The Raising Action

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Name: Seren Palpatine
Titles: Jedi Knight
Age: 21
Height: 6'0
Weight: 135lbs
Hair color: red
Eyes: Bright blue
Force Sensitive=positive
Kill count: 500,666
Trained in martial arts, hand-to-hand combat, aviation, espionage, throwing knives, self-trained with the force, and stealth

Time Skip
"So why are we going back to Alderaan?" Fives asked as Seren pulled the ship into the landing bay. "Because my ship is here and some other very important Cargo," Seren replied. When she spotted her ship and then the large figure of Nalu bounding out of the palace. She and Fives quickly left the ship's cockpit and went out onto the landing pad. "MOM!" "BUIR" Two voices shouted simultaneously. Fives's head snapped towards the sound of the voices and saw a boy in dark purple and black clothing and another boy in the green and yellow armor of a Mandalorian. Seren took a knee and opened her arms for her kids. They crashed into her and wrapped their small arms around her. Seren grasped her boys in her arms and held them close, before resting her head on the eldest boy's shoulder. Fives looked over the site with curiosity glistening in his brown orbs. Seren moved her arms up to the boys' hair and then pulled away, with a closed-lip smile spreading across her face. "Oh my beautiful boys, I've missed you so much." She beamed, then she leaned forwards and kissed the foreheads of each one. "I missed traveling." Boba pipped up. "And I missed you." Cal proclaimed, before throwing himself into Seren's arms. Seren scooped him up and let the boy bury his head into her shoulder. "Ah, I'm sure you did." Seren grinned at the armored Boba Fett. "Uhhh who are these kiddos?" Fives inquired as he knelt in front of Boba. Boba and Fives looked at each other one with admiration and the other with judgment. "I'm you.....but not you. My name is Boba Fett and I am the son of Jango Fett." Boba announced. Fives raised his brow before smirking at the boy. "Okay then Boba, I am Fives and I am an Arch Trooper." He countered. Boba's eyes widened at Fives and his jaw dropped. "An Arch Trooper! No way Arch's have the highest level of training well besides Commandos, but." Boba rambled. Seren smiled at Boba while Nalu pushed her back up against Seren. "And who might you be?" Fives asked as he looked at the more shy red-haired boy. Seren smiled, while Cal buried his face deeper into Seren's shoulder. "This is Cal, he is an Order 66 survivor." Seren nodded. Fives frowned at Seren's words and then stood up. "Hey if it makes you feel better buddy, I didn't commit order 66." Fives smiled. Cal turned to look at the cheeky clone. "Really?" Cal asked quietly. "Yup, in fact, I was in prison." Fives nodded with a smile. "I like you." Cal huffed. "Ha, I like you too kiddo." He countered. Seren smiled at the two of their conversation. When Nalu pushed into Fives purring loudly. "Oh, and that is Nalu," Seren added. "Well hello there." Fives smiled. "So where are we off to Buir?" Boba asked with a wide smirk. "We have so much to discuss." Bail nodded.

Time skip
"As the only living blood relative of Sheev, Seren you are the next choice of ruling the galaxy." Senator Mon Mothma proclaimed. "What the Senator is saying we wish for you to become empress." Bail informed. Seren's eyes widened in shock at the senators. She looked at her friends and children for some guidance at the offer. Her blue eyes searched the brown and green orbs for an answer. She nodded her head and then turned to the senators. "Although ruling the galaxy is appealing. It would be wrong for me to wield so much power. I have seen what it can do to even the most respected of Jedi and I do not wish to become one of them." She pronounced. "I have given you the evidence you need to stop my father, but as of now I do not see our paths realigning." She nodded calmly. "And I've been putting off a mission for far too long." Seren nodded serenely. Bail smiled at the Jedi and nodded his head. "Of course Seren, thank you for your service to the republic." Bail nodded. Seren turned towards her almost complete makeshift family. "So where are we off to?" Fives smirked. "We are finding Crosshair, no matter what worlds I have to burn to do so," Seren growled out.

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