The Chancellor's Ball

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Name: Seren Skywalker
Titles: Commando
Age: 20
Height: 6'0
Weight: 148lbs
Hair color: red
Eyes: Bright blue
Force Sensitive=positive
Trained in martial arts, hand-to-hand combat, aviation, espionage, throwing knives, self-trained with the force, and stealth
Third Person
The red-haired beauty walked amongst the seemingly kind and saint-like Chancellor. feeling the energy of some of the items amongst the common room. The black and red theme of the room was not hidden from the former assassin. The creeping, dark feeling filled the room as she continued about the room. She walked up to a black and red potted pottery piece, her hand hovering above the cell. Her hand barely touched it when the door swished open to reveal the Chancellor, Admiral Tarkin, a large twi'lik, and his guard members. "Ah Senator Ta I want you to meet Commando Seren Skywalker, she is part of a new program called the Inquistiorious program." Chancellor Palpatine grinned. "Ah lovely to meet you. You'll have to excuse my guards they are rather stupid." Senator Ta waved off. Seren's eyes widen at the man's words and she licked her upper lip. "Don't say that." She said in a quiet yet somehow threatening voice. "What?" He asked slightly stunned. "Don't call them stupid, they fulfill a job that may seem small, but it is a job that needs to be accomplished. For example, how would you like it if I said that your job is stupid after all you are doing is eating and shuffling around? paperwork." Zandra stated in a matter-of-a-fact tone. The rather large senator stared in shock at the woman, but then the Chancellor nodded his head. "Yes you are right Serenthe guard does fulfill a needed job position." Chancellor Palpatine nodded. Seren felt rays of surprise, pride, and happiness beaming off of the Guardsmen. Chancellor Palpatine stepped up to the eye-catching woman and offered his arm. "Shall we make our way to the ball Lady Skywalker?"The Chancellor Palpatine smiled. "We shall your excellency." She nodded. The three men and woman walked to the speeder just outside the balcony and were sped off to the event.

With the Bad Batch
Crosshair polished his beloved Firepuncher as his brother's watched the halo projector. "Why do they do those big events? They don't do anything." Wrecker shrugged as he sat in the bunk, recovering from his surgery. "It helps politician keep their positions of power the more they are seen in public. "Senator Ta?! A word please how do you feel about the use of clone troopers?" A reporting inquired. Suddenly there was a loud gasp and then the cameras whipped around. Crosshair's heart immediately stopped as he laid eyes upon the strickenly familiar red-haired woman in a stunning purple dress with her arm clinked around the Chancellor's. His chest swelled with anger and jealousy as he watched the woman through the halo projector. Hunter gave a slow turn towards Crosshair and smirked. "Heyy that's Seren." Wrecker pointed out. "Feeling a bit possessive are we?" Hunter smirked. "Zip it skeleton face." Crosshair growled. When suddenly a bullet flew through the air, zipping towards the Chancellor. Crosshair watched in horror as Seren dove into the line of fire. The bullet struck Seren in the shoulder and she and the Chancellor fell to the floor. Crosshair's eyes widened in horror and he rose to his feet. The guardsmen hurried towards the two fallen natborns, when Seren jumped to her feet. She grabbed her skirt and ripped it on an angle. "Protect the Chancellor!" She shouted at the Coruscant guard. She looked up at the position of the sniper and began to run toward it. Wrecker watched in awe when Tech spoke up. "Seren will need to get medical aid shortly or the slug wound will cause her to bleed out," Tech informed. Crosshair's head snapped towards his brother and held his chin. "Don't worry knowing Seren she'll be okay." Wrecker pipped up.

Seren's pov
I chased after the shooter when I spotted a blue man in a strange hat on the top of a roof. I leaped up to the roof and I jumped at the man and sent my high heels into his chest. He went flying back into the wall. I grabbed a knife hidden on my thigh and twirled it on my finger. "Well, aren't you pretty?" The man hissed. I pulled out another knife and readied my stance. My head swirled as a dizzy feeling overwhelmed me and the sudden urge to throw up filled my mouth. I suddenly fell to my knees as I tried to contain my stomach.

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