The Fall of A Jedi

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Name: Seren Palpatine
Titles: Director, Jedi Knight
Age: 20
Height: 6'0
Weight: 130lbs
Hair color: red
Eyes: Bright blue
Force Sensitive=positive
Kill count: 500,666
Trained in martial arts, hand-to-hand combat, aviation, espionage, throwing knives, self-trained with the force, and stealth

Third person
2 months later
Seren sat in her office with Dogma sitting in front of her as they discussed the plans for how they were going to handle an influx of separatist prisoners. When suddenly her eyes widened and she clutched her head as pain coursed through it. "Seren!" Dogma proclaimed as he rose up in his seat to move towards his friend. "Save me Anakin." The voice of her father screamed out causing fear to spark within her chest. Her eyes widened as the scene played out in front of her. "What have I done?" Anakin cried out in remorse. She shook her head as she tried to fight off the visions she was experiencing. "Turn off the coms." She ordered breathlessly. "What?" Dogma asked. "TURN OFF COMS!" She snapped as the visions took over her once more. First the ruthless murder of General Plo Koon, and the slaughter of Aayla Secura. "Run Caleb!" A woman screamed as she urged her padawan to run. The fear and pain of the padawans screamed throughout the force. Seren immediately felt the connection of the thousands within the force ripped away. Seren fell from her chair as she held her chest in a vain attempt to stop the pain before suddenly vomiting overwhelmed by the fear and pain. "Rex, what is going on?" "What's wrong?" Dogma proclaimed terrified as he placed his hands on her. Seren heard his words before darkness overcame her and she passed out. A short time later Seren awoke to the white surroundings of the RSB medical ward. "I need to get to my father," Seren pronounced as she began to pick herself up. "Seren you just vomited on the floor and pass-" Dogma began. "I know, but something is wrong. Thousands just died and I feel colder than usual." Seren spoke. "I have to find out what happened." She explained as she forced herself up to her feet. Dogma stared at the wall before shaking his head and chasing after his friend. "Seren I am sure your father is fine," Dogma assured. "Yes I am sure, it is my brother I am worried about," Seren replied as they raced down the hall.

