Chapter 51

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    In the evening, the courtyard of the Li family was gloomy. Li Tongli and his wife were sitting on the kang, and a lot of things were scattered on the kang table. Li Tongli frowned, and muttered: "Two hundred, two hundred and eighty-three... three hundred one, three hundred and fifteen."

He put down the things in his hand, looked at the numbers on the abacus, Confirmed: "Three hundred and fifteen taels."

His wife, Aunt Li, couldn't help but burst into tears when she heard the words: "Why is this so far behind, the head of the family, what should I do!"

They took out everything they could I got it together, and I only got together three hundred and fifteen taels of silver, which is still close to four hundred taels, but I have to pay the money the day after tomorrow, but that group of people said that if they don't get enough money, they will ask Sheng Bao for a leg !

Li Tongli's brows were twisted into a Sichuan character, his face was full of exhaustion, he bent his shoulders and said, "There is still one more day tomorrow, let's borrow it again." "

Oh!" Aunt Li wiped away her tears, cheered up and said, "Then I will borrow it again tomorrow." Go back to your natal family and ask."

Li Tongli sighed when he heard the words, the old wife has been married for many years, and the family has long since lost their parents. How deep is the relationship between the brother-in-law and the others? Bottomless pit, which is so easy to borrow.

But if they don't borrow it, they won't be able to get out of this quagmire. With their family's land, these people hope that they can't get it together this time, so that they have a reason to continue to fight with their family and get more.

"Where are others?"

Knowing that he was asking Shengbao, Aunt Li looked a little embarrassed, and said cautiously: "He, he feels uncomfortable in his heart, and his injuries are not healed yet, and he is sitting in the room to reflect." Li Tongli knew it without thinking

. This statement is false, he still doesn't know what kind of temperament his son is, and thinking about it, this kind of thing will never happen to him. He really doesn't have the energy to take care of it right now, as long as he stays at home and doesn't go out to cause trouble.

He made some calculations, and confessed to his old wife: "You look after him at home, I'll go to the patriarch."

The patriarch is already in his seventies this year, which is a rare longevity. Although he is tired all the year round, his children and grandchildren are filial and live a happy very comfortable. Although he is quite old, he is not confused at all, and his heart is clear.

Li Tongli knew that he must know why he came, so he didn't go around in circles, and said straight to the point: "Sanbo, I want to sell the land at home to the Huo family.

" "You want to sell, but he doesn't want it."

Both of them knew very well that the family asked the Huo family to take an extra twenty taels of silver. The Huo family would never agree to such a bullying thing, but Li Tongli now Can't manage that much. These people with foreign surnames have nothing to do with their Li family village. Whether they are bullied or prosperous, it's all other people's business. He can only control his own family, not so much.

I have already borrowed everything that can be borrowed, but there is still a shortage of tens of taels, and the family will have to live in the future. Since the Huo family has asked, it means that the money can be taken out in their hands, and it is a foreign surname. No matter how you look at it, it is easy to handle. of.

"It's up to him whether he wants it or not. The Huo family has received a lot of help from us when they came to this village. Now that our family is in trouble, shouldn't we help?" The patriarch lowered his eyes, as if he was about to fall asleep, and

nodded He nodded and said, "Go to your house."

Knowing that he agreed, Li Tongli simply nodded and left.

As he walked, he thought, the patriarch is a cunning old man, although he agreed to this matter, he couldn't take it all seriously, besides, that Huo Cheng of the Huo family is not easy to mess with. But if the clan dared to let go of this matter, he would dare to sell it to Huo Cheng at the original price.

He is also a man who can stretch and bend. Seeing that the Huo family is about to rise, even though he still looks down on him, he doesn't want to completely offend the other party. The twenty taels was not what he wanted in the first place, even if Huo Cheng bought twenty taels more, it was still the money of the clan, so what did it have to do with him?

But on the other hand, what does the Huo family have to do with him? If the family wants it, they want it, but if it makes his family unable to make up the money, then he won't listen. Either the clan pressured Huo Cheng to buy the land, or the clan bought the land with money, otherwise, he bypassed the clan and sold the land to Huo Cheng. Anyway, it was his land, so he could sell it as he wanted. Sell.

Most of the clan's annual expenses are paid by his family, and if it is sold, the clan doesn't dare to do anything to him.

Huo Cheng didn't know anything about the calculations here. After he bought the yard of his uncle's house, he planned how to clean it up, and didn't even think about it.

The yard of Heshu's house is a bit off, not comparable to the current yard of Huo's house, but it is also good-the surrounding houses are not densely packed, which means a large open space. It is easy to expand this yard, unlike Huo's current yard, there is no way to expand it.

Huo Cheng took a look, and after discussing with Wei Yun, he bought all the vacant land around the house and planned to build a big house with two entrances.

He went to the capital with the general back then, and saw many beautiful houses. He didn't think much of it when he saw it back then, but now when he was about to build a house, he suddenly remembered it. Since it needs to be covered, try to cover it as well as possible so that the little husband can live more comfortably.

It's strange to say that it doesn't matter to him alone, but when he thinks of his little husband, he can't wait to bring all the best things in the world to him.

