Searching Serenno

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Name: Seren Palpatine
Titles: Director and Jedi Knight
Age: 20
Height: 6'0
Weight: 130lbs
Hair color: red
Eyes: Bright blue
Force Sensitive=positive
Kill count: 500,666
Trained in martial arts, hand-to-hand combat, aviation, espionage, throwing knives, self-trained with the force, and stealth

2 months later
The wind blew through the tall trees of the forest planet, causing the fine grass blades to dance in a graceful waltz. Sitting on a rocky outcropping amongst the forest rested the Jedi knight who had her eyes pressed shut and hands resting on her knees while her long red hair blew in the wind. The smaller braids blew in the wind and the long braid rested in the center of the free, fiery hair. The black obsidian armor reflected the blazing single sun of the plant. A peaceful look rested on her face as she meditated beside the steady stream. Her padawan played among the stream, water flying out away from her as she stomped. Just then a lone trooper in black armor appeared behind the resting Jedi. "Are you all packed?" Seren asked stoically with her eyes held shut. "Yeah, I am." Dogma nodded as he pulled off his helmet. Seren rose to her feet and looked over her friend. With only the black belt and holsters holding her loose, raggedly, dark purple, wrap tunic moved in the wind. Her black undersuit clung to her body hiding the numerous scars beneath the sun's precious light. Seren looked over her friend, before giving him a firm smile and then opened her arms. "Come here." She proclaimed with her arms open. Dogma smiled at his friend and then went into her arms. "I'm going to miss you." Seren frowned. "Then I can stay," Dogma announced. "No, you cannot let me hold you back, you want to help your brother escape then you should do that," Seren affirmed as she stepped away. Reva hurried up to the pair and crashed into his armored legs, hugging them tight. "Aww kid, what's wrong?" Dogma asked as he looked down at the girl. Reva lifted her head and blasted Dogma with the full effect of her shiny, doe-like, brown eyes. "Do you have to leave?" Reva frowned. "Yeah, unfortunately." Dogma nodded. "Maaasster can we visit Dogma?" Reva asked with a pleading look in her eye. Dogma and Seren looked at each other with flat looks in their eyes. "We can visit him if that is what he wants." Seren sighed before looking at Dogma. "Are you sure you want to risk that, Seren?" Dogma asked with worry in his voice. "Yeah, it shouldn't be a problem for us." Seren shrugged as she crossed her arms over her chest. Dogma looked down at the puppy-eyed Padawan and then smiled. "Sure kid, I would love to see you guys." Dogma beamed. Reva rushed up to Dogma again and hugged him. Seren let a faint smile creep across her face as she watched her Padawan and friend embrace. Then pulled away, with the Jedi's things on her back, Nalu sat beside Seren. "Well, here is a long-distance com. You know so we can keep in touch." Seren offered. Dogma smiled at his friend as he took the com from the Jedi. Nalu rose to her feet as Reva got closer to her master. Seren picked Reva up from beneath her arms and hosted her onto Nalu's back. Seren took hold of Nalu's reigns and then looked at her friend in silence until she swung her leg up as she jumped up onto the cat's back. "Take care of yourself Dogma." Seren frowned. A firm smile spread across his face as he nodded his head. "Yeah...You too." He added. Seren flicked Nalu's reigns commanding the cat to run. Dogma watched as the cat dashed into the forest, her feet moved without causing a sound. The only sound was the laughter of Reva as they rode away, soon the only thing left as a sign of their existence was the print of the cat's paws. Dogma turned to the old Republic assault ship and started up the gangplank, before taking off into the sky.

