"

This statement is of course false, there is no reason to take back what was given out, and it is impossible for the housekeeper to hand it over to his mother in the future, otherwise, with his mother's soft and muddleheaded temperament, I am afraid that he will not be able to keep a penny.

But as long as his mother believes it.

Aunt Huo was coaxed into a smile, but it still hurts to give out the white money. She didn't want to lose her position in front of Mrs. Gu, so she could only pretend that she didn't care.

Aunt Gu was amused when she saw it, and she whispered to Wei Yun, "This woman thought I couldn't see it, and she is probably scolding you in her heart now! I see, this dowry is not her idea." Wei

Yun Yun Wenyan's heart skipped a beat, so is this what Huo Cheng meant?

"Oh! This cloth is really good. This Huo boy is really a good wife. Look at this cloth, the color is so right!" The village chief Fu Lang squinted his eyes to see the cloth in front of him, and couldn't help but praise it.

People around couldn't help showing envious or jealous eyes. The red cloth is so expensive that most people in the village use a small piece of it as a hijab or a belt. How can anyone buy a whole piece of it so extravagantly.

Aunt Huo couldn't be too proud when she heard the discussion, she was so proud that she looked like a rooster who had won a fight, and she didn't know where to run if she didn't feel happy about that idea.

Wei Yun was also very happy in his heart. He didn't actually have any feelings for Huo Cheng, but Huo Cheng sent so many betrothal gifts, which showed that he really valued himself. If he wanted to live a good life with him, he had to express it. Thinking about that lonely pair of shoes, he cruelly added a jade pendant into it.

Aunt Huo came here disappointed and returned in high spirits. With a red face, she gave the little burden Wei Yun had given to her son, and she couldn't wait to go out to show off.

Brother Tong also went out to play, and Huo Cheng opened the small package alone in the quiet yard.

A pair of solid mille-layer bottoms with regular stitches, and a small butterfly-shaped jade pendant lying beside it. Although the color is not good and there are a lot of impurities, it can be seen that the owner should cherish it very much. The edges are rubbed and rounded. The red string is also as bright as new.

He picked up the shoes and looked at them again. The stitches were fine, the soles were soft, and the cotton was stuffed thickly and evenly. They fit the feet in the right size and were very comfortable. Obviously, the people who made them didn't cut corners because of time constraints.

Huo Cheng was a little surprised. Although he was happy about this marriage, he was not very happy, but the jade pendant and shoes could hardly make him not happy.

He also knows a lot about the situation of the Wei family. Wei Yun was not willing to sell this piece of jade when the Wei family was so difficult. Now that life is easier, he gave it to himself. Is it because I am kind to him, so does it mean that he is also kind to myself?

He only paid three points of sincerity, but received seven points from the other party. He couldn't help laughing, while admonishing himself to treat Wei Yun better, and at the same time, he was full of interest in the future.

Naturally, Wei Yun didn't know this, but Huo Cheng guessed right, Wei Yun was indeed sending him a gift in return for being kind to him.

He and Huo Cheng are not familiar with each other. Of course, most of them are married according to the orders of their parents and the words of the matchmaker. They are childhood sweethearts like Brother Chou or Aunt Gu's son. They are very familiar with each other. is a minority.

But no matter what, now that the two are engaged, they will live together in the future. No matter what the other party is, Wei Yun wants the other party to see his attitude. He always remembers what his mother once said to him: "In this life, sincerity can only be exchanged for sincerity. If you don't want to give sincerity, ask others to be sincere to you. There is no such reason in this world."

I just don't know if my sincerity can be exchanged for others' sincerity.

He saw off the last guest, and thought for a while in a daze, only to realize that he hadn't seen brother Yu for a long time.

Wei Yun was not in a hurry at first, Yu brother was quiet and well-behaved, more like a little brother, he could watch ants in the backyard with relish all day long. But when he searched all over the small courtyard and found no one, he suddenly panicked.

With such a well-behaved temperament, Brother Yu would never run away without saying a word, something must have happened!

He hurried out to look for it. Aunt Gu was making lunch. Seeing that he didn't take his crutches, she staggered into the door, threw the spatula and ran out in shock: "You child, why are you in such a hurry? , Do you still want your foot!"

Wei Yunhong's eyes were full of hope: "Ma'am, have you seen Brother Yu?"

Gu Da Niang felt a little uncomfortable, and replied: "Isn't he at home?"

Wei Yun The string was completely broken in his heart, and the ninja said with tears: "Mother, brother Yu is missing, I have to look for it, please do your work." After finishing speaking, he walked out the door.

Aunt Gu stomped her feet in shock at these words: "What are you busy with!" Pulling the cloth, she turned around in a panic and was about to chase after her.

Wei Yun's mind was in a mess, he kept blaming himself in his heart, and he forced himself to think about all the places Wei Yun might go, and also thought that Wei Yun's little brother might be kidnapped by Huazi, his feet softened, and his whole body went to Planted on the ground.

However, the expected pain did not appear, instead, he fell into a hard embrace. He looked up, and the tears that had been holding back all the time could not help falling down, crying bitterly.

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