Old Chen's craftsmanship is good, and he has been to big households in the city. He can't do too complicated carved beams and painted buildings, but it's still possible to build a big house with two entrances, which is spacious and grand. Huo Cheng also inquired that this man did have real kung fu in his hands, so he handed it over to him with confidence, and started the work only after the spring plowing was over.

When the village chief came to the door, Huo Cheng was thinking about how to build a house in the yard, while Wei Yun and Aunt Gu were cooking bacon in the sun.

The bacon is almost ready now, and the courtyard of the Huo family has been cleaned up in the past few days. Only Mrs. Gu and Mrs. Huo come to help every day, and it is not as hurried as before.

Seeing him coming to the door, Huo Cheng knew that he had something to discuss, so Huo Cheng brought someone into the house to talk.

The village chief suppressed his anger, and his tone was not very good: "You come with me to the house in a while, the clan plans to sell the land of Tongli's family to you." Huo Cheng was a little strange, and the clan asked him to take an extra twenty

taels Didn't he just agree to sell it? Didn't he refuse? Why are you talking about this now? Looking at the village chief again, Huo Cheng had a guess in his heart: "They are planning to buy and sell by force?" The

village chief nodded in embarrassment. These people are all his clansmen, but now they can do such a thing. Come to think of it, what's the difference with the gangsters in the city? It's a shame!

Huo Cheng was about to laugh angrily, he had never seen such a weird person, he wanted to put on a haughty posture when he wanted something from others, it was the biggest joke in the world. He knew that the village chief was difficult to do, so he didn't say much, he just said: "You go back first, I'll go there later.

" Don't worry, I know what you mean, you can go back first."

He didn't want to say more, and the village chief didn't ask, he just patted him on the shoulder and said comfortingly: "Don't worry, if you don't want to, I'm here , They don't dare to do anything to you."

Huo Cheng is naturally clear, but these people deceive people too much, and they always have to return one or two. Besides, the village chief is fair and kind, and has helped the little husband a lot, so he doesn't want to embarrass him too much.

As soon as the village chief left, Huo Chengcheng got a car and said that he was going to the city, but the big guys didn't care. He often went to the city these days, and the Huo family was used to it. Even Aunt Gu and the others were not surprised, just joking He made fun of Wei Yun a few words.

When Huo Cheng entered the city, he went straight to Huichuntang, and after a while, he took shopkeeper Feng into the village and went straight to the village chief's house.

A bunch of people were sitting in the yard of the village head's house at the moment, and the patriarch and elders almost came out in full force, filling the small yard to the brim.

Huo Cheng sneered in his heart, his salary is not low, and all the "prestige" in the village are here now.

The patriarch also felt uncomfortable. No one in the village knew about Huo Cheng's vicious name. This is not a good thing. won't come.

You know, usually in this kind of thing, it is assumed that the big head belongs to him, but now he has given it up for nothing, so it's no wonder he can feel comfortable. Seeing that Huo Cheng brought an outsider over now, he became more and more displeased, thinking that Huo Cheng was deliberately against him.

He brought this man with a middle-aged appearance, with a good-natured face, a round face with a smile, and an approachable appearance, but the patriarch is old and mature, with sharp eyes, and he can tell at a glance that this man is not easy to get along with, his face It also completely drooped down.

"Dacheng, what we are talking about today is family affairs, why are you bringing outsiders here? It's just nonsense!" As soon as he opened his mouth, the

elders of the clan also echoed: "That's the reason, this person is not from our village, brought here What are you here for?"

"We told you that you can come here alone, but we didn't say that you can bring outsiders." "

That's right, it's extremely rebellious to ignore what the elders said!"

Huo Cheng's face also turned cold, and just as he was about to say something, he heard shopkeeper Feng's blunt voice.

"That's what you're saying wrong. It's my business to buy land. Why can't the buyer come? Besides, the elders don't just have to be good-looking, they have to be respected and respected to be called seniors, right? Besides, apart from the Holy One, who in this world is right? Listen to what is right, and of course not to listen to what is wrong. How can it be considered disobedience? Don't you think so?" He was smiling, his

mood He looked very good, as if he didn't realize what he said at all, and even smiled at the clan elder who said he was disobedient in the last sentence. These people have lived for so many years, and they have never seen such a provocative behavior!


Recently things are crowded together. The stupid author has to change jobs, and the old job has to be handed over. Every day is like a war, and the update is very unstable. If I can't update it, I will hang it on the copy. You can go to the copy to take a look before I wait. Thank you for your understanding. Bow.jpg Thank you for the little angel who voted for the overlord or the irrigation nutrient solution for me~

Thank you for the little angel who voted for [Mine]: 1 Xinxin pig;

thanks for the little angel for irrigation [Nutrition Solution]:

60 bottles of aliens ;じ-Love Chuxue, 30 bottles; The First Dawn, 20 bottles; Meow, Uh, Ermu, Jing, 10 bottles; Qishenwoming, Rainy Day, Jamie, 5 bottles; Heqiu, 2 bottles; Southern Beauty, 1 bottle;

Very Thank you for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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