Fighting a Losing Battle

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Name: Seren Palpatine
Titles: Director
Age: 20
Height: 6'0
Weight: 130lbs
Hair color: red
Eyes: Bright blue
Force Sensitive=positive
Kill count: 500,666
Trained in martial arts, hand-to-hand combat, aviation, espionage, throwing knives, self-trained with the force, and stealth

Time skip
Two months
Third person
"Alright let's get those prisoners shipped off," Seren commanded as she strutted through the immense flagship. Fox hurried up to me with a datapad. "Tell Admiral Tarkin that I will not reroute my troops to protect his fortress since he has such a high opinion of clones." I snapped before Fox could speak. "Ah Force shit," Fox smirked as he rolled his eyes. I hurried into my quarters where my brother was attempting to contact me. I sat down in my chair and crossed my leg over my leg before flicking my wrist to answer the com. Anakin's halo projection popped up on my screen looking conflicted. "Well if it isn't my dear brother," I smirked playfully as I glared up at him. "Hey, Cee." He greeted before he sighed. "I need your help." He confessed. I raised my head and leaned back in the chair. "What do you need Anakin?" I inquired. "Rex thinks that one of our old troopers, named Echo is being held by the techno union." He stated. "Well, that sounds about right," I stated point blank. "What?" He asked shocked. "One of my generals hacked into Separatist transmissions and caught on to the techno union was sending messages to Admiral Trench's fleet before each battle, but that isn't enough for my fleet to engage with the Techno Union," I admitted. Anakin stared at me for a moment before releasing a deep breath. "So you need more evidence to engage with the techno union?" Anakin asked. "Yes," I affirmed. "Great maybe you can help me on Anaxus." Anakin smiled cheekily.

The command center
As the sun set over the compound on Anaxus, the generals, commander, captain, squad members, and troopers discuss their plans. "General Skywalker we do not have the resources for you to leave and go see if this trooper is indeed alive." General Windu proclaimed. "Which is why he contacted me." A sleek voice proclaimed as the door swished open to reveal the now famous hero of the Republic Seren Palpatine and her Commander Fox. The batch looked at their old squad member in shock. "Surprise boys." She smirked playfully. "REEEEDDD!" Wrecker boomed happily as he charged at the woman. Seren's face brightened into a wide smile as the giant wrapped her up in a hug. "Hahahha hello Wrecker." Seren smiled as he sat them back down. "Are you going to be joining us, Director?" Crosshair asked hopefully. Seren tilted her head down and raised her brows, her siren-like eyes stared up at the sniper. "No I will not be, I am here on a." She began before she looked at her brother with a seeking look in her eye. "Personal favor and covering him while he joins you boys to the Techno Union." She concluded. "That's right since Seren is used to controlling a mass amount of men, I have requested that she takes over the 501st and her men to assist in the siege of Anaxus," Anakin informed General Windu. "So as long as you can put on your big boy panties and work well with others. Then we will do just fine General." She said as she glared up at the general. The experience Jedi raised his brow at the fiery woman, before sighing. "We may have differing opinions, but I have seen your success rates." The General replied. Seren smirked at the man and nodded her head before crossing her arms across her chest and shifting her weight. "Alright, now that is squad away. Seren do you have anyone in command who will be working directly with my men?" Anakin asked his sister. "Yes due to his past, my Captain has offered to work directly with Lieutenant Appo," Seren answered. "And he is?" Anakin pushed. Seren raised her brow at her brow and then raised her head. "He is Captain Dogma." She confirmed. "Dogma?" Anakin asked in shock. "Yes, your former shiny." She acknowledged. "Ha, I knew he would do great things." Anakin grinned. "Yes, he is a fine Captain." Seren nodded. "Alright you may proceed with the mission, but be careful Skywalker. The Republic needs you." Mace Windu pronounced. Seren smirked and turned towards her brother. "That's his way of saying he cares for you and he does not want to go to your funeral." Seren teased. Windu snapped her head towards the woman, Seren ignored the general as she beamed at her brother. "That's what I thought." Anakin grinned back before he left the room. The sniper lingered behind as he stared at his lover. Seren looked at Crosshair with large adoring pupils before nodding at him. Crosshair nodded at her and then left the room leaving the two powerful force-wielders alone. "We should plan for tomorrow's battle." General Windu pronounced.

Forces of FateOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora