King Killer

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Name: Seren Palpatine
Titles: Director
Age: 20
Height: 6'0
Weight: 125lbs
Hair color: red
Eyes: Bright blue
Force Sensitive=positive
Kill count: 500,666
Trained in martial arts, hand-to-hand combat, aviation, espionage, throwing knives, self-trained with the force, and stealth

Seren's pov
"The death of CT-5555 is distressing, but I can assure you that the coruscant guard did what they thought to be necessary." My father assured Anakin. I stood at my father's side as I looked over Kenobi, Shaak Ti, Anakin, and Windu. "Aren't you supposed to protect the citizens of the Republic?" Anakin snapped at me. I raised my brow at him and stepped forwards. "I am not some babysitter for your men." I hissed out. "You are their General, not me. I am the Director of the military force in the galaxy, I do not have time to chase down your men. Do I make myself clear General Skywalker?" I growled out as I got up into his face. "Oh speaking of your job, Director you have a new assignment. Walk with me, I am sure Vice Chair Mas Amedda can handle the Jedi." My father waved off. I nodded and followed him out of the office. "Here is the datapad containing your assignment and why the mission must be completed." My father explained. I looked down at the datapad to read the orders, I couldn't help but stare in shock at them.

Time Skip
Third person
The birds chirped happily as the monkeys swung on vines just outside the house. The front door opened and the black-haired woman behind the door waved goodbye to the person just beyond the door. The infamous Director sat in her chair as she watched the woman's back. Her leg was crossed over the other and her hands rested on the arms of the chair. Her long braid trailed down just below her shoulder blades, while her sharp blue eyes bore holes into the other woman's back. The woman released a deep sigh of contentment. When Seren rose to her feet behind her silently. "Well, haven't you made a life for yourself?" Seren said calmly. The woman whipped around and the air whizzed. Seren calmly lifted her hand and what was revealed to be a freshly sharpened knife floated in the air in front of her. "Seren?" Phee exclaimed. "Hello, sister," Seren replied flatly. "What are you doing here?" Phee questioned plainly. Seren took the blade out from the air and began to spin it in between her fingers of one hand and placed the other behind her back. "The Knights and I have been ordered to go Zygerria," Seren spoke. Phee's face dropped as she looked over at her eldest sister. "By this time tomorrow Zygerria will be nothing but a dust pile," Seren added. "If you wish you can join us. I figured you would want some revenge for our other sisters." Phee looked down at the ground and then lifted her head back up with a furious glint in her eyes. "I'm in." She growled.

Time skip
The sun of Zygerria beat down upon the rolling dunes of the desert planet, the wind gently blew specks of sand across the sunkissed dunes. The five black approached the gates of the towering city, four of those figures were in identical uniforms, while the one long black coat waved in the wind. Her menacing eyes gleamed with death, while she looked up at the gates. The guards stationed at the wall looked down at the figures in confusion and then in fear when they recognized the eyes of the predator. "Surrender your king or suffer the consequences of your actions." Seren boomed up to the guards with no emotions on her face. When the words of her father began to dance in her head. "Seren you must allow your anger to fuel your strength because through that strength you will gain power, and only with that power can your chains be broken." His caring voice spoke in her mind. Seren closed her eyes and released a deep breath. Then she allowed her anger to stream through her. When her eyes snapped back open a burning hatred streamed through the blue orbs. Seren shoved her right-hand forwards and a wave of deep blue flames exited her palms burning down the gates. "Kill the Zygerrians, spare no one," Seren growled furiously. Zygerrians within the gates looked on in horror as deadly flames bonded towards them. The former Knights of Zygerria whipped out their slew of weapons. Deadly electro whips flashed around slicing through whoever dared to be caught in Katia's sight. Targets dropped with a flash from Fennec's blasters, buildings exploded at the use of Kamikazes explosives, And targets collapsed to the ground with a pull of Phee's bow. All the while Seren burned once proud buildings to the ground, reuniting them with the earth. The horrified screams of the civilians filled the air as with a stomp of her foot the earth opened, swallowing her victims. Soldiers desperate to help opened fire on the once slave, however with a lift of her finger the blaster fire stopped, and with a flick of the wrist they were forced back through the blasters they sprung from. The burning red flames blazed against Seren's face outlining each rage-filled feature. The raging blue eyes, the piercing white teeth, the snarl of her lip with each slaying. A mother and child fell in front of the raging force wielder, however, there was no mercy to be spared for them as Seren brought out her deadly saber and reminded the planet of her nickname, The Executioner. When a familiar yowl echoed through the city, stopping the Director in her tracks. She turned to the right and saw a Zygerrian saber tiger, the pain and rage-filled yellow eyes gleamed desperately as it tried to break through the chains that held it to its prison. The flames crept ever closer to the young cat with each passing moment. The creature that knew nothing but pain, and suffering, the feline that had been left the parish in its cage. Seren waved her hands and parted the flames, snapping the cat out of its frenzy. Seren walked up to the cage silently to look over the starved creature and only after a moment did she speak.  "I know how it feels to be caged." The cat's snarled lips relaxed as it looked over the woman. Seren tights her fist and pulled the cage door off its hinges. Then Seren walked into the cage, and broke the chains, with the fall of those chains, Seren felt unchained and free. The pair stepped out of the cage feeling the ever-increasing heat grow closer. The cat looked down at its liberator and purred. The feline nudged its head into Seren's chest purring loudly in gratitude. "What do you say we kill a king?" Seren questioned with a deadly gleam in her eyes. The cat shook its back before swooping her head beneath Serena's legs and placing the Director onto her back. Seren's hand weaved into the cat's hair and she gently nudged the cat's side.

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