Republic Security Bureau

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Name: Seren Skywalker
Titles: Lieutenant Commando or RC2617
Age: 20
Height: 6'0
Weight: 138
Hair color: red Eyes: Bright blue
Force Sensitive=positive
Trained in martial arts, hand-to-hand combat, aviation, espionage, throwing knives, self-trained with the force, and stealth
A day later
Zandra's pov
I awoke with a blanket wrapped around me and Dogma, Fox, and Thorn wrapped around me. I let out an audible huff before I looked down at the exhausted form of Fox. His greasy, curly brown hair flowed over his eyes, and his arms wrapped around Thorn. Dogma was wrapped around my leg and Fox's leg. Suddenly my com chimed, I hurriedly and carefully crawled my way out of the pile before rushing outside my temporary room. I checked the com and realized it was from the Supreme Chancellor. I hurriedly picked it up and straightened my frame. "Supreme Chancellor, how may I assist you?" I inquired. "Ah Commander Skywalker, I wish to see you in my office, please. There is a matter that must be discussed." He spoke before disconnecting from the call. I let out a sigh as I grabbed my coat from a nearby chair. I hurried over to my armor and quickly placed it on me. "Sir your pad." A corrie name Buzz proclaimed as I began to hurry up to his office. My feet silently moved across the floor as I strode upstairs. "Oh hello there Seren." Padme greeted. "Greetings Senator Amidalla." I nodded at her as I rushed past her. I arrived at the doors to his office where two guardsmen stood firm. I nodded at them just before they opened the door. Revealing the Chancellor standing at the window with a datapad in his hand. "Your excellency, you hailed for me," I stated plainly. "Ah yes Seren, please sit." He welcomed. I sat down before the Supreme Chancellor. "As you are aware there has been an increase in separatist activity within our systems and with your help I wish to eliminate that." Palpatine proclaimed. "Okay, and what do you wish I do?" I inquired with a raised brow. "To eliminate the separatist movement by any means necessary from within our territories." He proclaimed. "I want you to lead a secret police force. A force that will monitor the communications and actions of every single being within the republic." Palpatine proclaimed. I leaned back in my chair and crossed my arms. "Well, I will need men to assist me with monitoring and the arrest," I informed. "Well, I am sure the Coruscant guard will be more than happy to be reorganized into the first legion of the Republic Security Bureau." Palpatine proclaimed. "And with you the fierce Seren Skywalker at its head it will surely spread assurances throughout the galaxy." Chancellor Palpatine proclaimed. "And who do you want at your side?" He asked. "I have a couple of ideas," I smirked

Time skip
Third person
"You know we could have just exploded through the wall to get into the vault." A short blade-haired, green-eyed girl remarked. "Yeah well shut it Blondy." The shorter, brown-haired woman snapped. "Or you could have used the air vents," Seren smirked as she leaped down from the ceiling. Blasters were immediately turned towards her frame until they saw who it was. "Seren!!!" The blonde screamed as she rushed her before flinging herself into the older woman's arms. "Hey Kamikaze." Seren smiled softly. The two brown-haired women stowed their blasters before crossing their arms. "Well well well if it isn't the Commander." The taller brown-haired, blue-eyed woman smirked. Seren smiled at the woman and grabbed her wrist. "Well if it isn't my little sister Katia and Fennec," Seren smirked. "Hello there Seren? So to what do we owe the pleasure." Fennec grinned. "I am here with a job opportunity. We do exactly what we used to do, but we get paid for it." Seren grinned. The three siblings grinned wildly at each other until Katia made a slow turn. "You know Phee won't agree to it. She hates being an assassin." "Oh I know, but I know the four of us will work." Seren grinned.

On Coruscant
Seren's pov
"Alright men, as you are aware the Coruscant guard is being reorganized into the first-ever legion of The Republic Security Bureau, and with this change comes new leadership. All current commanders will remain, however, each commander will be assigned a nat-born general. Not because I believe they are incapable, but for their protection. Commander Thire and his men will be assigned to General Kamikaze Shand, Commander Thorn, and his men will be assigned to General Katia Shand, Commander Stone will be assigned to General Fennec Shand, while Commander Fox will be assigned to me." I proclaimed to a mass crowd of guardsmen. Uneasiness spread throughout the guard as they looked over at me. "From now on, no agent of the RSB will meet with any senators, citizens, or the Supreme Chancellor." I proclaimed. "You are to repaint your armor black, but individual patterns are allowed. However, I request that you stick to our color scheme of black and silver." I announced. Katia walked up to me in her uniform and turned her head. "I have one question?" Katia smirked. I tilted my head towards her as I looked over the crowd of the now cheering guard. "Do we get food?" She asked. "Yes, we get food, medical, and equipment," I replied. "Awesome." She nodded. "Umm Director?" Hound asked with Grizzer at his side. "Yes Commander, Sargent, and Grizzer?" I smiled. "What will happen to the hounds and me? I ran my own division of the Guard." Hound inquired. "And you will continue to run the division, but under the RSB. I am sure we need assistance tracking down the subject and Grizzer here will be of immeasurable assistance." I beamed as I bent down to rub Grizzer's head. Grizzer sat down and thumped her foot as I scratched the right spot. "Will we stay in our old compound?" Hound asked. I rose to my feet and straightened my back as I looked down at the commander who had become a close friend. "No, you will not be. You all will be relocated to a new facility." I informed. Hound looked at me in wonder before nodding their heads at me. "Director!" I heard a familiar voice shout. "Heyyy Dogma, what up?" I quizzed. "You are my commanding officer now, this is going to be so much fun." Dogma proclaimed excitedly. "Absolutely Captain Dogma," I smirked. "Wait what?" Dogma gapped. "You've been promoted to Captain, so you'll be working with Fox and me to take down the separatist spies within the republic." I beamed, "Will we have to work with other battalions?" Dogma asked nervously. "I am sure at some point we will, but not anytime soon."

Time skip next week
"What were you saying about not having to work with any other battalions." Dogma sighed. I released a quiet groan and deflected slightly. "Oh shut up Dogma." I groaned causing Dogma and Katia to chuckle.

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