Ending it where it Began

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Name: Seren Palpatine
Titles: Jedi Knight
Age: 21
Height: 6'0
Weight: 135lbs
Hair color: red
Eyes: Bright blue
Force Sensitive=positive
Kill count: 500,666
Trained in martial arts, hand-to-hand combat, aviation, espionage, throwing knives, self-trained with the force, and stealth

With Crosshair
"Crosshair it looks like it is over you are leaving Mount Tantis." Emerie nodded. Crosshair lifted his head to look at the female doctor. His dull and pained eyes barely opened to look at the brown-haired woman as she injected a pain medication into his vein. Crosshair's face contorted into agony as a needle pierced his skin. Then the ray shield lowered and revealed the infamous Doctor Hemlock.  "Well Crosshair I don't know who you know, but you are leaving. The emperor is requesting for you to leave the mountain." Hemlock drawled out. Crosshair glared up at the man from the cot he was strapped to. "Just so you know, I will find the girl," Hemlock growled out. "But not from me." Crosshair rasped out.

With the Bad Batch
"Seren Palpatine is alive and is trading herself over for Katia Shand, Anakin Skywalker, and Crosshair." Echo proclaimed. "WHAT!!!" Fox roared as he rushed forwards. "HOW IS SHE ALIVE!" Thire exclaimed. "WHO CARES HOW SHE IS ALIVE! SHE IS ALIVE!" Fox argued. "And so is General Skywalker." Rex nodded. "We have to stop this and rescue them before the empire takes Seren," Fox exclaimed. "It is risky." Cody reasoned. "Cody you are telling me if you could save your Jedi you wouldn't save me?" Fox snapped. "Okay, where is the trade taking place?" Rex asked. "It is taking place at the former Royal Palace of Zygerria," Tech replied. "Shit," Fox mumbled. "We have to go!" Thire urged. "Alright alright, we will go to Zygerria," Rex assured. "Dogma are you coming to rescue Seren before she does something stupid!" Fox shouted. "WHAT!" Dogma screeched.

In the brig
Katia sat on the floor of the ray-shielded cell with her hands cuffed in front of her, while Anakin sat on the bench tethered to the metal seat. When a trooper threw in the form of the former Republic sniper. Crosshair tightened into a ball on the floor trying to contain the agony that grew in his chest. "Crosshair?" The familiar voice of the Jedi spoke out causing the sniper to pause. "Is he okay?" Anakin asked again, Katia looked down at the sniper before scooting over to him and placing her fingers on his throat. "His pulse is weak signally that he has endured what could either be a bad injury or torture." Katia reasoned before looking at the dozen of needle holes in his neck. "Definitely torture due to the trauma on the neck." She rambled. "Hey, we need a medic!" Anakin shouted. "Deal with it, traitors." The guards snapped. Katia looked at the former Jedi knight and pulled the sniper to rest against the wall and floor. Suddenly the ship fell out of hyperspace and the guards looked at the prisoners. "It looks like your time to be useful has finally come." They snarled.

With Seren
Seren looked up at the massive flagship that appeared above the burned-out and destroyed city. She released a deep breath and hopped off the balcony of the palace. "Alrighty the empire is here. Do you remember the plan?" Seren asked. "Yes, but that still doesn't mean I like it." Phee huffed her arms crossed. "Right well, it doesn't matter if you like it or not because they are here and we are going to have to follow through with it now." Seren huffed. "Mom?" Cal began causing the red-haired woman to turn to him. "Will you die?" Cal asked with fear in his voice. Seren frowned at the boy's question and knelt before his. She cupped his cheeks in her hands and held them firmly. "Cal, I will try my best to stay in this realm with you and your brother, but should I be forced to leave. Just know that I am always with you and when you look up at the stairs, that is where I am. I will always look down at you and smile." Seren promised Boba frowned at his Buir's response. Seren picked up at this and looked at Boba. "But I will do my best to be with you." She affirmed with a nod. Boba nodded back when Fives spoke up. "Alright let's get into positions. The imperial shuttle is arriving." He added. "We will need to get Nalu out from the ship, we don't know if my father kept them in okayish condition," Seren muttered before whistling for the cat. The large Akul rushed to Seren's side dutifully awaiting commands. "Protect them okay," Seren ordered. The cat nodded her large head. "Alright let's start this show." Seren nodded.

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