Zandra joins a Squad

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Name: Seren Skywalker
Titles: Commando
Age: 20
Height: 6'0
Weight: 148lbs
Hair color: red
Eyes: Bright blue
Force Sensitive=positive
Trained in martial arts, hand-to-hand combat, aviation, espionage, throwing knives, self-trained with the force, and stealth
Seren's pov
"This is so ridiculous. I do not need anyone to assist me. They will only slow me down." I growled as I walked alongside Obi-Wan. "Seren I know you've worked alone for your entire life, but that can change. You don't have to face this alone anymore." He explained as we passed a couple of troopers. Once they were out of earshot. I whipped around to face the Jedi master. "You and I both know I've been reassigned because I've gotten too close to discovering who the Sith is within the senate. I have video proof of senators-" "Seren the council reassigned you." Obi-Wan stated. I stared at him in shock. "Master Windu reported that you were unable to cleanse your crystals. Therefore you are still using the Darkside." He explained. "Well, how am I supposed to know the Darkside of the force versus the good side or the light side if I've never been taught it." I protested. "Seren the council does not trust you therefore getting you as far away from Coruscant is the best option. The council attempted to have you imprisoned for your records, but I was able to convince them that you would be useful on the front lines. Seren, I'm sorry, I'm not sure what you did with Mace Windu, but it cemented his original idea to kill you." Obi-Wan professed. I felt horror at his statement and then the stinking feeling of rejection. I deflated upon his confession and wrapped my arms around my torso. I nodded my head and stepped back. "Very well." I nodded as I stepped up to the teller man. I glared furiously up at him and allowed my anger to stream off of me. "However the council will find that this obstacle will not stop me from investigating the Senate and I will not stop until I discover the Sith and destroy them." I hissed out. Obi-Wan looked down at me in slight shock but nodded his head once. I turned around as I began to walk away. "Seren!" Obi-Wan made me turn towards him. "Discover the Sith and I will personally petition for your acceptance into the Order once more." He promised. I sucked in a deep breath and stormed away. I looked him up and down, in a judgmental way. "Who says I want to be part of your religious cult?" I snarled.
I continued further down the hall. Anger and resentment coursed through me. When suddenly Commander Cody called out to me. "Congratulations on the promotion to Lieutenant Skywalker." Cody proclaimed. I crossed my arms, shifted my weight and I nodded my head as I tried to hide the tears. "Yes um thank you. What do you need Commander sir?" I asked as I stood at attention. "You have a message waiting for you in the armory," Cody informed. "Thank you, Commander." I saluted. I turned to the armory and hurried away towards the armory. It was at that moment I knew that even though the Jedi had abandoned me once more. The Sith within the Senate didn't just affect them, it affected the troopers and the civilians. That this mission was above me and the Jedi. If I was going to stop the Jedi I will need to do this myself. I stormed towards the armory and used my code to unlock the door. Its metal door swished open revealing a large crate in the center of the room. I walked up to the crate and saw the com device on it. I answered the com and immediately the frame of Chancellor filled my sight. "Ah hello greetings Lieutenant Skywalker, how do you like your reassignment?" Chancellor Palpatine inquired. "I would prefer not to be just a medic to a squad," I grumbled. "Oh Lieutenant, you have a different assignment from me." Chancellor Palpatine confessed. "Not a short time ago, it was revealed that the Jedi were the ones who ordered the construction of the clone army and well let's just say that the Jedi have a habit of falling to the Darkside this was the problem with Jedi General Pong Krell and even Count Dooku." Chancellor Palpatine explained. "By placing you with a squad that regularly works with multiple legions. You can ensure that there are no more conspiracies involving the Jedi." He instructed. My eyes widened at this revelation but nodded my head. "I took the liberty of constructing a new suit for you. This one has baskar arm gauntlets this way you can continue with your investigation and not have to worry about being shot with a slug thrower again." He smirked. I crossed my arms and nodded my head. "Thank you, Supreme Chancellor, I won't let you down," I affirmed. "You never have Lieutenant." He nodded. As he disconnected from the call. I stepped up to the crate and used my identification number to open the crate. The sound of air hissed throughout the room, I pushed open the lid and looked into the crate. My knives were placed carefully in a foam crate with the hilt of my collapsable lightsaber beside it. I picked up my saber and saw the many damages had been buffered out and my saber had been freshly polished. I expanded my saber and ignited the blades. The red light illuminated the entire room and I smirked at the new state of my lightsaber. I turned it off and then carefully placed it back into the cargo bin with my right arm. My left is still in the caste that the healer placed it in. I took out the foam and looked down at the next layer. This layer of foam and equipment has a pair of shining silver baskar arm guards. I held it in my hand and observed the metal, it shined in the limited light. The ruby red jewels on the front of the guards. I placed them to the side and then removed the last foam cushion. Immediately the black shiny black fabric caught my eye.

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