Time Skip
"All I need is a ship that is undetectable and fast." Seren spoke to the ship maker. "Ahhh for special shipments?" The shifter maker questioned with a grin. Seren gave the man a sideward glance before nodding her head. "I have just the ship for you, this ship is state of the art, made of baskar by a Mandalorian, its thrusters are modified with Coaxium to make the ship go faster, and the weapons system is enhanced with the Jedi special crystals called Kyber. These modifications make the ship fast, deadly, and unbreakable." The ship maker proclaimed proudly. "And how come you are offing this state-of-the-art ship to me?" Seren asked as they walked up to the back doors. "Ooohh because I have a feeling you can get something I want." The man concluded. Seren raised her brow at the man as Nalu walked beside her with Reva on her back. The gates opened exposing a sleek, large black ship. "Wwooaaah." Reva gasped out as they walked over to the ship. Seren looked over the ship as she nodded her head. "What do you want from it?" Seren asked as she turned towards the man. "Hahaha now we are talking, there is a rumor that within Dooku's fortress rest the count's infamous War Chest is completely untouched. Get me a single high-value chest of the count's chest and the ship is yours." The man grinned as he held out his hand. "And what security do you have that I won't take the ship and leave?" She quizzed. "Well, I know you are traveling with a Jedi and I'll tell the empire about the kid." The man concluded. "And seeing how protective of her, I know you don't want that happening." He smirked as he offered a hand. "Very well, looks like you have a deal." She nodded. "Good now get me my chest." The man grinned. "What is the price of the fuel?" Seren asked suddenly. "Oh it doesn't take fuel, it uses the renewable fuel of coaxium." The man waved off. Seren nodded her head and started towards the ship's gangplank. "Alright Re, what do you say we check out the cockpit." Seren nodded as she shut the gangplank. Reva grinned widely as she hurried through the ship. "Woooaah there are six beds here!" Reva shouted in excitement. Seren smiled at her padawan's excitement and continued into the open cockpit. There were five seats within the large, glass-top cockpit. "Reva!" Seren shouted as she sat down in the pilot's seat before locking herself into the seat with a safety buckle. "Yes, master?" Reva inquired as she hurried into the cockpit. Seren swiveled her chair to look at the young girl before smirking and gesturing to the chair. "Do you want to be my co-pilot?" Seren asked with a sneaky smirk. Reva's face lit up and she hurried into the seat. "Come on let's go." She cheered. "Umm, are you forgetting something?" Seren asked with an unimpressed expression. "Umm no." Reva answered. Seren looked down at the safety buckle. "Ohh come on, Dogma didn't make me wear one." Reva proclaimed. "Do I look like Dogma?" Seren sassed back. "Ughhh fine." Reva groaned as she buckled herself in. Seren nodded her head and began to work the control board at the sides of her chair. She flipped the switch to her left and the ship roared to life. Reva laughed excitedly and clapped her hands. "Alrighty I need you to click that flashing button to your left." Seren guided. Reva looked down the arm of her chair and clicked the button. The ship let out another roar as the winds expanded out. Seren flicked one more switch and the ship began to levitate in the air. Reva looked forward out of the glass viewport that wrapped from the base of the floor all the way over the top of the ship. "Wooaah this is awesome." Reva grinned. Seren pulled one of her throttles of the ship down causing the ship to move upwards into the sky. Seren grinned at the smooth movement of the ship before yanking the throttle down. The ship launched up, throwing the pair back in their seats. Reva let out an excited scream as she held the armrest of her seat. Seren looked at her laughing Padawan and smiled. Seren slammed the throttle forwards causing the ship to go into a nose dive, before flicking the throttle to the left. Causing the ship to do a full spin, mid-dive. Seren pulled up the throttle and then flipped the switch, activating the second engine. The Batuu flew past them in a blur as the Jedi pair flew around the planet. A massive canyon appeared in Seren's vision as she pulled out of the nose dive. Seren turned the ship sideways and began to navigate through the canyon system. The ship weaved between the turns at the command of the former republic director. Reva threw her hands up in the air in excitement as the canyon came to a close. Seren pulled the throttle towards her and the ship blasted back up into the sky. Seren leveled out the ship and then looked at her padawan. "Well, I think this ship is good enough to keep with us ay?" Seren teased. "Hahah yeah it is." Reva beamed. "Now let's go to Serenno and get that chest." Seren added.

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