Time Skip
Seren and Dogma stared at the Jedi temple in complete bewilderment. Thankful that she had seen the burning temple from a distance and felt a compulsive need to investigate she stared up at the scene. Remembering each time she had walked these once sacred steps, she walked up the stairs. The bodies of the slang guard members laid sliced in half before her, dozen of blaster bolts forced into their bodies. Crimson-red blood coursed down the steps a silent trailer for what was to come. Dogma looked around in horror at the scene barely able to hold down his stomach as he looked over the gruesome scene. Just as the pair reached the top of the stairs, exposing the true scene of the temple siege. Seren eyes widened with horror as her eyes were met with the mangled forms of bloodied children, laying dead on the floor beneath her. Seren closed her eyes as the scene of the children played out before her. The kids smiled widely as they raced down the hall to see their visitors. "Master Sky-" The smaller girl began when suddenly the 501st's blaster rained down upon her and her friends. Seren choked out a sob as she watched practically babies be gunned down in cold blood by her brother and his men. Seren's hand wrapped around her torso as she held back her sobs. Tears silently trailed down the young woman's cheeks as she walked down the ruined halls of the holy temple. Her lips trembled as she passed more ruined bodies, the temple remained silent as these foreign invaders continued down the hallway. "Oh, my gods." Dogma breathed out as he entered a completely open hallway. There strung out in the hall were the numerous bodies of both Jedi and 501st troopers who remained still on the floor. Dogma allowed tears to flow down his cheeks at the sight of his fallen brothers and Jedi friends. "I don't understand, what happened?" Seren choked out. "I don't know." Dogma whispered. They walked deeper into the temple trying to piece together the unnecessary silence towards small the children and their teachers. "At least the sterilization of Geonosis was humane this is...this is." Seren stopped herself before she cried. The pair arrived at a hallway and immediately Seren was met with the scene of her brother ruthlessly slaughtering the younglings. "Oh, my ashlar." Seren breathed out as she forced her eyes shut to try to fight through the vision of the past. "These poor babies." Seren whimpered as her high heels released the only sounds within the temple. Her heartache as she looked over each one of the barely nine-year-olds, reminded her of the five hundred of sisters who had been murdered by the Zygerrians. Seren bent towards one of the younglings. the youngling's once hopeful eyes were now clouded with death. Seren's knee touched the ground as her eyes searched over the form of the child. Her eyes now bore the tears as guilt ate at the woman's chest. "I'm sorry I didn't defend you." She whispered to the fallen girl as she moved a golden strand of hair out of her face, before gently moving her hand down her eyelids, closing her eyes forever to the unforgiving galaxy. Dogma's shoulders heaved as he mourned over the loss of young ones who barely got the chance to live before it was stripped away from them. "I was supposed to protect them Dogma..." Seren breathed out shakenly. Dogma looked over his friend when she rose to her foot and spun around to face him with tears cascading "As Director of Security, I am supposed to protect the citizens of the republic and I failed them. What could have happened soo fast, how did this happen?" Seren professed. "I don't know, I turned off my coms and everyone just sort of ran into action while I stayed with you." Dogma shrugged. "He stormed the temple." A weak, frightened voice spoke up from behind Seren. Seren whipped around and saw a bloodied, dark-haired girl, who bore a youngling helmet trying to pull herself out from beneath another body. Seren rushed forwards toward the little girl and pulled her into her embrace. "Who did?" Dogma asked as he pulled off his helmet. The brown-eyed girl looked at Dogma with fear, but the man only looked at her with a deep and fierce need to protect her. The youngling seemingly felt this need and held out her hand to Dogma. Dogma reached out and took the girl's smaller hand in his. The girl's long braid trailed down her back as she rested herself against Seren's steady, alive form. The girl nuzzled her ear into Seren's chest, desperate to hear an alive heartbeat. "It's okay Ad'ika, you are safe now, what happened here?" Dogma asked. "Master...Skywalker, he....he killed them...He killed them all." The girl whimpered out. Seren closed her eyes and felt through the temple for anyone else who was alive and felt no souls remained. Tears coursed down her cheeks, but she placed her hand on the girl's head, before scratching it tenderly like Crosshair had with her not long ago. Sobs echoed off the girl as the older comforted her. "It's an okay young one, no one will hurt you anymore." Seren whispered. Seren hurriedly began to pull off her coat. "What?" The girl began. "Shuush okay, we are getting you to safety." Seren assured her. "Dogma keeps her wrapped in my coat, if anyone asked say it's my business." Seren ordered as she wrapped the girl up into a coat. "Get her to my office and I'll ask my father, how far Anakin has gotten with his invasion." Seren proclaimed. "Do you think he turned the 501st against the Republic?" Dogma questioned. "It is possible, Anakin can create a sense of loyalty within his men, that I have not seen before." Seren reasoned. "Wait please don't leave." The girl pleaded. "It's okay, I'll be back." Seren smiled softly at the girl. The girl nodded her head and then the pair hurried out of the temple with the child in her best friend's chest. "Are you sure this is a good idea?" Dogma asked doubtingly. "Yes besides, perhaps my father can help the remaining Jedi." She offered.

