Proof of the Sith

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Name: Seren Palpatine
Titles: Jedi Knight
Age: 21
Height: 6'0
Weight: 135lbs
Hair color: red
Eyes: Bright blue
Force Sensitive=positive
Kill count: 500,666
Trained in martial arts, hand-to-hand combat, aviation, espionage, throwing knives, self-trained with the force, and stealth

Time skip a year later
As the rain poured down on the cityscape, a lone figure along the torchlight path led up to the sleek black pyramid. The long black coat hid the features of the person as they walked the path. Waiting for the figure to reach the end of the path stood the infamous figure of Darth Vader. The feminine frame reached the Sith and placed her hands behind her back. "You summoned me, Lord Vader." The Zygerrian accent voice of Katia Shand spoke. "What is it you require." She asked. "I know my master is hiding something from me," Vader spoke out. "I am too busy hunting down Jedi to seek the answer myself, however, you are fully capable of that task," Vader added before pulling out the doubled-bladed red and black saber that once belonged to his little sister. He handed the saber to Katia and glared at her furiously. "any idea what I am looking for?" Katia inquired. "I want you to find the final moment of Seren Skywalker's life. Tell no one of my orders to you, do you understand." Vader hissed out. "Yes Lord Vader, may I ask why should look into her death?" Katia pushed. Vader glared down at the woman, who then nodded her head. "As you wish." She nodded before she took off, leaving the Sith alone in the rain. Vader turned towards the pyramid and entered its stone walls. The red flames shine off his shiny black helmet. He looked down at the carefully, carved sarcophagus. Her empty hands laid over her stomach, but resting on them sat a small, silver ring. Vader placed his hand on the stone, before turning away and leaving the pyramid behind him.

Time Skip
The mountains of Alderaan towered outside the balcony doors while the Jedi knight sat on the sofa, with an armored Boba Fett at her side and a darkly clothed form of Cal leaning into her side seemingly shy of the senators before them. "It is good to see that you are alive and well Princess Seren." Senator Mon Mothma nodded. "Um, I am not a princess Senator," Seren argued. "Oh, but you are Seren. When your father became Emperor that made you The Princess of the Empire." Senator Organa explained. "Yes, but I am dead to the galaxy. So it doesn't matter." Seren countered. "Oh, but it does matter Princess. If you were to make your survival known then you would become next in line for the throne." Senator Mon Mothma proclaimed. Boba raised his brow and then turned towards Seren. "Ideally, but Senator my father was the one who nearly killed me. He is a Sith Lord." She explained. The senators stared at the short-haired woman in shock. "Do you have any proof of these claims?" Senator Mon Mothma asked calmly. "Yes I do, the proof is in my old penthouse on Coruscant. However, I will need to be there to open the safe contacting the proof." Seren answered. "Would you be willing to come with us back to Coruscant?" Senator Mon Mothma inquired. "Buir doesn't do it, you could get caught." Boba protested. Seren looked at her son and shook her head. "But if I can prove that my father is a Sith then perhaps you and the rest of the galaxy can live out the lives you deserve," Seren replied. "Your boys can stay here with Brea and our daughter." Organa offered. "Wait no." Boba began. "Yes, that would be preferable." Seren agreed. "Wait why can't we come with you?" Cal inquired. "Your mother simply wishes to keep you safe," Mothma replied. "Yes, Coruscant is the capital of the empire. It is one thing for me to go there, but it is another if I endanger you both." Seren affirmed. "But what if you get caught?" Cal frowned with tears beginning to collect in his eyes. Seren moved off the couch and placed her hands on his freckled cheeks. "Cal, I promise you. I will be as safe as I can and I will come back for you and your brother." Seren promised sternly. "You could always come to Coruscant as my new Servant." Organa offered. "Yes, that will work perfectly." Seren nodded. "Get her an outfit for Coruscant please." Organa requested. "Yes, Senator." The servant nodded. Cal held onto Seren's hand tightly as she moved to stand up. "Don't worry, Nalu will stay with you," Seren assured. She bent down and kissed Cal's forehead, then moved to Boba's forehead. "I love you both," Seren whispered as she cupped the boy's cheeks. "Rest easy boys, I will return shortly," Seren assured.

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