Temple of the Force

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Name: Seren Skywalker
Titles: Commando
Age: 20
Height: 6'0
Weight: 148lbs
Hair color: red
Eyes: Bright blue
Force Sensitive=positive
Trained in martial arts, hand-to-hand combat, aviation, espionage, throwing knives, self-trained with the force, and stealth
Somewhere in hyperspace
The ship moved seamlessly through space as the Jedi Master piloted the ship to its destination. In the privy of the ship stood the red-haired Jedi Shadow. Seren stared into her reflection as she struggled to recognize the face that stared back at her. Seren let out a deep shaking breath and then nodded her head, accepting the new version of herself in the mirror. Seren walked out of the refresher and into the cockpit where her new master sat piloting the ship. She flopped down into the co-pilot seat and crossed her arms. "Do the robes fit you?" Mace Windu asked flatly. Seren turned towards the Jedi Master and nodded her head. "Yes..thank you." She thanked him as an awkwardness hung in the air between the two force users as the silence washed over them. Seren pulled out her red double-bladed saber and began to fiddle with it. "So apprentice did you make your lightsaber?" Mace Windu questioned the younger woman. Seren's focus remained on the object in her lap, but she cleared her throat. "When I was eleven the Queen acquired two red kyber crystals from a source and an old broken lightsaber. She gave it to me and then it was my job to reengineer it. It took a while, but with some... encouragement I did it." She sighed. The meaning behind her words was not hidden from the Jedi. The older master nodded his head in understanding and stared back into hyperspace. The new Jedi looks down at the red saber and let out a quiet sigh. "Why did you agree to train me?" She asked suddenly. Mace Windu turned to face the wide-eyed woman before him and nodded his head. "Over 12 years ago I had a vision about two beings who were the strongest beings in the force. One had red hair and one had brown, these beings I came to know as the Chosen Ones, they were the only beings in the entire galaxy that could bring balance to the force. I saw that they were formed by the force on a planet with two suns. Naturally, I began to search for them, only I was too slow to acquire these two beings. For the Jedi Master known as Qui Gon Jinn had taken one of those beings and left the other behind." He spoke. Seren sat beside the master as she began to connect the dots on who these mysterious beings were. "I went back to the planet to retrieve the last chosen one, but I discovered yet again I was too slow. I searched the galaxy for years to find this being and it wasn't until a month and a half ago that I had a vision of the red turning to brown. So when Kenobi contacted the temple about discovering you on Zygerria years later I knew that you must have faced so many painful trials and you most likely hatred the Jedi. So imagine my surprise when you accepted the council's request to go undercover and agreed to let a Jedi teach you. I knew it was the force's will for me to teach you and now I am only fulfilling my role in the way of the force." He spoke in a voice full of emotion. Zandra watched the Jedi master with pained eyes and lowered her head. She knew her brother cared for her, but a man who she had never met had done something that not even her blood would do. He kept looking for her when no one else would. A stinging feeling crept up in the back of her throat as she lowered her head, in an attempt to hide her watering eyes from the master. "Why?" She uttered so quietly that her words nearly passed over Mace's ear. "I had multiple motivators, one of them was I knew the galaxy needed both chosen beings to bring peace to the galaxy." He proclaimed. Seren nodded her head wordlessly as she accepted his answer. "However another motivator of mine was anytime I felt you through the force in pain and suffering. I saw a young, small red-haired girl with no one to defend her." He added. Hearing those words cracked the dam holding back Seren's tears and her silver silent tears began to stream down her cheeks. Mace Windu turned away from the woman and back to the ship as it chimed. The ship dropped out of hyperspace, exposing the green planet to the pair. "We are here." He spoke.

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