Seren's coat swished back and forth as she forced herself ever closer to her father's office. "No don't go, Seren!" The voice of a familiar Jedi screamed through the force. Seren raised a brow at it but forced herself to continue forwards into the ever-growing freezing air. The doors opened to reveal her troopers Fox, Thire, Thorn, and Hound, standing at her father's desk with a cloaked figure. "Father?" Seren asked as she tried to see his face beneath the cloak. "Ah hello my dear, how are you? I hear you were sick." Palpatine smiled. "I am fine now, but what happened? I got out of the medical bay and the Jedi temple has been destroyed and children are dead by Anakin's hand." Seren protested as her usually calm face contorted in anguish. "The Jedi are traitors, Anakin was simply protecting the galaxy from their power-hungry grasps." Palpatine waved off. "But Father, those were children in that Temple. There weren't any adults there besides the guards and teachers. Anakin murdered those children who barely had any time to experience life." Seren protested as tears escaped her traitorous eyes, Seren pinched her eyes shut and looked away before anyone else could see. "Hmm, it is a shame that there can only be two Sith." Palpatine hissed out capturing Seren's attention. "What?" She breathed out. "You were so desperate for family it was quite easy truly." Palpatine growled out as he rose to his feet. Seren though taller immediately felt smaller, as he rose to his feet and smiled widely down at her. Seren stepped back slightly as she stared at her father. "Father?" she questioned attempting to hide her horror. "RUN SEREN!" "RUUUUN" Thorn and Fox screamed out to her in their minds to her, however, she remained in her spot before her father. "Commanders, Saragent, execute order 66." Palpatine hissed out. Seren looked at her friends in confusion until they pointed their blasters at her. Betrayal and heartbreak flashed across her face, just before the blaster fire did. Seren's saber ignited bright red as she immediately began to redirect their fire away from herself and her men. She separated her staff saber and used dual sabers to block the attacks furiously. Tears streamed down her cheeks at the betrayal of the men whom she had given everything to, whom she had protected with every fiber within her, at the betrayal of the men who she had seen as her brothers and friends. She swung her foot around in the air, and an invisible wave of air at the troopers, sent the troopers flying back into the wall. Seren leaped away from her friends and landed on the ground, with her lightsabers ready to defend herself. When suddenly a bright flash exploded in front of her father and dashed towards her. Seren's deep blue eyes widened as the bright blue lighting ripped toward her. Her watery eyes were filled with fear as the lighting crept ever closer before crashing into her. Fire...The fire was all Seren could feel as every single nerve in her body ignited, burning with each moment the lighting connected with her. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she writhed in pain on the floor. Blood trickled down from her nose as she curled in on herself trying to get away from the burning pain. The lighting ceased to fire down upon her, her body twitched as a string of rouge beams coursed down her frame. A thick cough escaped her, allowing blood to coat her lips, as a quiet moan radiated off of her. "Imagine the headlines, the Republic's sweetheart murdered by murders Jedi, while she tried to defend her father." Palpatine grinned as he crept closer to his daughter. Seren began to force herself onto her elbow when Palpatine delivered a harsh kick to her stomach, sending her tumbling over to the viewport, barely stopping before she went through the broken viewport. The spare pieces of glass bore into her back as she lay limply on the ground. The commanders watched usually as the predator crept even closer to their friend, silent tears coursing down Fox's face as the woman he considered to be his body was tortured by her own blood. Seren pushed her unwilling body up onto her elbow and shook her head, just before Palpatine forced his invisible grasp around Seren's throat. Seren's pain-filled eyes darted at her father's while she mindlessly clawed at the invisible hands around her throat. Weak, choked-off coughs escaped her lips, while she stared at the piercing yellow eyes. "Such a shame, you held such promise. I was sooo close to turning you too. I almost didn't need your brother, but you somehow managed to crawl your way back to the light. What was it that made you feel comfortable, who must I kill for revenge?" Palpatine hissed out. It was the Sith's words that made Seren realize just how close she was to becoming a monster, but it also made her realize that the Jedi had been wrong about attachments. It was her attachment to Crosshair that had kept her tethered to the light, to hope. Seren glared down at her father as he held her over the ledge. "You won't get away with this." She choked out. "I already have." He hissed before allowing the woman to drop over the ledge. The commanders watched in horror as their friend dropped down into Coruscant's lowest-most levels. Palpatine looked down at the silhouette dropping into the planet with a wide grin on his face.

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